BROWNE, Alexander, Ars Pictoria : or an Academy Treating of Drawing, Painting, Limning, Etching. To which are Added XXXI. Copper Plates, Expressing the Choicest, Nearest, and Most Exact Grounds and Rules of Symmetry. Collected out of the most Eminent Italian, German, and Netherland Authors. By Alexander Browne, Practitioner in the Art of Limning. The Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged by the Author, London, Arthur Tooker - William Battersby, 1675.
La seconde édition d’Ars pictoria reprend le contenu de la première, tout en ajoutant une partie intitulée An Appendix treating of the Art of Painting in Miniture or Limning et présentée comme un véritable traité à part, possédant ainsi sa propre page de titre ainsi qu’une dédicace à Sir Peter Lely.
Ars Pictoria comporte cinq chapitres mêlant théorie et pratique. Browne évoque tout d’abord les proportions, puis la peinture d’une manière assez générale – il définit cet art et aborde notamment la couleur et la lumière –, l’action et le mouvement des figures, la miniature et enfin la gravure. Dans l’Appendix, Browne s’intéresse plus particulièrement à l’art de la miniature. Il reprend ainsi quelques éléments déjà abordés dans la première partie de son texte, notamment les pigments à utiliser, et s’intéresse plus en détail au traitement des figures, aux draperies ou encore au genre du paysage en miniature. Il évoque en outre le pastel d’un point de vue plutôt pratique, en expliquant comment fabriquer les bâtonnets de couleur. Enfin, les dernières pages contiennent deux vies d’artistes. Le traité de Browne est ainsi composé de parties théoriques et d’instructions davantage pratiques à destination de l’amateur et du jeune peintre, graveur ou miniaturiste [4].
Ars pictoria comporte 31 gravures dont certaines sont issues d’un bref livre de dessin publié par Browne en 1660, The Whole Art of Drawing, Painting, Limning and Etching – le contenu de ce texte provient d’un traité d’Odoardo Fialetti, Il vero modo ed ordine di disegnare tutte le parti del corpo umano, Venise, 1608. La majorité des autres planches d’Ars pictoria a été gravée d’après Abraham Bloemaert.
Ars pictoria demeure largement tributaire de la littérature artistique publiée précédemment. En effet, Browne se contente souvent de reprendre au mot près des parties entières de la traduction de Lomazzo publiée par Haydocke en 1598, A Tracte containing the Artes of curious Paintinge Carvinge & Buildinge. Il copie par exemple le chapitre sur l’expression « Of the Vertue and Efficacy of Motion » sans même changer le titre. Browne modifie toutefois l’ordre des parties d’Haydocke, en mettant par exemple le chapitre sur les proportions avant de définir la peinture, contrairement à Haydocke. Il ne reprend pas non plus l’ensemble du Tracte et supprime des passages liés à l’architecture, à la couleur, à la lumière ou encore à la perspective [5].
Ars pictoria s’inscrit dans la veine des textes artistiques anglais du XVIIe siècle, avec des ouvrages tels que The Gentleman’s Exercise de Peacham ou le Graphice de Sanderson, deux textes qui s’appuient eux-mêmes en partie sur la traduction de Lomazzo par Haydocke, et qui mélangent de même la théorie et la pratique de l’art.
Élodie Cayuela
[1] Browne est présenté ainsi sur la page de titre de ces deux textes.
[2] Pour plus de détails sur la carrière de Browne et particulièrement sur son activité d’éditeur, voir A. Griffiths, « Browne, Alexander (d. 1706) », Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, édition en ligne, janvier 2008 [, consulté le 14 février 2017]. Voir aussi A. Griffiths, 1990, p. 133-134.
[3] Ibid. Voir aussi F. Hard, 1940, p. 727.
[4] Comme le précise également la page de titre de la première édition d’Ars pictoria, ce texte s’adresse aux « Ingenious Gentlemen and Artists ». Voir aussi C. A. Good, 2013, p. 134.
[5] Sur les emprunts de Browne à Haydocke, voir F. Hard, 1940. F. Hard met en rapport les passages copiés par Browne avec le texte d’Haydocke.
Anne, Dutchess of Monmouth and Bucclugh and Peter Lely
Table des matières at n.p.
Table des matières at n.p.
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BROWNE, Alexander, Ars Pictoria or an Academy Treating of Drawing, Painting, Limning and Etching. To which are added Thirty Copper Plates expressing the choicest, nearest and most exact Grounds and Rules of Symetry ; Collected our of the most Eminent Italian, German, and Nederlands Authors. By Alexander Browne, Practitioner of the Art of Limning, and Published for all Ingenious Gentlemen and Artists, London, J. Redmayne, 1669.
HARD, Frederick, « Richard Haydocke and Alexander Browne: Two Half-Forgotten Writers on the Art of Painting », PMLA, 55/3, 1940, p. 727-741 [En ligne : consulté le 24/11/2015].
OGDEN, Henry et OGDEN, Margaret, « A Bibliography of Seventeenth-Century Writings on the Pictorial Arts in English », The Art Bulletin, 29/3, 1947, p. 196-201.
SALERNO, Luigi, « Seventeenth-Century English Literature on Painting », Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 14/3-4, 1951, p. 234-258 [En ligne : consulté le 30/03/2018].
GRIFFITHS, Antony, « Early Mezzotint Publishing in England - II Peter Lely, Tompson and Browne », Print Quarterly, 7/2, 1990, p. 131-145 [En ligne : consulté le 30/03/2018].
GRIFFITHS, Antony et GERARD, Robert A. (éd.), The Print in Stuart Britain, 1603-1689, cat. exp., London, British Museum, 1998, British Museum, 1998.
JEFFARES, Neil, [Dictionary of pastellists before 1800], Pastels & pastellists, 2008 [En ligne : consulté le 03/01/2017].
HURLEY, Cecilia, « William Salmon et la “Polygraphice” : la théorie de l’art en Angleterre avant Jonathan Richardson », dans HECK, Michèle-Caroline (éd.), L’histoire de l’histoire de l’art septentrional au XVIIe siècle, Actes des journées d'étude de Lille et de Bruxelles, Turnhout, Brepols, 2010, p. 187-207.
The Grecians had this Art in so high esteem, that they made an Edict, that no Slave should be admitted to learn this Art ; and good reason, because this Art should onely be permitted to those that were of a Free, Ingenious, Noble Mind, and such as excelled others in their sharp Ingenuity ; and this Noble Mind is soon espied in him who hath a delight to such a Liberal Art.
The Ancient Romans ordered their Children so, that among other Liberal Sciences The Art of Limning was enjoyned to them to learn. Which Commendable thing long before this was in practice among the Grecians, so that their Youth of a good Descent added to their Liberal Learnings of Geometrie, Musick, and other Mathematical Sciences, The Art of Painting also ; for this Art hath been so highly esteemed, that amongst the Feminine Sex it was held a great Honour if they had affected and delighted themselves in such an Honourable Exercise ; as the Faithful Histories bear witness of the most Potent Roman VARRO’s Daughter, called MARTIA, that she had good skill in The Art of Limning.
Such is the Importance and Vertue of Proportion, that nothing can any way satisfie the Eye without the help thereof : So that whatsoever worketh any Pleasure or Delight in us, doth therefore content us ; because the Grace of Proportion consisting in the measure of the Parts, appeareth therein ; Wherefore all the Inventions of Men carry with them so much the more Grace and Beautie, by how much the more Ingeniously they are proportioned, whence Vitruvius saith, That whosoever will proceed in his Works with Judgment, must needs be acquainted with the Nature and Force of Proportion ; which being well and kindly understood, will make him not only an excellent Judge of ancient and late Workmen, but also an Inventor and Performer of Rare and Excellent Matters himself.
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Now the Effects proceeding from Proportion are unspeakable, the Principal whereof, is that Majestie and Beautie which is found in Bodies, called by Vitruvius, EURITHMIA. And hence it is, that when behold a well-proportioned thing, we call it Beautiful, as if we should say, Indued with that exact and comely Grace, whereby all the Perfection of sweet Delights belonging to the Sight, are communicated to the Eye, and so conveyed to the Understanding.
But if we shall enter into a farther Consideration of this Beauty, it will appear most evidently in things appertaining to Civil Discipline ; for it is strange to consider what effects of Piety, Reverence and Religion, are stirred up in mens Minds, by means of this suitable comeliness of apt proportion. A pregnant example whereof we have in the Jupiter carved by Phidias at Elis, which wrought an extraordinary sense of Religion in the People, whereupon the antient and renowned Zeuxis well knowing the excellency and dignity thereof, perswaded Greece in her most flourishing Estate, that the Pictures wherein this Majesty appeared were dedicated to great Princes, and consecrated to the Temples of the Immortal gods, so that they held them in exceeding great estimation ; partly because they were the Works of those famous Masters, who were reputed as gods amongt men ; and partly because they not only represented the Works of God, but also supplyed the defects of Nature : ever making choice of the Flower and Quintessence of Eye-pleasing delights.
Neither yet is this Proportion proper unto painting alone, but extendeth it self even unto all other Arts […] ; because it was the first pattern of all Artificial things : So that there is no Art, but is someway beholding to Proportion : yet notwithstanding the Painter as (Loo Baptista Albertus affirmeth) insomuch as he considereth mans Body more especially, is justly preferred before all other Artizans, which imitate the same, because antiquity meaning to grace Painting above all the rest, Handicrafts men exempting onely Painters out of that number.
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Now the Effects proceeding from Proportion are unspeakable, the Principal whereof, is that Majestie and Beautie which is found in Bodies, called by Vitruvius, EURITHMIA. And hence it is, that when behold a well-proportioned thing, we call it Beautiful, as if we should say, Indued with that exact and comely Grace, whereby all the Perfection of sweet Delights belonging to the Sight, are communicated to the Eye, and so conveyed to the Understanding.
But if we shall enter into a farther Consideration of this Beauty, it will appear most evidently in things appertaining to Civil Discipline ; for it is strange to consider what effects of Piety, Reverence and Religion, are stirred up in mens Minds, by means of this suitable comeliness of apt proportion. A pregnant example whereof we have in the Jupiter carved by Phidias at Elis, which wrought an extraordinary sense of Religion in the People, whereupon the antient and renowned Zeuxis well knowing the excellency and dignity thereof, perswaded Greece in her most flourishing Estate, that the Pictures wherein this Majesty appeared were dedicated to great Princes, and consecrated to the Temples of the Immortal gods, so that they held them in exceeding great estimation ; partly because they were the Works of those famous Masters, who were reputed as gods amongt men ; and partly because they not only represented the Works of God, but also supplyed the defects of Nature : ever making choice of the Flower and Quintessence of Eye-pleasing delights.
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Neither yet is this Proportion proper unto painting alone, but extendeth it self even unto all other Arts […] ; because it was the first pattern of all Artificial things : So that there is no Art, but is someway beholding to Proportion : yet notwithstanding the Painter as (Loo Baptista Albertus affirmeth) insomuch as he considereth mans Body more especially, is justly preferred before all other Artizans, which imitate the same, because antiquity meaning to grace Painting above all the rest, Handicrafts men exempting onely Painters out of that number.
Of the Necessity and Definition of Proportion.
It was not without just Cause, that the antient Græcians (at which time the Art of Painting had fully attained to his Perfection, by the Industry of Timantes, Eusenidas, Aristides, Eupompus, Sicyonias and Pamphilus, the famous Macedonian Painter, and Master of Apelles, who also was the first learned Painter directing his Workes by the Rules of Art, above any of his Predecessors, and well considering that whatsoever was made without measure and proportion, could never carry with it any such congruity as might represent either Beauty or Grace to the judicious beholder) were wont to say, that it was impossible to make any tolerable, much less any Commendable Picture, without the help of Geometry and Arithmetick, wherefore they required the Knowledge thereof, as a thing most necessary, which saying was also approved by Philip Macedo. And surely it is impossible (to omitt the meere Artizans) that he who is ignorant of these two Sciences, should understand the exact measure and proprotion of any probable or true Body, the necessity of which proportions shall be shewed hereafter.
Il ne semble pas qu'un peintre du nom de Sicyonias ait existé. Browne évoque peut-être plus globablement un ou des artistes originaires de la ville de Sicyon.
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Il ne semble pas qu'un peintre du nom de Sicyonias ait existé. Browne évoque peut-être plus globablement un ou des artistes originaires de la ville de Sicyon.
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Il ne semble pas qu'un peintre du nom de Sicyonias ait existé. Browne évoque peut-être plus globablement un ou des artistes originaires de la ville de Sicyon.
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Proportion is a correspondency and agreement of the Measure of the parts between themselves and with the whole, in every Work, this correspondency is by Vitruvius called Commodulation, because a Modell is a Measure which being taken at the first measureth both the parts and the whole. […] and without this a Painter (besides that he is not worthy the name of a Painter) is like one which perswadeth himself he swimmeth above Water, when indeed he sinketh, to conclude then it is impossible to make any decent or well proportioned thing, without this Symetrical measure of the parts orderly united.
Wherefore my greatest endeavour shall be, to lay open the worthiness of this part of painting unto all such as are naturally inclined thereunto, by reason of a good temperature joyned with an apt Disposition of the parts thereof, for such men will be much affected therewith, to the end they may the better perceive the force of Nature : who by industry and help of a good conceipt, will easily attain to so deep a reach, that they will be able upon the sudden to discern any Disproportion, as a thing repugnant to their Nature : unto which perfection on the contrary Side they can never attain, whose Judgements are corrupted through the Distemperature of their Organical parts, I speak of such who not knowing the virtue of proportion, affect nothing else, but the vain surface of garish colours, wrought after their own humour, who prove only Dawbers of Images and Walls throughout the whole World ; moving the beholders partly to smile at their Follies, and partly to greive that the Art should be thus disgraced by such absurde Idiot’s : who as they have no judgement herein ; so do they run into divers other most shamefull errors, into which I never heard that any ever fell, who were acquainted with the Beauty of proportion, but have rather prooved men of rare Spirits and found Judgements, […].
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Of the Head in Prophile or side-wayes.
The manner to make this Head by just and safe rules is thus, First forme a perfect equall Triangle in what position you will, turning the Triangle to make the Face upon one of the three sides ; be it which it will, either upwards or downwards, higer or lower {According to Odoardo Fialetti.} ; […].
Of the Foreright Face.
Being then desireous to draw the Foreright Face, it will be necessary to Forme a perfect Ovall, […].
Of the Head in Foreshortning.
Hitherto I have treated of the Head, both Foreright and in other Positions, but that you might know all that is needfull for the perfect understanding of this profession, it is necessary that I specifie the manner how to draw the Face by an easy, absolute and fair way ; Treating thus I propound to you Methodical means therein, because my intent is to Facilitate the matter in that manner, but without writing thereupon it may be intelligible, for a draught well made hath that power, that it makes it self understood without any discourse of the Author thereon, but I alwayes observe both the one and the other also ; I say that the foreshortning which is made onely with Fretts, Grates, Squares, or with Geometrical Instruments, breed onely a confusion of lines, which is not the best principal of expert Ingenuity, the reason whereof is, that it can hardly be measured by any Rule, unless the whole Body be framed together. Therefore I will shew an easy Rule, very like to that of the foreright Face, that is, to make a Circular draught with the aspect upwards, or downwards, as in the foreright Head, where the Traverse lines are straight, but these go Circularly, for if the Heads flye upwards the Traced strokes and the Divisions must be raised, with caution that the Eares and Eyes fall not out of their due points, as is signified in the first Place.
Of the side face without any Measure.
Being desireous to make the side face without any Triangle or Measure, which with a little care and practice, observing the distances and Measures which will serve for Direction, because the Head and other parts of the Body ought to be proportional, and made from Measures ; it will easily follow, Framing or Traceing many, you may not only Facilitate it by the Eye and Judgement, but also accommodate the Hand, to Trace and draw, all things right, for it is true that the Eye will have its place. I having drawn certain stroaks or draughts from the life of nature, and reduced it with the Pencil into Colours, have found it come off punctually right, of a correspondent bigness to that, which I have imitated, and have not found any thing disproportioned, but have alwayes found it fall out right as I would have it, therefore I say that this Rule, and Measure which I have set down, in the Porphile or other opositions of the Head, is not any hindrance to the excellency of the Art, nor will weaken your worth, but will serve for a general Rule being once possest therewith, and also become prevalent when occasion shall require, to make a Head Ten times as big as the Life ; […].
Of the Head in Foreshortning.
Hitherto I have treated of the Head, both Foreright and in other Positions, but that you might know all that is needfull for the perfect understanding of this profession, it is necessary that I specifie the manner how to draw the Face by an easy, absolute and fair way ; Treating thus I propound to you Methodical means therein, because my intent is to Facilitate the matter in that manner, but without writing thereupon it may be intelligible, for a draught well made hath that power, that it makes it self understood without any discourse of the Author thereon, but I alwayes observe both the one and the other also ; I say that the foreshortning which is made onely with Fretts, Grates, Squares, or with Geometrical Instruments, breed onely a confusion of lines, which is not the best principal of expert Ingenuity, the reason whereof is, that it can hardly be measured by any Rule, unless the whole Body be framed together. Therefore I will shew an easy Rule, very like to that of the foreright Face, that is, to make a Circular draught with the aspect upwards, or downwards, as in the foreright Head, where the Traverse lines are straight, but these go Circularly, for if the Heads flye upwards the Traced strokes and the Divisions must be raised, with caution that the Eares and Eyes fall not out of their due points, as is signified in the first Place.
Of the side face without any Measure.
Being desireous to make the side face without any Triangle or Measure, which with a little care and practice, observing the distances and Measures which will serve for Direction, because the Head and other parts of the Body ought to be proportional, and made from Measures ; it will easily follow, Framing or Traceing many, you may not only Facilitate it by the Eye and Judgement, but also accommodate the Hand, to Trace and draw, all things right, for it is true that the Eye will have its place. I having drawn certain stroaks or draughts from the life of nature, and reduced it with the Pencil into Colours, have found it come off punctually right, of a correspondent bigness to that, which I have imitated, and have not found any thing disproportioned, but have alwayes found it fall out right as I would have it, therefore I say that this Rule, and Measure which I have set down, in the Porphile or other opositions of the Head, is not any hindrance to the excellency of the Art, nor will weaken your worth, but will serve for a general Rule being once possest therewith, and also become prevalent when occasion shall require, to make a Head Ten times as big as the Life ; […].
Several Observations, in drawing a Head after the Life
And because the greatest difficulty, and principal parts of this Art consist in some part in drawing the lively Resemblance of a Face, therefore I thought it very necessary to add this as a further Direction to draw any Face after the life. Therefore if you will draw any Face after the life, that it may resemble the party you draw it after ; take notice in the First place of the Physiognomy or circumference of the Face, whiter it be round or long, Fat or Lean, Big or Little, […], then you must diligently and judiciously observe and discern all the Gentle Master Touches, which gives the Spirit and Life to a Face, and discovers the Grace or Disposition of the Mind, wherein lieth the whole Grace of the Work, and the Credit of the Artist, you may easily discern a smiling Countenance in the Corners of the Mouth, when they turn up a little ; […] ; there are also some touches about the Eyes and Mouth which you must diligently observe, which gives the Spirit and Life to a Face.
I am of opinion that Francis Mazzalinus would have proved the only rare Man of the World, if he had never Painted any other kind of Pictures (as rude, gross, and melancholly) then these slender ones which he representeth with an admirable dexterity as being naturally inclined thereunto ; so that if he had only represented Apollo, Bacchus, the Nimphes, &c. he had sufficiently warranted this his most acceptable proportion, which was ever slender, and oftentimes to sleight, but when he took upon him to express the Prophets, our Lady and the like in the same ; as appeareth by his Moses at Parma, our Lady at Ancona, and certain Angells not farr from thence, and divers other things quite contrary to the Symetry they ought to have, he gave a president to all other Painters to shunne the like error : which himself might also have easily avoided, being reputed little inferiour to Raphael Urbine, whom he might have proposed to himself as a patterne ; for Raphael ever suited his personages answerable to the variety of the Natures, and Dispositions of the Parties he imitated : so that his Old Folks seem stiff and crooked, his Young Men agile and slender and so forth in the rest, which example admonisheth us, that a Painter ought not to tye himself to any one kind of proportion, in all his Figures ; for besides that he shall lose the true Decorum of the History : He shall commit a great absurdity in the Art by making all his Pictures like Twinns : […]. And for our better understanding of this kind of proportion […] Raph: Urbine hath very well expressed it in St. George fighting with the Dragon, now to be seen in the Churches of St. Victore de Fratri in Milane ; in St. Michaell at Fontainblew in France, and in that George, which he made for the Duke of Urbine on a Peice richly guilt, according to which Observation of his, every Man may dispose of this proportion in the like young Bodies, […].
IL PARMIGIANINO (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola), Fresco, 1531 - 1539, fresque, Parma, Santa Maria della Steccata.
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio) , Saint George et le dragon, v. 1506, huile sur bois, 28,5 x 21,5, Washington, National Gallery of Art, 1937.1.26.
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio) , Saint Georges luttant avec le dragon, 1503 - 1505, huile sur bois, 29 x 25, Paris, Musée du Louvre, INV. 609.
Browne cite ici une Madonne du Parmesan, semble-t-il conservée à Ancône, qui n'a pu être identifiée précisément.
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IL PARMIGIANINO (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola), Fresco, 1531 - 1539, fresque, Parma, Santa Maria della Steccata.
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio) , Saint George et le dragon, v. 1506, huile sur bois, 28,5 x 21,5, Washington, National Gallery of Art, 1937.1.26.
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio) , Saint Georges luttant avec le dragon, 1503 - 1505, huile sur bois, 29 x 25, Paris, Musée du Louvre, INV. 609.
Browne cite ici une Madonne du Parmesan, semble-t-il conservée à Ancône, qui n'a pu être identifiée précisément.
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IL PARMIGIANINO (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola), Fresco, 1531 - 1539, fresque, Parma, Santa Maria della Steccata.
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio) , Saint George et le dragon, v. 1506, huile sur bois, 28,5 x 21,5, Washington, National Gallery of Art, 1937.1.26.
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio) , Saint Georges luttant avec le dragon, 1503 - 1505, huile sur bois, 29 x 25, Paris, Musée du Louvre, INV. 609.
Browne cite ici une Madonne du Parmesan, semble-t-il conservée à Ancône, qui n'a pu être identifiée précisément.
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Whereas in every Work there is some one entire Figure, whereunto all the particulars of the whole History ought to be principally referred, the Painter ought not to imagine, […] that therefore he shall deserve commendation, but rather discredit, for it is most certain that Work will prove offensive, where some inferiour and by matter, is more curiously handled then the principal, and the rather, because the other Parts cannot chuse but loose their Grace. A thing which hath caused divers excellent Painters (as well new) as antient […] to leave their Works imperfect, which they could not remedy any other way, then by utterly defacing that which they had done, were it never so excellent.
A most pregnant example whereof we have in that antient Painter Euphzanor ; who being to draw the Twelve gods in Athens, he began with the Picture of Neptune, which he wrought so exquisitely both for proportion, colour, and all other points ; that purposing afterwards to make Jupiter with far greater perfection, he had so spent his conceit in the First Figure that he was not able afterwards to express any of other gods, much less Jupiter) the like Disgrace happened to Zeuxes by the Naturalness of his Grapes, and the Imperfection of the Boy, not unlike unto which was that of Leon: Vincent of late Dayes, who being to Paint Christ at his last Supper in the middst of his Disciples in the Refectory of St. Maria de Gratia in Milane, and having finished all the other Apostles, he represented the tow James’s with such perfection of Grace and Majesty, that endeavouring afterwards to express Christ, he was not able to perfect and accomplish that sacred Countenance, […]. Whence my Council is ; that for the avoiding of the like Errors, we examine the original thereof, having an especial regard to our proportions ; as the cheif Cause of the grossness, slenderness, clownishness, and daintyness of Bodies : whence all the Beauty and Ill-favourdness of Pictures proceedeth ; wherefore let each Body have his true and particular proportion […].
Albeit Dame Nature, the cunningest Work-Mistress of all others, doth ordinarily observe so great variety, in all her Workes, that each of her particulars differeth in Beauty and Proportion ; yet notwithstanding, we find by experience, that she is more industrious, In shewing her Art and Skill in some few most Beautifull creatures, whereupon I (insomuch as Art being the counterfeiter of Nature, must ever endeavour to imitate the most absolute things) intending to handle the proportion of a Woman mean not to spend much time in discoursing of the several proportions of all the Sorts of Women which Nature affordeth […].
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The Definition of Painting.
Painting is an Art which with proportionable Lines, and Colours answerable to the life, by observing the Perspective Light, doth so imitate the Nature of corporal things, that it not only representeth the thickness and tenderness thereof upon a Flat, but also their actions, and gestures, expressing moreover divers affections and passions of the Mind.
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Hence it appeareth that Painting is an Art, because it imitateth natural things most precisely, and is the counterfeiter and (as it were) the very Ape of nature ; whose Quantity, Eminency and Colours, it ever striveth to imitate, performing the same by the help of Geometry, Arithmetick, Perspective, and Natural Philosophy, with most Infallible Demonstrations, but because of Arts some be Liberal, and some Mechanical, it shall not be amiss, to shew amongst which of them Painting ought to be numbred. {Painting is a liberal Art.} Now Pliny calleth it plainly a liberal Art, which authority of his may be proved by reason, for although the Painter cannot attain to his end, but by working both with his hand and pencil, yet there is so little pains and labour bestowed in this Exercise, that there is no Ingenious Man in the World, unto whose Nature it is not most agreeable, and infinitely pleasant.
For we read of the French King Francis, the First of that name, that he oftentimes delighted to handle the pencil, by exercising, drawing and painting ; […], so that in these and the like Exercises, nothing is Base or Mechanical, but all Noble and Ingenious.
[…]. Farthermore it cannot be denied, but that the Geometrician also worketh with the Hand, by drawing Lines, as Circles, Triangles, Quadrangles and such like Figures ; neither yet did ever any Man therefore account Geometry a Mechanical Art because the Hand-labour therein imployed is so sleight, that it were an absurdity in respect thereof, to reckon it a base condition.
The like reason is there of painting, the Practice whereof, doth so little weary a Man, that he which was Noble before, cannot justly be reputed Base by exercising the same ; but if besides all this, we shall farther consider, that Painting is subordinate to the Perspectives, to Natural philosophy, and Geometry (all which out of question are Liberal Sciences) and moreover that it hath certain Demonstrable conclusions, deduced from the First and immediate Principalls thereof, we must needs conclude that it is a Liberal Art.
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Moreover it is said, that it [ndr : la peinture] representeth the Figure upon a Plaine, and hereby it is distinguished from Carving (though not Essentially, but onely Accidentally (as it is said in the Proem) by reason of the diversity of the matter, wherein both of them represent natural things which imitateth Nature likewise, though it express the perfect roundness of the Bodies as they are created of God, whereas the Painter representeth them upon a Flat Superficies : Which is one of the chiefest reasons, why Painting hath ever been preferred before Carving.
Because by meer Art upon a Flat, where it findeth only length, and breadth, it representeth to the Eye the Third Dimension, which is roundness and thickness ; and so maketh the Body to appear upon a Flat ; where naturally it is not.
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{Motion.} Furthermore it is added in the Definition [ndr : la définition de la peinture p. 24] : that it representeth the Bodily Motions, which is most true, for in that most Famous Picture of the last judgement, done by the Hand of the Divine Michael Angelo, in the Popes Chappel at Rome, who sees not what motions may be expressed in Bodies, and in what order they may be placed ; there may you see our Lady, St. John, and the other Saints represented with great Fear, whilest they beheld Christ moved with indignation against the wicked, who seem to fly away and hide themselves behind his Back, that they might not behold his angry countenance wholly inflamed with indignation : There shall you behold the guilty, who being astonished with Fear, and not able to indure his glorious presence, seek dark Dens and deep Caves to hide themselves in.
And to conclude there is no corporal Motion, whether it be forwards, or backwards ; on the right hand, or on the left ; upwards ; or downards, which may not be seen expressed, in this most artificial and admirable Picture, but if we shall farther consider the passions and motions of the Mind, whereof the Definition maketh mention likewise, they are also to be found in the same work, with no less Art then admiration to the beholder, especially in Christ in whom you may see Wrath and Indignation so kindled, that he seemeth to be altogether incensed therewith.
{In the Saints a reverent in the damned, a desperate fear.} Again both in the Saints, and damned Soules, being appalled, and confused, is most lively expressed, an exceeding dread and horror of the wrathfull Judge, and in a Word, many motions as well of the Body, as of the Mind, are to be found in the Works of this Divine Bonaraot, of the rare Raphael Urbine, and of other worthy Painters both old and new, as well of love as hatred, sadness as mirth, and all other passions of the Mind.
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{Proportion.} All which representations are after declared in that part of the Definition [ndr : la définition de la peinture p. 24], where it is said, that Painting, with proportionable lines maketh, &c. where we must Note that the Painter in his descriptions, doth not draw lines at randome, without Rule, Proportion, or Art, (as some vainly have imagined) since the Arrantest Bunglers that are, proceed with some little Method, and although Horace in his book de Arte Poetica saith : that
The Poet and the Painter, hath like Patent to invent,
A Story and dispose the same as shall him best content.
Yet that is thus to be understood, that it is lawfull for him to express a Figure, […] ; this only excepted the Painter is bound to proceed in all his Works according to proportion and art. Wherefore before you begin to Stell, delineate or trick out the proportion of a Man, you ought to know his true Quantity and Stature for it were a gross absurdity to make a Man of the length of Eight Faces, which is of Nine or Ten, besides this, we ought to know what proportion the Fore-head hath with the Nose, […], and in a Word to learn the true proportions of all things natural and artificial.
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It is reported then that Michael Angelo upon a time gave this observation to the Painter Marius de Scina his Schollar, that he should alwayes make a Figure Pyramidal, Serpent like, and multiplyed by One Two and Three, in which precept (in my Opinion) the whole Mystery of the Art consisteth, for the greatest Grace and Life that a Picture can have, is, that it express motion ; which the Painters call the Spirit of a Picture. Now there is no Form so fit to express this Motion, as that of the Flame of Fire, which according to Aristotle, and the other Philosophers is an Element most active of all others, because the Forme of the Flame thereof is most apt for Motion, for it hath a Conus or sharp Point wherewith it seemeth to divide the Aire that so it may ascend to his proper Sphere, so that a Picture having this forme will be most beautifull.
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{Colour.} But to return to the Definition [ndr : la définition de la peinture mentionnée p. 24], that part remaineth to be expounded, wherein it is said that Painting representeth things with Colours, like to the Life ; whence it is to be marked that the Artificial painter ought to proceed according to the course of Nature, who first presupposeth Matter (as the Philosophers hold) unto which it addeth a Forme, but because to create the Substances of things proceedeth from an infinite power, which is not found in any creature (as the Divines teach) the Painter must take something instead of Matter, namely Quantity proportioned ; {The Matter of Painting.} which is the Matter of painting, here then the Painter must needs understand that proportioned Quantity, and Quantity delineated, are all one, and that the same is the Material Substance of Painting, for he must consider, that although he be never so Skillfull in the use of his Colours, and yet laketh this Delineation, he is unfurnished of the Principal Matter of his Art, and consequently of the substantial part thereof, neither let any Man imagine that hereby I go about to diminish the power and vertue of colour, for if all particular Men should differ one from another in Matter alone (wherein out of all doubt all agree) then all Men must needs be one, and so that most acceptable variety of so many particulars are now in the world would be wanting […], so if the Painter should only Pourtrait out a Man in just Symetry agreable to Nature ; certainly this Man would never be sufficiently distinguished by his mere Quantity : But when unto this proportioned Quantity he shall farther add Colour, then he giveth the last forme and perfection to the Figure : Insomuch, that whosoever beholdeth it may be able to say, this is the Picture of the Emperour Charles the First, or of Philip his Sonne, it is the picture of a Melancholick, Flegmatick, Sanguine, or Cholerick Fellow, of one in love, or in fear of a bashfull young Man, &c. and to conclude the picture will attain to such perfection, that the party counterfeited may easily be known thereby : Wherefore I advise the Painter to be very skillfull in the use of Colours, as in that wherein consisteth the whole perfection of his Art.
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Now the Painter expresseth two things with his colour : First the colour of the thing, whether it be artificial or natural, which he doth with the like colour, as the colour of a blew garment with artificial blew, or the green colour of a Tree with the like green : Secondly he expresseth the light of the Sun, or any other bright Body apt to lighten or manifest the colours, and because colour cannot be seen without light, being nothing else (as the Philosophers teach) but the extream Superficies of a dark untransparent Body lightned, I hold it expedient for him that will prove exquisite in the use thereof, to be most diligent in searching out the effects of light, when it enlightneth colour, which who so doth seriously consider, shall express all those effects with an admirable Grace ; […].
Now when the Painter would imitate this blew thus lightned, he shall take his artificial blew colour, counterfeiting therewith the blew of the garment, but when he would express the light, wherewith the blew seems clearer, he must mix so much white with his blew, as he findeth light in that part of the garment, where the light striketh with greater force, considering afterwards the other part of the garment, where there is not so much light, and shall mingle less white with his blew proportionably, and so shall he proceed with the like discretion in all the other parts : and where the light falleth not so vehemently, but only by reflexion there he shall mix so much shadow with his blew, as shall seem sufficient to represent that light, loosing it self as it were by degrees, provided alwayes, that where the light is less darkned, there he place his shadow,
In which judicious expressing of the effects of light together with the colours, Raphael Urbine, Leonard Vincent, Antonius de Coreggio and Titian were most admirable, handling them with so great discretion and judgement, that their Pictures seemed rather natural, then artificial ; the reason whereof the vulgar Eye cannot conceive, notwithstanding these excellent Masters expressed their chiefest art therein, considering with themselves that the light falling upon the flesh caused these and such like effects, in which kind Titan excelled the rest, who as well to shew his great Skill therein, as to merit commendation, used to cozen and deceive Mens Eyes, […].
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Again Titian to make known his art his lights and shadows, when he would express the lightest part of the Body used to add a little too much white, making it much lighter then his pattern, and in the obscure parts, where the light fell by reflexion, a little too much shadow, in resemblance of the decay of the light in that part of the Body, and so his work seemeth to be much raised, and deceive the sight, for the light which cometh to the Eye, in a Pyramidal forme (as shall be shewed in the ensuing discourse) cometh with a blunter and bigger Angle, and so is seen more evidently, whence ariseth a wonderfull eminency, the especial cause whereof is, because there is much more shadow then needeth in that part, where the light decayeth most, so that the vusual lines failing, that part cometh to the Eye in an accuter and sharper angle, and therefore cannot be seen so perfectly, insomuch that that part seemeth to fly inwards, and stand farther off. Thus when the Four parts of a Body are much raised, and the hinder fly sufficiently inwards, there appeareth a very great heightning, which giveth a wonderfrll Spirit, and after this sort Titian beguiled the Eyes of such as beheld his most admirable works.
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Of the Vertue of Light.
Light hath so great force in Pictures, that (in my judgement) therein consisteth the whole grace thereof, if it be well understood, an contrarywife, the disgrace if it be not perceived, and evident example whereof we may see in a Body proportionably drawn which being yet without the lights, sheweth very beautifull, so far forth as it is wrought, but if afterwards it shall be shadowed without judgement and art, so that the shadowes be confusedly placed where the lights ought to be, and contrarywise the lights where the Middle of the shadows should be, and the concavities and convexities disorderly suited, without any Imitation of Nature it were better it had never been either drawn or lightned, whereas having lights well disposed, it doth not only add perfection to the draught but so sets it off from the Flat that it seems to be imbossed.
And in this vertue and power consisteth the chiefest excellency of the Painter […].
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Now for an Example of the true art of exquisite bestowing of these lights, that Peece of Le: Vincent amongst many others, may serve us, instead of all the rest of his well lightned Pictures, which is now to be found in St. Francis Church in Milane, where he hath painted the conception of our Lady ; which (to omit other excellencies therein) is most singular in this point, for the perfection of lights, those two peeces done by the hand of Antonio Correggio are most admirable, which are yet to be seen in the same City, with Cavalier Leon: Aretino, in one whereof is painted fair Io, with Jupiter upon a Cloud, and in the other Danae and Jupiter descending into her lap in the forme of a golden shower, with Cupid and other Loves, having their lights so well disposed, that I dare boldly say, no other Painter is able to match him in colouring and lightning ; […].
DA VINCI, Leonardo, La Vierge aux rochers, 1483 - 1486, huile sur bois transposée sur toile, 199 x 122, Paris, Musée du Louvre, INV. 777.
IL CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri), Danaé, v. 1530, huile sur toile, 161 x 193 , Roma, Galleria Borghese, 125.
IL CORREGGIO (Antonio Allegri), Jupiter et Io, v. 1530, huile sur toile, 162 x 73,5, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Inv.-Nr. GG_276.
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Wherefore, I will handle the lights, saying nothing of the shadows, although they be handled together with them, for the shadows do necessarily follow the lights, being caused by the decay of the light, taking so much the more force, by how much the more forcibly the light striketh upon the Body, whence ariseth that exceeding great raising and heightning of a natural plain, in a Body receiving the light according to his proper nature.
[…] this Light [ndr : la lumière provenant du soleil ou du feu] is dispersed and extended unto all Bodies that are openly proposed unto it, in which colour, and a beautifull resplendency of thick and darke Bodies is discovered (as the Platonicks speak) caused by this light, together with certain beneficient and generative vertues. But where the Sun-beams fall not, and are not at all dispersed, there (the beams of the Eye being restrained) remaineth a dark colour, which displeaseth […].
Whence those who are judicious in this Art, use to give lights to all things after one and the self same manner ; insomuch as we see, that the Sun rising above our Horizon, lighneth all things in an instant, the reason whereof is, because the light hath no contrary which might hinder it, with his action. Wherefore it performeth his operations in the Air, in an instant.
[…]. Whence the judicious in this Art, forbid us to give lights in a picture unto all Bodies, after one and the self same manner.
Of the Vertue and Efficacy of Motion.
It is generally confessed of all Men, that all such Motions in Pictures, as do most neerly resemble the Life, are exceeding pleasant, and contrarywise those that which do farthest dissent from the same, are void of all gracious Beauty, committing the like discord in Nature, which untuned strings do in an instrument. Neither do these motions thus lively imitating Nature in Pictures, breed only an Eye-pleasing contentment, but do also performe the self same effects, which the natural do, for as he which laugheth, mourneth, or is otherwise effected, doth naturally move the beholders to the self same passion, of mirth or sorrow, so a picture artificially expressing the true natural motions, will (surely) procure laughter when it laugheth, pensiveness when it is grieved &c. […], All which points are (in truth) worthy of no less admiration then those miracles of the antient Musicians, who with the variety of their melodious harmony, were wont to stir Men up to wrath and indignation, love, warr, […].
But to return thither were I left, I am of Opinion that insomuch as these Motions are so Potent in affecting our Minds, when they be most artifcially counterfeited, we ought for our bettering in the knowledge thereof, to propose unto us the example of Leonard Vincent above all others : Of whom, it is reported, that he would never express any motion in a Picture, before he had first carefully beheld the Life, to the end he might come as neer the same, as was possible : whereunto afterwards joyning Art, his Pictures surpassed the Life.
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In imitation whereof, I hold it expedient for a Painter, to delight in seeing those which fight at cuffs, to observe the Eyes of privy murtherers, the courage of wrastlers, the actions of Stage-players, and the inticing allurements of curtesans, to the end he be not to seek many particulars, wherein the very Life and Soul of painting consisteth, wherefore, I could wish all Men carefully to keep their Brains waking, which whosoever shall omit his invention (out of doubt) will sleep, studying perhaps Ten Years about the action of one Figure, which in the end will prove nothing worth, whence all famous inventors, for the avoiding of such gross defects, have the rather shewed themselves subtile Searchers out of the effects of nature, being moved thereunto by a special delight of often seeing, and continually practizing that which they have preconceived, so that who so keepeth this Order, shall unawares attain to such an habit of practice, in lively expressing all Actions and Gestures, best fitting his purpose, that it will become an other nature.
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Of the Necessity of Motion.
The order of the place requireth, that I should consequently speak of Motion it self, namely with what Art the Painter ought to give Motions best fitting his Pictures, which is nothing else but a correspondency to the nature of the proportion of the forme and matter thereof, and herein consisteth the whole spirit and life of the Art, which the Painters call sometimes the fury, sometimes the grace, and sometimes the excellency of the Art, for hereby they express an evident distinction between the living and the dead, the fierce and the gentle, the ignorant and the learned, the sad and the merry, and (in a Word) discover all the several passions and Gestures which Mans Body is able to perform, which here we term by the name of Motions, for the more significant expressing of the Mind by an outward and bodily demonstration, so that by this means inward motions and affections may be as well, (or rather better) signified as by their speech, which is wrought by the proper operations of the Body, […].
Now the perfect knowledge of this motion, is (as hath been shewed) accounted the most difficult part of the art, and reputed as a divine gift. Insomuch, as herein alone consisteth the comparison between Painting and Poetry, for as it is required in a Poet, that besides the excellency of his wit, he should moreover be furnished with a certain propension and inclination of will, inciting and moving him to versity, (which the antient called the fury of Apollo and the Muses) so likewise a Painter ought, together with those natural parts which are required at his hands, to be furnished with a natural dexterity and inborn flight of expressing the principal motions, even from his cradle ; otherwise it is a very hard (if not impossible) matter, to obtain to the absolute perfection of this Art.
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Now the perfect knowledge of this motion, is (as hath been shewed) accounted the most difficult part of the art, and reputed as a divine gift. Insomuch, as herein alone consisteth the comparison between Painting and Poetry, for as it is required in a Poet, that besides the excellency of his wit, he should moreover be furnished with a certain propension and inclination of will, inciting and moving him to versity, (which the antient called the fury of Apollo and the Muses) so likewise a Painter ought, together with those natural parts which are required at his hands, to be furnished with a natural dexterity and inborn flight of expressing the principal motions, even from his cradle ; otherwise it is a very hard (if not impossible) matter, to obtain to the absolute perfection of this Art.
Notwithstanding, I am of Opinion, that it is possible to attain unto this so excellent a faculty [ndr : dans le choix des meilleures actions], (though perhaps not with that special eminency of natural facility,) as by industrious study in the knowledge of these motions ; and the causes whence they proceed. For from hence a Man may easily attain to a certain understanding, which afterwards putting in practice with patience, together with the other points, he may undoubtedly prove a judicious inventor, who never had any extraordinary natural inclination, my meaning is, that such an inventor, as guideth himself by understanding, shall attain to better perfection then the other, who is naturally indued with the dexterity, without industry and patience : for example, if a Man shall diligently peruse the whole History of Christ, out of doubt he shall gather the true Idea and Method, how he ought to represent the motions of Christ, the Apostles, the Jews, and all the rest, who had any part in that cruel Tragedy, so sufficiently, that the Mind of the beholder, shall be no less moved to pitty, tears and sorrow, at the sight of the picture, then Men are usually at the reading of the History, […].
Now amongst the worthy Painters who excelled herein, Raphael Urbine, was not the least, who performed his Works, with a Divine kind of Majesty, neither was Polidore much behind him in his kind, whose Pictures seemed as it were passing furious, nor yet Andreas Montagnea whose vain shewed a very laborious curiosity. Nor yet Leonard del Vincent, in whose doings there was never any errour found in this point : Whereof amongst all other of his works, that admirable last supper of Christ in Refect. St. Mariæ de gratia in Milane, maketh most evident proof, in which he hath so lively expressed the passions of the Apostles minds in their countenances, and the rest of their Body, that a Man may boldly say, the truth was nothing superiour to his representation, and need not be afraid to reckon it amongst the best works of Oyl-painting, […] for in those Apostles, you might distincly perceive admiration, fear, grief, suspition, love &c. all which were sometimes to be seen together in one of them, and Finally in Judas a Treason-plotting countenance, as it were the very true counterfeit of a Traitor, so that therein he hath left a sufficient argument of his rare perfection, in the true understanding of the passions of the Mind, exemplified outwardly in the Body, which because it is the most necessary part of painting, I propose (as I say) to handle in this present Treatise.
I may not omit Michael Angelo in any case, whose skill and paintfulness in this point was so great, that his Pictures carry with them more hard motions, expressed after an unufual manner, but all of them tending to a certain stout boldness. And as for Titian he hath worthily purchased the name of a greater Painter in this matter, as his Pictures do sufficiently witness ; […].
Finally, Gaudentius (though he be not much known) was inferiour unto few, in giving the apt motions to the Saints & Angels, […].
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Notwithstanding, I am of Opinion, that it is possible to attain unto this so excellent a faculty [ndr : dans le choix des meilleures actions], (though perhaps not with that special eminency of natural facility,) as by industrious study in the knowledge of these motions ; and the causes whence they proceed. For from hence a Man may easily attain to a certain understanding, which afterwards putting in practice with patience, together with the other points, he may undoubtedly prove a judicious inventor, who never had any extraordinary natural inclination, my meaning is, that such an inventor, as guideth himself by understanding, shall attain to better perfection then the other, who is naturally indued with the dexterity, without industry and patience : for example, if a Man shall diligently peruse the whole History of Christ, out of doubt he shall gather the true Idea and Method, how he ought to represent the motions of Christ, the Apostles, the Jews, and all the rest, who had any part in that cruel Tragedy, so sufficiently, that the Mind of the beholder, shall be no less moved to pitty, tears and sorrow, at the sight of the picture, then Men are usually at the reading of the History, […].
Of the passions of the Mind, their original and difference.
The passions of the mind, are nothing else but certain motions, proceeding from the apprehension of some thing, now this apprehension is Threefold, sensitive, rational, and intellectual, […] there are Eleven passions or affections in the mind, which are these, love, hatred, desire, fear, joy, sorrow, hope, dispair, audacity, timerousness and anger, from which there do consequently arise so many sorts of actions in the art, as there may be affections expressed in Mens Bodies, wherefore we ought carefully to observe the motions which are outwardly expressed, in such sort, as they do manifestly point to the roots, whence they spring, and discover the causes from which they proceed, distributing them and disposing them accordingly in the Bodies, or Physiognomies which whosoever shall fail in, shall (questionless) wholly pervert the Order of things, confounding the Beauty of Histories, whether they be Fables, or other Inventions, which are to be painted.
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[…] sleep causeth no motions of vigor or force to be represented, but as if the body were without life ; Wherefore we must take heed, we doe not (as some use) give unto those which sleep such kinds of actions in their lying, as in probability will not suffer them to sleep, as we see oftentimes in Men lying athwart stones, benches, &c. being represented with their limns supported by their own force, wherein it is evident, that such Painters know not how to observe a Decorum.
Of the Motions of all sorts of Cloth.
The Motions of Cloth, that as the Folds or Plaits ought to runne out every way like boughs from the Stemme and Body of the Tree : and must be so made that one Plait rise from another, as one bough, or one stream of Water issueth out from another, in such wise, that there be no part of the Cloth wherein there appear not some of these motions ; now these motions would be moderate, gentle and free, without any interruptions, more to be admired for their grace and facility, then for affected pains and industry, and because all sorts of Cloth have their motions, as well as Bodies, it must needs be that they differ between themselves, according to the differences of the clothes themselves.
Wherefore, they must be more light in fine Cloth, as Sarcenet, Linnen, Cypress, &c. in which the Plaits are small, raised up, trembling, […] ; gross and dul shadows are found in stiff cloths, where the Plaits are few and gross, so that they are capable but of flow motion, […].
Temperate motions, which are neither too gross, nor too slight, are such as appear in the folds of stuff and other cloths of Fine wool, […]. And hence have Raphael, Michael Angelo, Leonard, Gaudentius, Albertus Durcrus, and other Famous Masters in Drapery, taken the method and way of giving the true motions unto garments, as from the most perfect pattern for their general use in making the mantells of the Saints, Pavilions or Tents, which are made with this kind of Drapery, besides these, there are also other kinds of motions called turnings and crossings, which are proper unto Damasks, Taffataes, Sattins, Cloth of gold &c : in which appeare folds crossing and breaking each other, by the divers Vertue of the Drapery.
Whence the Venetians have taken their manner of Drapery, who make their folds much different from the said motions of Raphael and the rest, which indeed ought not to be used any where save in counterfeits by the life, where it seems they are not onlye tolerable, but also very requisite ;
DA VINCI, Leonardo
DÜRER, Albrecht
École vénitienne
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio)
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DA VINCI, Leonardo
DÜRER, Albrecht
École vénitienne
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
RAFFAELLO (Raffaello Sanzio)
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THE Art of Miniture OR LIMNING
I Hope that no Ingenuous person, will be so bold to attempt this Art, before he can design, (that is to say) further than Copying any Picture in black and white, as Cole, black Chalk, black Lead or the like. It is necessary to draw much after good Heads of plaister of Paris, because the difference is much more difficult to draw after a round then a flat, and after you have practised much by the Heads of plaister, you must endeavour to draw much after the life, in black and white, before you undertake the Art of Limning.
The Colours to be used in Limning are termed thus,
Whites (Flake white / Serus)
Red (Carmine, / Indian Lake, / Red Lead, / Indian Red, / Burnt Ocur, &c.)
Yellow (Masticot, / Yellow ocur, / Eng. ocur, / Pinck.)
Greens (Sap Green, / Pinck and Bice, / Green Bice, / Terra Vert.)
Blews (Ultra Marine, / Dutch Bice, / Smalt, / Indigo.)
Browns (Gall Stone, / Mumme, / Cullins Earth, / Umber, / Rust.)
Blacks (Ivory black, / Sea-cole, / Lamp black, / Cherry Stone.)
As for Vermillion, Verdigrease, Orpiment, &c. they are too course and gritty to use in water colours ; Turnsoile, Litmus blew, Rosset, Brasil, Logwood, Saffron, are more fit for washing prints then curious Limning.
White Lead.
To make your white lead that it shall neither rust nor shine, both which are no small inconveniencies in the Art of Limning, […].
English Ocur.
Yellow) This colour lies even in the shell of it self, and is of great use, especially if well ground.
Indian Red.
Dark Red) Because this colour is very course, you may use Umber, and a little lake tempered, which is as good.
Ivory Black.
Black) Grind Ivory with a pittance of white Sugar Candy, which will preserve it from crackling out of your shel.
Indian Lake.
Purple) Grind this with a little gum water, […].
The Ground colour for a Face.
[…], you are to lay a ground or primer of flesh colour before you begin your work, and that must be tempered according to the complexion of the Face to be drawn, if the complexion be fair, temper white, red lead, and lake, if an hard swarthy complexion, mingle with your white and red a little fine Masticot, or English Ocur, but Note that your ground ought alwayes to be fairer then the Face you take ; for it is a facile matter to darken a light colour, but a difficult to lighten a deep one ; for in Limning you must never heighten, but work them down to their just colour.
The Order of Shadowes for the Face.
{Shadows} In all your Shadowes, remember to mix some white, (exempli gratia) for the red in the Cheeks, Lips, &c. temper Lake, red Lead ; […] Note that black must not by any means be used in a Face, for other shadowes your own observation must direct you, for it is impossible to give a general Rule for the shadowes in all Faces, unless we could force nature to observe the same method in composing and modelling them, so that one in every punctilio should resemble the other.
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The Order to be observed in drawing by the life.
{The Order of drawing first sitting.} First you must only dead colour the Face, as the Oyl-painters do, and not meddle with the rest, and this first sitting commonly takes up two hours.
{Second sitting.} The second sitting will require Four or Five hours, in that time you are to go over the Face very curiously, […].
{Third sitting.} The third sitting commonly takes up two or three hours, and is spent in closing what was before left imperfect and rough, […].
Concerning dead colouring.
The dead colouring of a Face is to be done the roughest and boldest of all ; having drawn your Face with lake and white (as before) you must take to the said colour a little red lead, tempering it to the colour of the Cheeks, Lips, &c. but very faintly, […].
{To begin to Limn.} The first colour to begin the Face with, is the red of the Cheeks and Lips, somewhat strongly the bottome of the Chin, if the party be beardless ; over under and about the Eyes you will perceive a delicate, and faint redness, and underneath the Eyes, inclining to purple colour, which in fair and beautiful Faces is usual, and must be observed ; the tip of the Ear, and the roots of the Hair are commonly of the same colour.
Note) Be not too curious in your first working, but regard a good bold following of nature, rather then smooth curiosity, the roughness of the colour, you may end at an other sitting.
Of Landskip.
{Landskip.} In drawing Landskip with water colours ever begin with the Skie, and if there be any Sunbeams, do them first.
{Purple Clouds.} For the Purple Clouds, only mingle Lake and white.
{Yellow.} The Sun-beams, Masticot and white.
{Note 1.} Work your blew Skie with smalt only, or Ultramarine.
{Note 2.} At your first working dead colour all the piece over, leave nothing uncovered, lay the colour smooth and even.
{Note 3.} Work the Skie down in the Horizon fainter as you draw near the Earth, except in tempestuous skies, work your further Mountains so that they should seem to be lost in the Air.
{Note 4.} Your first ground must be of the colour of the Earth and dark ; yellowish, brown, green, the next successively as they loose in their distance must also faint and abate in their colours.
{Note 5.} Beware of perfection at a distance.
{Note 6.} Ever place light against dark, and dark against light (that is) the only way to extend the prospect far off, is by opposing light to shadows, yet so as ever they must loose their force and vigor in proportion as they remove from the Eye, and the strongest shadow ever nearest hand.
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To make white Lead.
{White Lead.} Take a Cruciple whereinto put several smal plates of clean Lead, […].
The Art of Etching.
The Grounds and Rules of Etching.
Before that you begin to Etch upon copper, it is very necessary to practise the Art of Drawing, till you be able if need require to draw any head after the life, or to draw a design, for it you intend to practice the Art of Etching, you will find it very profitable to draw after good prints, which are well designed, and graved, and when you have practised so long that you are able to coppy any print, or drawing very exactly ; then draw after good Heads of plaister or figures, according to your own fancy, which will learn you to shadow according to Art, if well observed, therefore be sure when you draw after plaister, to observe very exactly to take the true outlines or circumferences, and then take notice how the shadow falls, then shadow it very faint and soft, where need requires. The prints which I recommend unto you as absolutely the best to learn to Etch or Grave after, be the prints of Henry Goldshis and Hermon Muller, therefore it is very convenient to leaan to hatch with the Pen exactly after either of the aforesaid prints of Goldshis or Muller, and when you have brought it to that perfection ; and can draw very well after plaister, you may practise to draw after the life ; but before you draw after the life, you must be very exact and true in your outlines or circumferences.
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The use and property of every particular Instruments.
The Copper Plate is the only matter to Etch upon ; […] ; your Needles are to hatch withall upon the ground, the pencil is to wipe away the bits of ground, […], the Polisher is to make smooth any place that is rough, […] ; the Gravers are to mend here and there a stroak where need requires. […].
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How to use the Aqua fortis on the Plate.
You must use single Aqua fortis. Take a quantity of Aqua fortis and pour it into a glass […] ; for in case the Aqua fortis work too strong, it will make the work very hard, and sometimes make the ground to break up ; […].
Observations in Etching Prospective.
Prospective is a thing that is one of the difficultest Arts that is practised ; because it is not rightly understood, but by good Arithmetick ; otherwise you can never understand prospective, because you can never guess rightly how much a Pillar or Figure, or the like must decline, or lose at their several distances, according to Art and Proportion ; For when you Etch a piece of prospective after a drawing or a print, observe these Rules, beware of perfection at distance, and be sure to shadow that which is nearest to the Eye, perfectest and strongest, and the farther from the Eye, it must decline in length and breadth, and heighth according to Art and Proportion, observe also to let it lose and be fainter by equal degrees.
The NAMES of the COLOURS Most useful and onely necessary for MINITURE.
(Flake White)
Reds (Carmine / Indian Lake / Cynnabar Lake / Florence Lake / Cynnabar / Red Lead / Yellow Oker burnt)
Blews (Ultra Marine / Dutch Bice / Smalt / Indigo)
Yellows (Light Masticote / Deep Masticote /Yellow Oker / Roman Oker / Gall-stone / Light Pink / Dark Pink)
Greens (Green Pink / Green Bice / TerraVerte)
Browns (Collens Earth / Burnt Umber / Umber / Rust of Iron)
Blacks (Burnt Ivory / Sea Cole / Cherry-stone burnt / Verditer burnt)
Of the Nature and Property of the Colours not useful, and the Reasons why omitted.
Of which I shall begin with Ceruse. As for Ceruse, it is too Yellow, Course, and Gritty. Spanish Brown is omitted as not being so Brisk and Glowing as Indian Red. Red Chalk is too Foul and Dirty, and also English Oker burnt. Artifical Vermilion may be omitted, because that Native Cynnabar is better, of a Brisker Colour, and better Condition’d. As for Orpiment, it is both Venomous and Course. Verdigrease is extreamly Course, and will fade if you prepare it never so well. And all Colours made of Juyces in Germany will certainly fade, because they are of no Body, and will shine much. English Oker is good Condition’d, and may be made use of ; but Roman Oker is more Glowing : therefore you may omit the former and use the later. Sap Green may be omitted, because it both shineth and fadeth : and Green Pink is used instead of it, because it hath neither of these Faults. Mummy is every way ill-condition’d, and hard, and will not flow out of your Pencil, unless you burn it in a Crucible well Luted ; so prepared, it may make a good Black. But as for Blacks, those Four which I principally mentioned before [ndr : Burnt Ivory, Sea Cole, Cherry-stone burnt, Verditer burnt], are sufficient enought to do any thing withall, though there are many other Blacks used, as Grape-stones burnt, Vine-stalks burnt, Lamp Black, Blew Black, and many other I could name, which in my Opinion are rather a Confusion then an Help ;
Spanish Brown is omitted as not being so Brisk and Glowing as Indian Red.
Red Chalk is too Foul and Dirty, and also English Oker burnt.
English Oker is good Condition’d, and may be made use of ; but Roman Oker is more Glowing : therefore you may omit the former and use the later.
Sap Green may be omitted, because it both shineth and fadeth : and Green Pink is used instead of it, because it hath neither of these Faults.
Mummy is every way ill-condition’d, and hard, and will not flow out of your Pencil, unless you burn it in a Crucible well Luted ; so prepared, it may make a good Black. But as for Blacks, those Four which I principally mentioned before [ndr : Burnt Ivory, Sea Cole, Cherry-stone burnt, Verditer burnt], are sufficient enought to do any thing withall, though there are many other Blacks used, as Grape-stones burnt, Vine-stalks burnt, Lamp Black, Blew Black, and many other I could name, which in my Opinion are rather a Confusion then an Help ;
Of Colouring and Shadowing of History in Limning, and also other Necessary Observations.
The differences between Limning Pictures to the Life, or History, are Infinite ; notwithstanding the same Colours that are used for one do also for the other. And to particularise but part of what may be well said upon this Subject, would be too tedeous, if not endless. The most Remarkable is most certainly in the Variety of Colouring of things according to their several Sexes and Ages ; and also of Invention of ordering and well Stelling. All things which are to be represented, are many times according to the Humour, Judgement, and Discretion of the Master. We see generally in the Practice of the best and most Famous Painters, that they that do follow the Life, do tie themselves strictly and precisely to follow what they see in the Life, to immitate it as near as possible ; yet in their Inventions they assume to themselves such a Gentile Liberty and Licence, both in Colouring and Ordering ; but not so far as to run into those Extremes as Bartholomæus Spranger, Henry Goltzius, Abraham Blomart, and Outeawale, and several other Dutch Painters, run into about the Year 1588 ; for their Inventions at that time and Actions were so extravagantly strain’d and stretch to that degree beyond Nature, that made their Works seem to the Judicious Eye very Ridiculous, and contrary to Nature ; and at that time it was grown to such an Imposture or Mode, that he was counted no Master that could not strain his Actions in that extravagant manner. Which Mode was afterwards laid aside, and the Works that those Masters afterwards made were incomparably Good, by their Embracing more the Ancient Italian way of DESIGNING, which was more Modest, Gentile, and Graceful. So far they abused the Modest Licence, that so Graced the Admirable Works of Titian, Michael Angelo, and most of the Eminent Italians of that Age. And others have been as Extravagant in their Colouring. Which two Extremes may be both avoided by imitating that Divine Titian for Colouring, who was of all others esteemed the best.
École italienne
École néerlandaise
GOLTZIUS, Hendrick
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
SPRANGER, Bartholomeus
TIZIANO (Tiziano Vecellio)
WTEWAEL, Joachim
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École italienne
École néerlandaise
GOLTZIUS, Hendrick
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
SPRANGER, Bartholomeus
TIZIANO (Tiziano Vecellio)
WTEWAEL, Joachim
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École italienne
École néerlandaise
GOLTZIUS, Hendrick
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
SPRANGER, Bartholomeus
TIZIANO (Tiziano Vecellio)
WTEWAEL, Joachim
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École italienne
École néerlandaise
GOLTZIUS, Hendrick
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
SPRANGER, Bartholomeus
TIZIANO (Tiziano Vecellio)
WTEWAEL, Joachim
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École italienne
École néerlandaise
GOLTZIUS, Hendrick
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
SPRANGER, Bartholomeus
TIZIANO (Tiziano Vecellio)
WTEWAEL, Joachim
Conceptual field(s)
École italienne
École néerlandaise
GOLTZIUS, Hendrick
MICHELANGELO (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
SPRANGER, Bartholomeus
TIZIANO (Tiziano Vecellio)
WTEWAEL, Joachim
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Of the four kinds of Colourings, which are generally to be observed in Historical Limning.
In brief, I imagine there are Four kinds of Colourings generally to be followed and observed in History, viz. of Young Infants, of Fair Women, of Virgins middle aged, and Old Women. And every of these Complexions is in the power of the Judicious Master to vary and change his manner of Colouring, according as his Genius or Judgment directs him, or as the Subject requires. As for Infants and Young Children, they are commonly of a thin and tender Complexion ; the Carnatian and delicate Colour Nature affords in the Cheeks and Ears, the Skin appearing almost Transparent ; which you may very well express with a Temperature of White Carmine and a little Red Lead. The Shadows are to be Thin, Subtile, Faint, and Tender, as the Parties you wouold represent. […].
Observations on the Complexions of Virgins and fair Young Women.
Of the Temperature and Colouring for Old Mens Bodies.
The Manner of Dead Colouring a Whole Figure necessary for Historical Limning.
Of Dead Colouring there is two ways or manners […].
Some further Directions how to temper and mingle your Colours by way of Composition or Temperature, to make all these following Colours, and also the manner how to Deepen or Shadow them.
For Carnatian temper Lake and White, and deepen it or shadow it with Lake.
For a Violet temper fine Dutch Bice and Lake, and deepen it with Indigo.
Of Drapery, or drawing Apparel.
As for Apparel and Clothing of Personages, you ought to be extreme careful not onely in the Habiting every thing properly belonging to the Degrees and Functions of the Persons represented, but also in giving them their right and proper Colours. As for Example, the Blessed Virgin is universally and by commont consent represented in Purple and Azure ; […]. As for the manner of Drawing of Drapery, I find but two ways in Miniture.
The first way or manner of Working the Drapery.
The first way is that which the Italian and French do use, working it with the point of a Pencil, and Hatching it ; and other places stipled all over alike, yet so as when it is finished, you may perceive the Parchment appear in several places quite through the Work, which in my Opinion is too slight a way. That manner I do approve of better, for Washing or Drawing any Design with Indian Ink, and indeed ought not to be called Limning but Washing.
The second way or manner of Working a Drapery.
The second way is that which I shall recommend to you as the best and most proper way. First, lay a good full flat Ground all over where you design your Drapery, of what Colour you would have it. This Groud-colour being laid, you will find it much the easier to work on, upon which you both heighten and deepen, according as your Genius or as the Life shall direct you. […] ; and this was Isaac Olivar’s Way.
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Observations and Directions in Drawing Garments.
Observation I.
First, be sure that you draw the Out-lines very True and Faint, because the whole Grace of a Picture consisteth most in the Outmost Draught, more then in the Curious Work within. And to perform this Exactly you must sute the Garments to the Body, and make them Bend and Yield with it ; […]. Indeed where the Body, or any part of it, sticks out more then the other, it should be shewn in a plain and visible manner through the Garments : Which thing you must take notice of, especially by the Life ; as you may see it extraordinarily well expressed in those Statues of Rome, done by the Hand of the aforementioned Biscup or Parier. Be sure to express it Lightly, and with a kind of Transparency.
Observation II.
You must begin at the Upper part of the Garment, and so draw down that part of the Garment (on both sides) that lies Close to the Body, before you draw the Loose parts that flie off from the Body ; […]. By these means you may be sure to place the Body streight, by drawing those parts of the Garment first that lie nearest upon the Body or Limbs.
Observation III.
You must draw the greatest Folds first, and so strike the greater Folds into less ; and be sure you let not one Fold cross another ; […].
Observations for Placing the Lights, and for Shadowing of Garments, and other things in general.
Observation I.
Let all the Lights be placed one way in those Piece of Work, whether in the Figure, Faces, or Garments. If the Lights fall sideways on the Picture, you make the other side (which is furthest from the Light) darkest. And let the Lights be placed all together on the one side, and not confusedly on both sides alike, […].
The Reason why the Shadows must generally fall one way.
First, because the Light doth not with all its brightness illuminate any more then that part that is directly opposite unto it.
The second Reason is taken from the nature of the Eye ; for the first part of the Body coming to the Eye with a bigger angle, is seen more distinctly ; but the second part being further off, is seen by the Eye in a lesser angle. […].
Observation II.
That part of the Body must be made lightest, which hath the Light most directly opposite to it ; as the Light be placed above the Head, descending then, the top of the Head must be made Lightest, the Shoulder next Lightest, and so you must lose by degrees. […]. As for Sattens and Silks, and all other Shining Stuffs, have certain Bright Reflections, exceeding Bright, with sudden Light Glances, especially where the Light falls brightest ; and so the Reflections are less bright, by how much the Garment falls more inward from the Light. The like is seen in Armour, and Brass Pots and Kettles, or any Glittering Metalls : you may see a sudden Brightness in the middle or centre of the Light, which causes the Shining nature of such things.
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Of Prospective Proportion.
First, Prospective Proportion differeth much from the former ; for according to the distance of the Eye from the thing, it judgeth of what Proportion it hath. As if one part of the Body comes nearer to the Eye then the other, it is to be represented so much bigger then the other part of the Body which twines away from the Eye […]. And so you are to observe the same Rule in any other part of the Body, that the Proportion must be lessened according to the distance that it is from the Eye ; which notwithstanding cannot be much in a Principal Figure. […]. As also many times many Figures stand far remote from the Eye, and some nearer, which you are to take special notice of, that you express those that are far off at a distance not too big nor plain, as I have mentioned in my foregoing Treatise of Landskips in Limning more particularly.
Of a Graceful Posture.
The second thing in good Pictures is their graceful Posture and Proper Actions ; that is, that the true and natural Motion of every thing be expressed in the Life and Spirit of it, that is, to quicken the Life by Art ; as in a King, to express the greatest Majesty by putting or designing him in such a Graceful posture, that may move the Spectators with Reverence to behold him. […]. So in all your Draughts the Inward Affections and Dispositions of the Mind may be most lively exprest in the Outward Action and Gesture of the Body. Now to attain to the Knowledge of this, you ought most diligently to observe the Works of several Famous Masters, and also to follow their Examples, who were used to delight themselves in beholding the Eyes of Private Murtherers, the Actions and Carriages of Wrestlers, and those that fought at Cuffs ; to observe the Actions of Stage-Players, the Inticing Allurements of Curtizans ; and for Thieves that are led to Execution, to mark the Contracting of their Brows, the Motions of their Eyes, and the Carriage of their whole Bodies, to the end they may express them to the Life in their Drawings and Works.
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Of Looseness in Drawing.
The third thing Excellent in a Good Draught is Loosness, that is, that the Body be not made Stiff in any part, but every Joynt must have its proper Bendings, so as it may with the greater Life express the Intention, that the Figure may not seem lame and the Joynts stiff, as if they were not pliable or capable of Bending ; but every Joynt and Limb may have its proper freeness and looseness, according as it may best sute with and become the Posture in which the Figure is set.
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Of Foreshortening.
The fourth Excellency in Good Drawing is Foreshortening, which is to take a thing as it appears to our Eye, and not to draw to the full length and proportion of every Part, but to make it shorter, by reason that the full length and bigness is hid from our sight. As if I were to design a Ship standing foreright, there can appear but onely her Fore-part, the rest is hid from our sight, and therefore must not be expressed. […]. Wherefore observe this Rule, that you must always rather imitate the Visible Proportion of things, then the Proper and Natural Proportions before mentioned by Measure ; for the Eye and the Understanding together being directed by the Prospective Art, ought to be the Guide and Measure to judge of Drawing and Painting. Observe therefore that in all Foreshortenings there must be a Proportion observed according to the judgment of the Eye, that what Limbs do appear may agree in Proportion as well as in Foreshortening.
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Of Natural Guidances
The fifth thing in Good Drawing is, that every thing be done by The Guidance of Nature ; that is, that nothing be exprest but what may accord and agree with Nature in every point. As if we were to design or draw a Man turning his Head over his Shoulder, I must not make him turn or wind more then Nature will admit, nor must any other Action be forced beyond the limits of Nature, neither should any thing be made to come short of Nature ; but Nature, though it is not to be strained beyond its certain bounds, yet it should be quickened to the Highest pitch of it. As if we were to express any man in any Violent Action, as in a Battel, either to strike, or to avoid the Stroke of his Enemy ; or as in Running, or Wrestling, or Leaping, or other Violent Actions : yet must none of these be drawn in a posture that cannot agree with the Motions of Nature, that is, which a Man cannot imitate with his Natural Body. And so for all things else whatsoever, Nature must be the Parent and Patern for all kind of Draughts.
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Some further Observations in drawing a Naked Figure, standing Foreright, by the Life.
In my Opinion, to understand how to make choice of a good Naked, and to draw it well, is one of the most Difficult Studies in Painting, because it cannot be done well without the understanding of Anatomy. Being then desirous to draw a Naked Figure, you must strike a Line Perpendicular as long you would have the Figure to be, then you divide that Line into so many Divisions or Parts as you design the Proportion […]. And since Nature, that Cunning Work-Mistress, is so extremely Various in her Representations, the Painter is not bound to observe this Rule exactly when he draws to the life ; because all these Rules were intended for no other use then to create the Idea of such and such Proportions first in our Brain, and before they be designed in a true Symmetrical way upon Paper, and to prevent us from Designing our Figures in an Extravagant or Preposterous Proportion. […].
Observe (as you proceed downwards) to place all the Muscles in their right and proper places according to Nature, as you judiciously may observe in the Life, there being no certain Rules for placing and drawing the Muscles in their proper places Therefore ’tis extremely Advantageous to draw very much after the Life, and after good Prints of Anatomy, and those Statues aforementioned, and Anatomies of Plaster of Paris, which is the onely way to arrive at the perfection of Drawing a Naked Figure well ; without which never expect to be a good History Painter.
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Observe (as you proceed downwards) to place all the Muscles in their right and proper places according to Nature, as you judiciously may observe in the Life, there being no certain Rules for placing and drawing the Muscles in their proper places Therefore ’tis extremely Advantageous to draw very much after the Life, and after good Prints of Anatomy, and those Statues aforementioned, and Anatomies of Plaster of Paris, which is the onely way to arrive at the perfection of Drawing a Naked Figure well ; without which never expect to be a good History Painter. Indeed a History Painter ought to understand all things, because he is to represent all things : he must be naturally a Quick, Free, Good Inventor and Designer, as also to know well how to order and Stell his Figures after that manner (if many in one Piece) that they may not seem to be Crowded, or to fall Offensive, but to order them Gracefully on the Fore Ground especially, and the rest of the Figures to decline and lessen proportionably, both in Heighth and Strength by degrees at their several distances. And a History Painter must of necessity understand Perspective, Architecture, Geometry, Anatomy, Arithmetick, &c. and not onely the true Shape of Mans Body, but of all other Creatures whatsoever, and all other Shapes and Forms that are in the World.
Of the other different particular Studies in Painting.
The different Inclinations of Men do affect and delight to Draw one thing more then another, because either they are more pleased and prone to that which they do phansie, then to any other thing which they do not ; or else they make choice of such a Branch of Painting as is easily attained unto, because they cannot arrive to that Perfection of Drawing History, which comprehends the Study of the whole Art. Therefore the particular Studies, which are of general practice, are these which follow ; First, one phansies or betakes himself to draw Picture by the Life, another to draw Land-Battels of Horse and Foot, another Sea-fights, Storms, Calms and Sea-havens, &c. another all manner of Huntings, another Landskips or Landviews, another Fruits, another Still Life, as Instruments, Globes, Books, Deaths Heads, &c. another phasies to draw all manner of Beasts, another all manner of Fowls, another of manner of Fish, and another all sorts of Flowers ; some phansie Perspective, other Architecture or Building, &c.
The manner of making Pastils or Cryons, with the several ways of Using them.
I have observed in Dry Colours, or Cryons, that they are wrought in several manners or ways : The first is that of Valyant, whose manner is to place several small Heaps of Colours in Powder upon White Paper, of several Temperatures, according to the Object he draws after, whether the Life or Painting. His Out-lines being first drawn, he makes use of several Rolls of White Paper, very hard and close rolled up, about the length of a Pencil stick used in Limning, […]. And some of the French Masters have a manner which differs but in two things from the former, instead of Rolls of Paper they make use of Stubbed Pencils ; and some of them are stuffed with Cotton, and some others with Bombast : And instead of placing the Colours on Paper, they put them in small Boxes of Fur. […]
École française
VAILLANT, Wallerand
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École française
VAILLANT, Wallerand
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École française
VAILLANT, Wallerand
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The manner of Laying the Ground Flesh-colour for a Face to be wrought upon with Cryons.
The best way is to colour the Paper that you intend to Draw on with a Carnatian or Flesh-colour, near the Complexion on the Party you intend to draw after ; […]. And because many times the Pastils will not sharpen to so good a point as Black or Red Chalk, you must be extremely careful to close and finish all your Work at last with Red and Black Chalk, which you may sharpen at your pleasure. I shall not need to insist upon particulars of this manner of Drawing, but if you please to take a view of that Book of Pictures, which are all drawn by the Life, by the Incomparable Hand of Hans Holbean, […] you will find something in those Ruines an Admirable Hand and Rare Manner of Working ; who with few Lines and little Labour expressed the Life so Extraordinarily well, that by many they are esteemed not much Inferiour to his Admirable Works in Oyl.
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