COZEN (TO) (v.)



2 sources
2 quotations


The most generall and absolute Rule in Landskip, was observed by that excellent Master at Rome, Paul Brell, whose delightfull works many of them extent in Prints, are set out by Raphael and John Sadler. Besides many Paintings of his own hand both in Frescoe and Oyle, in the Pallace of Cardinal Montaltre, by St. Maria Mahgior, Bentoglia in Mount Gaballo, and in the Church of St. Cecillia ; His observation is onely this, That an Artist must be sure to make all his shadows fall one way ; that is, to place light against dark, and dark against light. {Light against dark, et è contrario.} His meaning is, that to oppose Light to shadows, is only to remove and extend the Prospect, and to make it shew far off, yet so as ever they must lose their force of vigour as they remove from the eye, and if strongest alwaies neerest at hand, and as they fall on the first ground.

The uppermost of all, you are last of all to express by lightly touching the exteriour
edges and brimes of some of the former leaves, with a little green Masticoate, and white. If deeper, darkest shadows, you may well set off with sap-green and Indico. Only remember, that both in the leaves and trees, Rivers, and far distant Mountains, you must affect, to express certain reall Morrice-dello (as Paul Brell calls it), or soft delicateness, which is the very next remarkable in the worke.

The greatest cunning herein is to cosen your own
eyes ; which yet, you cannot do, without their consent in assisting, by an apt accommodation of rarity of Colours, in their due places, In such manner, that many times in a Tablet of a span long, a man’s Imagination, may be carried quite out of the Country, Seas, and Citties, by a sure Piece of his own making. See Streeter’s most exact and rare Landskips in Oyl.

Conceptual field(s)

CONCEPTS ESTHETIQUES → nature, imitation et vrai


Now the Painter expresseth two things with his colour : First the colour of the thing, whether it be artificial or natural, which he doth with the like colour, as the colour of a blew garment with artificial blew, or the green colour of a Tree with the like green : Secondly he expresseth the light of the Sun, or any other bright Body apt to lighten or manifest the colours, and because colour cannot be seen without light, being nothing else (as the Philosophers teach) but the extream Superficies of a dark untransparent Body lightned, I hold it expedient for him that will prove exquisite in the use thereof, to be most diligent in searching out the effects of light, when it enlightneth colour, which who so doth seriously consider, shall express all those effects with an admirable Grace ; […].
Now when the
Painter would imitate this blew thus lightned, he shall take his artificial blew colour, counterfeiting therewith the blew of the garment, but when he would express the light, wherewith the blew seems clearer, he must mix so much white with his blew, as he findeth light in that part of the garment, where the light striketh with greater force, considering afterwards the other part of the garment, where there is not so much light, and shall mingle less white with his blew proportionably, and so shall he proceed with the like discretion in all the other parts : and where the light falleth not so vehemently, but only by reflexion there he shall mix so much shadow with his blew, as shall seem sufficient to represent that light, loosing it self as it were by degrees, provided alwayes, that where the light is less darkned, there he place his shadow,
In which judicious expressing of the effects of light together with the
colours, Raphael Urbine, Leonard Vincent, Antonius de Coreggio and Titian were most admirable, handling them with so great discretion and judgement, that their Pictures seemed rather natural, then artificial ; the reason whereof the vulgar Eye cannot conceive, notwithstanding these excellent Masters expressed their chiefest art therein, considering with themselves that the light falling upon the flesh caused these and such like effects, in which kind Titan excelled the rest, who as well to shew his great Skill therein, as to merit commendation, used to cozen and deceive Mens Eyes, […].


Conceptual field(s)

SPECTATEUR → perception et regard