Of the powers of a Painter and Painting
{In reference to Philosophy and Poetry And Painting.} Philosophers, divide the universe (which is their subject) into three Regions ; Cælestiall, Aeriall, Terrestriall.
So the POETS, (who imitate humain Life, in measured lines,) have lodged themselves, in three Regions of Mankind ; Court, Citty, and Country.
So the PAINTERS, (whose Art is to imitate Nature) performe it in three severall Qualities ; Design, Proportion, and Colour.
{Into three sorts.} And these, into three sorts of Painting ; Prospective, (or Landskip), Historicall, and Life.
Prospective ; a wonderfull freedome, and liberty, to draw, even, what you list, so various is Nature in that.
Historicall ; respects due Proportions and figures.
Life ; only the Colour.
In each of these ; you must have dependency upon all the other, but necessarily, on each in particular.
Conceptual field(s)
Observations in Etching Prospective.
Prospective is a thing that is one of the difficultest Arts that is practised ; because it is not rightly understood, but by good Arithmetick ; otherwise you can never understand prospective, because you can never guess rightly how much a Pillar or Figure, or the like must decline, or lose at their several distances, according to Art and Proportion ; For when you Etch a piece of prospective after a drawing or a print, observe these Rules, beware of perfection at distance, and be sure to shadow that which is nearest to the Eye, perfectest and strongest, and the farther from the Eye, it must decline in length and breadth, and heighth according to Art and Proportion, observe also to let it lose and be fainter by equal degrees.
Conceptual field(s)
Of Prospective Proportion.
First, Prospective Proportion differeth much from the former ; for according to the distance of the Eye from the thing, it judgeth of what Proportion it hath. As if one part of the Body comes nearer to the Eye then the other, it is to be represented so much bigger then the other part of the Body which twines away from the Eye […]. And so you are to observe the same Rule in any other part of the Body, that the Proportion must be lessened according to the distance that it is from the Eye ; which notwithstanding cannot be much in a Principal Figure. […]. As also many times many Figures stand far remote from the Eye, and some nearer, which you are to take special notice of, that you express those that are far off at a distance not too big nor plain, as I have mentioned in my foregoing Treatise of Landskips in Limning more particularly.