UMBER (n.)
Your principall yellow be these.
Pinke Yellow.
Oker de Luce.
Umber. [...] Umber.
Umber is a more sad colour, […].
Conceptual field(s)
After you have attain’d to a Mastership in Draught, [...] ; you may begin the great Mistery of Colouring.
And first begin in two Colours as White and Umber &c. after good Draughts or Prints : which you may do in this manner.
First with a large Pencel lay on the lightest parts of the Forehead, Balls of the upper Cheeks, [...] then the lightest shaddows on the Forehead, under the Eyes [...] and so till you come down to the Darkest : taking care to leave no edges about the Eye-lids, Lips, &c. Observing to keep your Pencels for the same degree of Colouring, [...].
Thus when you have copyd some time in Two Colours, having obtaind some freedom in Pencelling by a light but steady hand : observing carefull all the Muscles and other Remarks : working all in with much Softness ; [...].