The sorts of Red are these.
Synaper lake.
Synaper tops.
Red Lead.
Browne of Spaine.
Bole Armoniack.
Of Vermilion.
Your fairest and most principall Red is Vermilion, called in Latine Minium, it is a poyson, and found where great store of quicksilver is […].
Sinaper Lake.
Sinaper (in Latine called Cinnabaris,) it hath the name Lake of Lacca, a red Berry, whereof it is made growing in China and those places in the East Indies, as Master Gerrard shewed me out of this herball, maketh a deepe and beautifull red, or rather purple, almost like unto a red Rose […].
Sinaper Tops.
Grinde your Tops after the same manner you doe your lake, they are both of one nature.
Red Lead.
Red Lead, in Latine is called Syricum, it was wont to bee made of Ceruse burnt […].
Turnesoile is made of old linnen rags died, you shall use it after this manner […].
You shall grinde your Roset with Brasill water, […].
Browne of Spaine.
Grind your Browne of Spaine with Brasill water, […].
Bole Armoniacke.
Bole Armoniacke is but a faint colour, the chiefest use of it, is, as I have said, in making a size for burnisht gold.
Conceptual field(s)
An Exposition of Colours.
Abram colour, i.e. brown
Auburne or Abborne, i.e. brown or brown-black.
Cole black.
Sable black.
Velvet black.
Pitchy black.
Blanket colour, i. e. a light watchet.
Venice blew, i. e. a light blew.
Lincolne blew.
Coventry blew.
A Prince blew.
Crimson, i. e. Scarlet.
Cumatical colour, i. e. blew.
Flesh colour, a certain mixture of red white.
Gangran colour, i. e. divers colours together, as in a Mallards, or Pigeons neck.
Sabell colour, i. e. flame colour.
Incardine, or flesh colour.
Peacocke colour, i. e. changeable blew, or red blew.
Patise, or a kinde of red or Arsenick colour.
Plumbet colour, i. e. like little Speks of gray clouds in a fair day.
Puke colour, i. e. between russet and black.
Purpurine, or Purple colour ; of which read Matth. 27.2. A colour much used heretofore, by the Tyrians ; but now it is not to be had.
Ried colour, or Diversified.
Scarlet, i. e. crimson, or stammel.
Shammy colour, a smoakie, or rain colour, which is a kind of yellow ; as you may see upon whited walls or in a Chymny.
Stammel, i. e. Scarlet, as before.
Lyon Tawny.
Turkie colour, i. e. Venice blew, or as others will have it, red.
Milke white.
Paper white.
Snow white.
Bastard yellow.
Bright yellow.
Dark yellow.
Of the Names of Colours, read more in Aul. Gel. Noct. Attic.
Conceptual field(s)
As for Vermillion, Verdigrease, Orpiment, &c. they are too course and gritty to use in water colours ; Turnsoile, Litmus blew, Rosset, Brasil, Logwood, Saffron, are more fit for washing prints then curious Limning.