the principal whites in painting and limning are these. viz.
White Lead.
Spanish White.
Of whites and their tempering. Venice Ceruse.
Your principall white is Ceruse, called in Latine Cerussa, by the Italian Biacea. Vitruvius teacheth the making of it, […] ; it hath been much used (as is it also now adaies) by women in painting their faces, […].
White Lead.
White Lead is in a manner the same that Ceruse is, save that the Ceruse is refined and made more pure, […].
Conceptual field(s)
Of Whites.
First in order, the most excellent pure Virgin Colours, are Ceruse and White leade : the latter is the better for use, and less subject to mixtures ; yet both have these Inconveniences, and thus to be prevented.
{Ceruse.} Ceruse, after it is wrought will starve, lavish, and dye; and being laid on with a Pensill, a fair white wil, in a few months, become Russet, Reddish, or Yellowish.
{White-Lead.} White-lead, If you grind it fine (as all our Colours must be) it will glister and shine, both in the Shell, and after it is wrought; and if not ground, it will not work, nor be serviceable.
{Note.} Be carefull of your white, being the ground and foundation of all your other Colours, and if faulty, all the work is marred.
{How to grind it} Being thus prepared, grind it […].
Conceptual field(s)
To make white.
{Serus.} Take two parts of ordinary chalk, and one part of Allum, grind those together, fine, make them up in a lump, burn them in a Cruciple and use them.
Conceptual field(s)
Of the Nature and Property of the Colours not useful, and the Reasons why omitted.
Of which I shall begin with Ceruse. As for Ceruse, it is too Yellow, Course, and Gritty.
Conceptual field(s)
SECT. II. Of those Colours that are to be Grownd, and how to Grind them.
Have in the last Section told you what Colours are to be Grownd, which Washed, and which to be Steeped ; it resteth now, to shew you how to grind those Colours that are to be grownd ; I shall not run over every Colour particularly ; but shew you how to grind one Colour, which take as an Example for all the rest.
For one example in grinding of Colours, let us take the original of Colours, viz. Ceruse, or White-lead, there is little difference between them, only one is refined, the other not.
To grind it do thus […].