Lastly, that A.F. [n.d.r. : Aqua Forti ] gives a tenderness to Landskips, Trees and Buildings superiour to that of the Burine (though that exceed infinitely in Figures) may be seen in that of Israels view of the Louvre before recited, and in some other works where there is an industrious and studied mixture ; as in that second manner of Vosterman’s which did so much please Rubens and Vandycke, even in the Portraicts which that excellent Graver published after those great mens paintings.
SILVESTRE, Israël, Vue du Louvre
Conceptual field(s)
CHAP. VII. Of Etching, and the Materials thereof.
I. ETCHING is an Artificial Engraving of Brass or Copper Plates with Aqua fortis.
II. The Instruments of Etching (besides the Plate) are these nine. I. Hard Varnish. 2. Soft Varnish. 3. Prepared Oyl. 4. Aqua fortis. 5. Needles. 6. Oyl stone. 7. Brush-pensil. 8. Burnisher. 9. The Frame and Trough.
[...]. [...] VII. To make the Aqua fortis.
Take distilled White-wine Vinegar three pints ; [...]. [...] CHAP. X. Of using the Aqua fortis.
I. If there be any strokes which you would not have the Aqua fortis eat into ; or any places where the varnish is rubbed off, melt some prepared Oyl, and with a pensil, cover those places pretty thick.
[...]. [...] CHAP. XIV. Of Using the Aqua fortis, and finishing the work.
I. Put soft Wax (red or green) round the brims of the Plate, and let it be raised above the Varnish about half a Barly corns length ; [...].
Conceptual field(s)
How to use the Aqua fortis on the Plate.
You must use single Aqua fortis. Take a quantity of Aqua fortis and pour it into a glass […] ; for in case the Aqua fortis work too strong, it will make the work very hard, and sometimes make the ground to break up ; […].
Conceptual field(s)
Chap. I, Of Etching with Aqua fortis.
There are several ways for Etching, and several Grounds of divers colours, used by several men. I shall deliver here onely one, and that so familiar, easie, and true, that I believe there is not a better Ground, nor a more accurate way performing the work intended, than that which shall be here taught ; it being the only way, so many years practised, and to this day continued by that unparallel’d designer and incomparable Etcher in Aqua fortis, Mr. Hollar ; the manner of performing the whole work is as followeth.
SECT. I. To make Mr. Hollar’s Ground, and how to Etch in Copper, and what Instruments ought to be used in the practice thereof.
Take three parts of Virgins Wax, one part of Asphaltum, one part of the best Mastick […] ; so is your Ground prepared.
SECT. II. How to prepare your Copper.
Your Copper must be well planisht, that it may lie level ; and before you lay on the Ground, take your Plate, and with a Charcoal well burnt, coal it over with very clean water ; then wash it off with clean Water never used before, and set it sloping to run off ; when it is dry, then scrape some Chalk fine all over it, and with a very clean fine rag rub it over ; but let not your fingers touch upon the Plate, till you have put the Ground on, which you must lay on thus.