SILVESTRE, Israël ( 1621-1691 )
Dessinateur, graveur et collectionneur d'art Lorrain
Lastly, that A.F. [n.d.r. : Aqua Forti ] gives a tenderness to Landskips, Trees and Buildings superiour to that of the Burine (though that exceed infinitely in Figures) may be seen in that of Israels view of the Louvre before recited, and in some other works where there is an industrious and studied mixture ; as in that second manner of Vosterman’s which did so much please Rubens and Vandycke, even in the Portraicts which that excellent Graver published after those great mens paintings.
Lastly, that A.F. [n.d.r. : Aqua Forti ] gives a tenderness to Landskips, Trees and Buildings superiour to that of the Burine (though that exceed infinitely in Figures) may be seen in that of Israels view of the Louvre before recited, and in some other works where there is an industrious and studied mixture ; as in that second manner of Vosterman’s which did so much please Rubens and Vandycke, even in the Portraicts which that excellent Graver published after those great mens paintings.
Plusieurs tiennent, que l’origine ou commencement, ou crainte de s’abuser, la restauration de cét Art, n’est que vers l’année 1490. & sur ce sujet je commenceray à nommer les premiers qui l’ont mis ou remis en pratique ; Israël, Martin Schon ou le Tudesque, & quelques autres nommez par les Curieux, les Maistres au Chandelier, & pour leurs Stampes elles ont le nom de pieces de mauvais noir ou ancre [ndr : sic], dautant qu’ils n’avoient pas encore la bonne maniere de la faire, ce qui se remarque en elles par l’huile qui a jauny le papier, y estant entrée apres s’estre separée du noir faute d’avoir esté cuite ou bruslée.
Lastly, that A.F. [n.d.r. : Aqua Forti ] gives a tenderness to Landskips, Trees and Buildings superiour to that of the Burine (though that exceed infinitely in Figures) may be seen in that of Israels view of the Louvre before recited, and in some other works where there is an industrious and studied mixture ; as in that second manner of Vosterman’s which did so much please Rubens and Vandycke, even in the Portraicts which that excellent Graver published after those great mens paintings.
Plusieurs tiennent, que l’origine ou commencement, ou crainte de s’abuser, la restauration de cét Art, n’est que vers l’année 1490. & sur ce sujet je commenceray à nommer les premiers qui l’ont mis ou remis en pratique ; Israël, Martin Schon ou le Tudesque, & quelques autres nommez par les Curieux, les Maistres au Chandelier, & pour leurs Stampes elles ont le nom de pieces de mauvais noir ou ancre [ndr : sic], dautant qu’ils n’avoient pas encore la bonne maniere de la faire, ce qui se remarque en elles par l’huile qui a jauny le papier, y estant entrée apres s’estre separée du noir faute d’avoir esté cuite ou bruslée.
Lastly, that A.F. [n.d.r. : Aqua Forti ] gives a tenderness to Landskips, Trees and Buildings superiour to that of the Burine (though that exceed infinitely in Figures) may be seen in that of Israels view of the Louvre before recited, and in some other works where there is an industrious and studied mixture ; as in that second manner of Vosterman’s which did so much please Rubens and Vandycke, even in the Portraicts which that excellent Graver published after those great mens paintings.