{Of hatching.} In shadowing, with hatches, or small strokes (as in your print) use the pen of a Ravens-quill ; and be sure not to cross any stroake, before the former be dry ; left they runne into each other.
Conceptual field(s)
And here we should have put a period to this Essay, and the present chapter, as having abundantly vindicated the necessity and worthiness of Designe and Drawing, as it is praevious, and introductory to the Art of Chalcography ; had not one curiosity more prevented us ; which because it so much concernes the conducting of Hatches and stroaks, whether with pen, point, or Graver ; pretending (at least very ingeniously hinting) to a method, how by a constant, and regular certitude, one may express to the eye, the Sensation of the Relievo, or extancie of objects, be it by one, or more hatches, cross and counter, we think not impertinent here to recite, as briefly as the demonstration will permit.
Conceptual field(s)
The principal end of a Graver that would coppy a Design, or a piece compos’d of one, or more Objects, is, to render it correct both in relation to the Draught, Contours and other particularities, as to the Lights and shades on the Front, flying or turning, in bold, or faint touches ; so as may best express the Reliefe ; in which Gravers have hitherto, for the most part, rather imitated one another, then improved, or refined upon Nature ; some with more, some withe fewer stroaks : having never yet found out a certain and uniforme guide to follow in this work ; so as to carry their stroaks with assurance, as knowing where they are to determine, without manifestly offending the due rules of perspective.
Conceptual field(s)
If in truth Naked, and other polite Bodies were so formed, as that we might detect the course, and inclination of the Threads, Fibers, and Grain, so as we perceive it in Stuffs, Cloth, Linnen and other Draperies ; nothing would appear more facile ; for let them assume what ply they will, it does not all concern the tissue, Tenor or range of the Threads and Wales (as they call them) which is easily imitated, both as to their inclinations, and distances from the point of sight.
But since we are much at a loss, and can perceive no such direction or clue in Nudities, and other smooth surfaces, it were haply worth the while, to find out some expedient which should assist the imagination in this affair, and that might encounter the difficulty upon other terse and even objects, by forming such stroaks, and directors upon them in our Imagination ; observing, that there are some parts in them commonly to be distinguished from the Mass in gross ; for example, the hairs in men, eyes, teeth, nails, &c. that as one would conceive such lines, or hatches on those Masses, others may likewise be as well fanci’d upon those lesser, and more delicate members