1 sources
9 quotations


(...) in the time of Raphael Urbine flourished the renouned Marco Antonio, who graved after those incomparable pieces of that famous Painter, to whom he was so dear, that the honour he has done him to posterity will appear, so long as that School of Raphael remains in the Popes Chamber at the Vatican, or any memorial of it lasts ; though to speak truth, even of this rare Graver, the Pieces which he hath published seem to be more estimable yet for the choice and imitation, then for any perfection of the Burine ; as forming most of his figures and touches of too equal force, and by no means well observing the distances, according to the rules of Perspective, that tendernesse, and as the Italians terme it, Morbidezza, in the hatching, which is absolutely requisite to render a piece accomplish’d and without reproch.

Conceptual field(s)

PEINTURE, TABLEAU, IMAGE → définition de la gravure
MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la gravure


By Hatching is understood a continual Series, or sucession of many lines, shorter, or longer ; close, or more separate ; oblique, or direct, according as the work requires, to render it more, or lesse inlightned ; and is attain’d by practise with a swift, even and dextrous hand ; though sometimes also, by the help of the rule and compass ;

Conceptual field(s)

MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la gravure
PEINTURE, TABLEAU, IMAGE → définition de la gravure


…] a coal or pencil of black-lead will serve the turn, reserving the stronger, and deeper touches for a second pass of the hand over your work ; and last of all, penning the Contours, and out lines with a more even and acute touch, neatly finishing the hatches with a resolute, constant and slowing hand ; especially, as it approaches to the fainter shadowes, terminating them in lost and misty extreams, and thwarted (if you will counter-hatch) at equal, and uniform intervals (but not till the first be dry) or, if with single stroaks (which to us renders the most natural, and agreeable effects) with full, deep hatches, and their due diminishings.

Conceptual field(s)

MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la gravure


And here we should have put a period to this Essay, and the present chapter, as having abundantly vindicated the necessity and worthiness of Designe and Drawing, as it is praevious, and introductory to the Art of Chalcography ; had not one curiosity more prevented us ; which because it so much concernes the conducting of Hatches and stroaks, whether with pen, point, or Graver ; pretending (at least very ingeniously hinting) to a method, how by a constant, and regular certitude, one may express to the eye, the Sensation of the Relievo, or extancie of objects, be it by one, or more hatches, cross and counter, we think not impertinent here to recite, as briefly as the demonstration will permit.

Conceptual field(s)

MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la gravure
PEINTURE, TABLEAU, IMAGE → définition de la gravure
EFFET PICTURAL → qualité du dessin


From these instances now, it will not be difficult how to apply the same upon all the sorts of bodies representable by Graving, and to comprehend in one’s imagination, the particles, as we may so call them ; Only there is this particular to be observed, that the projecture of the threads will not appear alike perspicuous in the deep, and shady parts of Relievos, as upon the illuminated, being lost in the dark : But this is easily supplyed by the imagination, or by holding a loose thread parallel to the shaded, neer to the body of the Figure ; by which the course of the rest may be well conceived. And this may serve to give great light to him that shall either grave in Copper, or draw with the pen, for the Symmetrically conducting hatches, determinatively, and with certitude, by thus imagining them to be Geometrically marked upon the Relievo, or embossement of the Natural, whereever he encounter it, and after his Plate, or Draught in perspective.
And indeed, that which is chiefly considerable and ingenious in this, is,
that of their Perspective ; since the shades of the lines (in the foremention’d example which were upon the parts more, or lesse turn’d, appear to our eye accordingly, with more or less force, which renders clear a different effect, as to the swelling and extancies of the parts, then we find it in works where this method has not been observed ; so as truly, this may seem to be the most certain expedient of expressing by hatches, the Relievo of objects, whether with the Pen, or Burine. And this is the sence of a much larger discourse, which Monsieur du Bosse has proposed, treating of the practise of Perspective upon irregular Surfaces, and we have thought fit to insert into this Chapter ; not only because it is new and pretty ; but, for that (to us) it appears to be of good use, and as may be seen in some of the late heads graven by the incomparable Nanteuille, who had been the sole occasion of this ingenious consideration, about the time of our last being at Paris.

Conceptual field(s)

L’HISTOIRE ET LA FIGURE → figure et corps
EFFET PICTURAL → qualité du dessin
MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique du dessin


But if this (like the diligence of Mechopanes, which Pliny affirmes, none was able to understand but an Artist only) seem to be a disquisition more refin’d then useful ; for that few of our Gravers work off from the Round, upon which alone the observation is practicable ; yet shall it be necessary to admonish, that shadowes over dark, too deep and suddain, are not commendable in these works, as seldom so appearing in the life ; and therefore hatchings expres’d by single stroaks, are ever the most graceful and natural ; though of greater difficulty to execute ; especialy, being any wayes oblique ; because they will require to be made broader, and fuller in the middle, then either at their entrance, or exit ; an addresse much more easie with the Burin, and the Pen, then with the point, Though Monsieur Bosse’s invention of the Eschoppe, does render the making of this Sulcus, much more facile :

Conceptual field(s)

PEINTURE, TABLEAU, IMAGE → définition de la gravure
MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la gravure


But to attain this Masterly, and with assurance of hand, our Workmen may do well to imitate the Gravings of the Sadelers, Villamena, Sauanneburg, Gaultier ; but especially Claudis Mellan, Natalis, Poisly, Nanteuill, Cornelius Blomart, H. Goultzius : And for the Etchers in Aqua Fortis, Callot, and Du Bosse in some of their last cuts, especially ;

Conceptual field(s)

L’ARTISTE → apprentissage
L’ARTISTE → qualités


But here by the way, let no man think we mean by this Coloree (as they term it) in Drawing and Graving, such a position of the Hatches as the Chevalier Wolson has invented, and Pietro Santo the Jesuite {Theatre d’honeur. Tessera Gentil.} has follow’d, to distinguish their Blazons by : But a certain admirable effect, emerging from the former union of Lights, and shadowes ; such as the Antient would expresse by Tonus, or the Pythagoreans in their Proportions, and imitated in this Art, where the shades of the Hatches intend, and remit to the best resemblance of painting, the Commissures of the light and dark parts, imperceptably united, or at least so sweetly conducted, as tat the alteration could no more certainly be defin’d, then the Semitons, or Harmoge in musick ; which though indeed differing ; yet it is so gentle, and so agreeable, as even ravishes our senses, by a secret kind of charme not to be expressed in words, or discerned by the ignorant. 

Conceptual field(s)

PEINTURE, TABLEAU, IMAGE → définition de la gravure
MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique de la gravure
SPECTATEUR → perception et regard