ART (deu.) · GUISA (ita.) · MANIER (deu.) · MANIER (nld.) · MANIERA (ita.) · MANIÈRE (fra.) · MANUAAL (nld.) · MODO (ita.) · TRANT (nld.) · VIA (ita.) · WEISE (deu.)
MANIER (nld.) · MANIÈRE (fra.)
MANIÈRE (fra.)
BLANC, Jan, Peindre et penser la peinture au XVIIe siècle : la théorie de l'art de Samuel van Hoogstraten, Berne, Peter Lang, 2008.
DELAPLANCHE, Jérôme, Un tableau n'est pas qu'une image : la reconnaissance de la matière de la peinture en France au XVIIIe siècle, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016.
GRASSI, Luigi, « Maniera », dans GRASSI, Luigi et PEPE, Mario (éd.), Dizionario della critica d’arte, Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, 1978, 2 vol.
HECK, Michèle-Caroline, Théorie et pratique de la peinture : Sandrart et la “Teutsche Academie”, Paris, Éd. de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2006.
HECK, Michèle-Caroline, « FAIRE / BEAU-FAIRE // PEINDRE / BIEN-PEINDRE », dans HECK, Michèle-Caroline (éd.), LexArt. Les mots de la peinture (France, Allemagne, Angleterre, Pays-Bas, 1600-1750) [édition anglaise, 2018], Montpellier, Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2018, p. 215-221.
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MARCHESANO, Louis, Printing the grand manner: Charles Le Brun and monumental prints in the age of Louis XIV, Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, 2010.
MAËS, Gaëtane et SAVETTIERI, Chiara, « Manière », dans LAFONT, Anne (éd.), 1740, un Abrégé du Monde. Savoirs et collections autour de Dezallier d’Argenville, Lyon - Paris, Fage éditions - Institut national d'histoire de l'art, 2012, p. 157-161.
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MICHEL, Christian, LICHTENSTEIN, Jacqueline et CASTEX, Jean-Gérald (éd.), Conférences de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. Les conférences, 1712-1746, Paris, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 2010, 6 tomes, tome IV, 2 vol.
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MICHEL, Christian, « Manière », dans CASSIN, Barbara (éd.), Vocabulaire européen des philosophies. Dictionnaire des intraduisibles, Paris, Éd. du Seuil, 2004, p. 751-755.
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3 sources
6 quotations


We call Manner the Habit of a Painter, not only of his Hand, but of his Mind ; that is, his way of expressing himself in the three principal Parts of Painting, Design, Colouring, and Invention ; it answers to Stile in Authors ; for a Painter is known by his Manner, as an Author by his Stile, or a Man’s Hand by his Writing.

Conceptual field(s)

MANIÈRE ET STYLE → le faire et la main


Michael Angelo Buonaroti was the greatest Designer that ever was, having studied Naked Bodies with great Care ; but he aiming always at showing the most difficult things of the Art, in the Contorsions of Members, and Convulsions of the Muscles, Contractions of the Nerves, &c. His Painting is not so agreeable, though much more profound and difficult than any other ; his Manner was Fierce, and almost Savage, having nothing of the Graces of Raphael, whose Naked Figures are dilicate and tender, and more like Flesh and Blood, whereas Michael Angelo doth not distinguish the Sexes nor the Ages so well, but makes all alike Musculous and Strong ; and who sees one Naked Figure of his doing, may reckon he has seen them all ; his Colouring is nothing near so Natural as Raphael’s, and in a word, for all Vasari commends him above the Skies, he was a better Sculptor than a Painter : One may of Raphael and of him, that their Characters were opposite, and both great Designers ; the one endeavouring to show the Difficulties of the Art, and the other aiming at Easiness ; in which, perhaps, there is as much Difficulty.

Conceptual field(s)



The Face, and Hands, are a Model for a Pencil in Portrait-Painting [ndr : il s’agit du portrait de la comtesse Dowager of Exeter, par Van Dyck] ; ‘tis not V. Dyck’s first Labour’d Flemish Manner, nor in the least Careless, or Slight ; the Colours are well wrought, and Touch’d in his best Style ; that is, the Best that ever Man had for Portraits ; nor is the Curtain in the least inferiour in this Particular, tho’ the Manner is vary’d as it ought to be, the Pencil is There more seen than in the Flesh ; the Hair, Veil, Chair, and indeed throughout except the Black Gown is finely Handled.

Conceptual field(s)

MANIÈRE ET STYLE → le faire et la main


Every Action must be represented as done, not only as ‘tis possible it might be perform’d, but in the Best manner. In the Print after Rafaëlle, grav’d by Marc Antonio, you see Hercules gripe Anteus with all the Advantage one can wish to have over an Adversary : […]. Daniele da Volterra has not succeeded so well in his famous Picture of the Descent from the Cross, where one of the Assistants, who stands upon a Ladder drawing out a Nail, is so disposed as is not very Natural, and Convenient for the purpose.

Conceptual field(s)

L’HISTOIRE ET LA FIGURE → action et attitude
CONCEPTS ESTHETIQUES → nature, imitation et vrai
CONCEPTS ESTHETIQUES → convenance, bienséance


BY this Term is understood the manner in which the Colours are left by the Pencil upon the Picture ; as the manner of using the Pen, Chalk, or Pencil in a Drawing is the Handling of that Drawing.
This consider’d in it self abstractedly is only a piece of Mechanicks, and is Well, or Ill as ‘tis perform’d with a Curious, Expert ; or Heavy, Clumsey Hand ; and that whether ‘tis Smooth, or Rough, or however ‘tis done ; for all the Manners of Working the Pencil may be Well or Ill in their kind ; and a fine light Hand is seen as much in a Rough, as in a Smooth manner.


Conceptual field(s)

MANIÈRE ET STYLE → le faire et la main