FOUT (n. f.)

DÉFAUT (fra.) · FAULT (eng.) · FAUTE (fra.) · FEHLER (deu.) · IRRTUM (deu.) · IRRWEG (deu.)
FAUTE (fra.)
/ · FEHLER (deu.) · MANGEL (deu.)



2 sources
3 quotations


Maer gelijck het wel geraetsaem, ja oock seer noodigh is, datmen inden beginne van sijne Studien andere Brave Meesters navolgt, en tracht in dat gene, in welcke sy gedwaelt hebben, haer te overtreffen, soo moet geweten worden datmen daer ontrent niet alleen yver ende neerstigheyt moet aenwenden, maer oock voor al sich seer wijslijck dragen: {Watter in ’t volgen van andere Meesters moet waergenomen worden.} Want het geleerdelijck navolgen van een groot Meester vereyst vry wat anders, als het simpel Na-Copieeren, dat voor de Jongelingen wel een bequaem middel is, om voor eerst de Pinceel te leeren handelen, de Verwen ende Colorijten te leeren vinden, ende soo voorts: Maer in het Meesterlijck studeeren, ende navolgen daer moet alleen het oordeel sich ontrent de Deughden vande alderbeste dingen oeffenen: ende dat met een sorghvuldige Naerstigheyt, om alles uyt te vorssen, ’t geen daer vanden rechten aert der Konsten in is. Want inde beste Tafereelen, sitten de Deughden somtijts soo diepe verborgen, ende soo konstelijck door het geheele Werck ingewickelt, ende door-vlochten, dat den alderscherpsinnighsten Meester de selve niet als na een lange opmerckingh en bestaet te vatten. Soo dat van een onkundige dickwils de fauten die daer noch in gebleven zijn, best van alles worden opgevolght en ingezogen; {Onkundige volgen de fauten in ’t Copieeren best na.} daerom datmen met een verstandigh en rechtsinnigh oordeel soodanige dingen bestuderen sal, ende en etent niet al voor Suycker op wat van dese of gene groote Meesters voortkomt, invoegen men de gebreecken soo wel als de volmaecktheden tot een wet van navolgingh komt te stellen, even offe uyt respect van hare Meesterschap niet en hadden konnen dwalen: Maer dan kan het navolgen eerst prijswaerdigh en voordeeligh zijn, soo wanneer sy de volle kracht der Konst inde voornaemste dingen heeft getroffen.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Yet as it is advisable, yes also very necessary, that one imitates other Good Masters in the beginning of his Studies, and attempts to surpass them where they have strayed, as such it should be known that one should not only apply ardor and diligence, but also behave themselves very wisely: {What should be observed in following other Masters.} Because it demands something different to intelligently imitate a great Master, than simply Copying After, which is an adequate means for young ones, to learn to treat the brush for the first time, to learn to find the colors and colorations et cetera: But in studying masterfully, and imitating, there only the judgement regarding the Virtues of the very best things should be practiced: and with a careful diligence, to find out everything, which is in it about the true nature of the Arts. Because the Virtues are often soo deeply hidden in the best Paintings, and are so artfully folded and braided into the whole work, that the most perceptive Master cannot assume to understand it but after a long observation. Such that the mistakes that remain in it are often followed the best and taken in by an incapable [artist]; {Incapable artists imitate the mistakes the best in Copying.} which is why with a wise and frank judgement one should study such things and not take at face value [ndr: literally: eat like sugar] everything that comes from this or another great Master, as such one may take the flaws as well as the perfections for a law to imitate, as if out of respect for their Mastery they could not stray: But the imitation will first become praiseworthy and useful, when she has captured the full power of Art in the principal things.

Conceptual field(s)

SPECTATEUR → jugement


Soo plegen verstandige Schilders haer in desen, van eenige behulp-middelen te versien, die haer in het oordeelen van hunne wercken eenighsins te bate mochten komen: {Behulpmiddelen om van sijn dingen wel te oordeelen.} Hier toe gebruyckten sommige den Spiegel, in welcke sy haere dingen als in een tegenstrijdige ende omgekeerden stand besagen; invoegen sy haer oordeel door het beschouwen van twee onderscheyde Vertooningen, op den Toetsteen brachten. ’t Is niet sonder reden datmen door dat middel de fauten zijner wercken kan naspeuren; want door dien omkeeringh van stant, veroorsaeckt dat de eyge Liefde omtrent onse Wercken niet in haer volle kracht en kan herschen, soo komen wy die aen te sien als het Werck van eenen anderen Werck-Meester, in welcke men (gelijck d’ondervindinge leert) altijdt veel gebreecken vinden kan: gelijck wy dat noch verder in ons tweede Boeck sullen aenraecken. Andere keeren hare stucken somtijts om, en sien die t’onderste boven, om alsoo uyt te vorssen of hunne dingen haer behoorlijcke Teyckeningh ende kracht hebben, ende behouwen: Gelijck dat mede door de Lijsten aende stucken te doen dickwils ontdeckt wort;

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] As such wise Painters tend to supply her with some aids, which might somewhat be of benefit for judging their works: {Tools that aid to judge one’s own work well.} Some used a mirror for this, in which they observed their things in a contrasting and opposite position; as such they tested their judgement by observing two different displays. It is not without reason that one can detect the mistakes in his work by that means, because through the reversal of the position, it causes that one’s own Love for our works cannot reign in its full power, so we get to so it as if it were the work of another Artisan, in which one (like experience teaches us) can always find flaws: as we will touch upon this further in our second Book. Others sometimes turn their pieces around, to see it upside down, to investigate this way whether their things have a proper Design and power, and maintain it: As this is also often discovered because by placing the Frames on the works;


Conceptual field(s)

SPECTATEUR → jugement


[…] {Hoemen sijn Teyckeningh tegen sijn Principael sal Confereeren.} en besiet uwe stellinge alsoo een wijle tijt met opmerckingh als in vergelijckingh tegen u Principael, en doet het met een groote lust en wensch, om sooder eenige fouten in zijn, die uyt te vinden, wandelende tot dien eynde met naeuw opmerckende gedachten, u gansche Teyckeningh door en door, telckens die, soo in ’t bysonder, als in ’t generael met u Principael Confereerende, ghy sult alsdan ontwijffelbaer bemercken, wat misstellingen ghy daer in hebt begaen, zijt dan niet verdrietigh noch traegh, maer verbetert die soo flucx alsse sich opdoen, en dat gy wel geoordeelt hebt vanden misslagh, en waer het aan hapert, en door wat daer die sal konnen verbeetert worden, op dat gy niet de onrechte partye aengrijpt, ofte dat gy door ’t verbeteren van dit of dat niet verraden en wort van meerder misslaghen, want dat is in ’t gemeen den aert vande fouten, diemen in een Teyckeningh, of Schilderye vint, dat wanneer men d’eene verbetert, terstont sich wederom een andere opdoet, invoegen d’eene fout de andere beklapt, daerom datmen met seven oogen, als het spreeck-woort set, moet omsien en wacht houden.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] […] {How one should compare one’s Drawing against one’s Original.} and observe your composition for a while with observation in comparison to your Original, and do so with great desire and need, to find out the mistakes, if there are any, going over your whole Drawing with closely noticing thoughts over and over for this purpose, comparing it both in detail and in general with your Original, you will then doubtlessly discover which faults you have made in it, do not become sad or slow then, but correct them as soon as they occur, and that you have judged correctly of the fault and what the problem is and how it can be corrected, so that you do not take on the wrong part, or that you do not become aware of other mistakes by correcting, because this is generally the origin of the faults that one finds in a Drawing or Painting, that when you correct one, another will immediately occur, that is one mistake gives away another, therefore one should watch out with seven eyes, as the saying goes.

misslag · misstelling

term translated by / in GOEREE, Willem, Anweisung zur algemeinen Reiss- und Zeichen-Kunst darinnen die Gründe und Eigenschafften die man einen unfehlbahren Vestand in der Zeichen-Kunst zu erlangen nothwendig wissen muß kürßlich und doch klärlich angewiesen werde. Nicht allein den anfahenden Zeichern Kupfferstechern Mahlern Glasschreibern Bildhauern und dergleichen Künstlern zur Anleitung sondern auch allen Liebhabern beydes dieser und anderer daraus entspriessenden Künste zur Lust und Erlangung so vieler Erkäntnüß als von dergleichen Künsten vernünfftig zu urtheilen erfordert wird dienstlich und nüßlich Durch Wilhelm Goeree. Zum andern Mahl gedruckt und fast umb die Helffte vermehret, trad. par LANGE, Johann, Hamburg, Johann Naumann und Georg Wolffen, 1677., p. 62-63 in GOEREE, Willem, An Introduction to the general Art of Drawing, Wherein is set forth The Grounds and Properties, which of this infallible and judicious Art are necessary to be known and understood. Being not only Profitable unto them that Practise Drawing; Picture-Drawers, Engravers, Carvers, Stone-Cutters, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, &c. But also to all Lovers and well-affected, as well to this as to other ARTS (flowing from thence) a commodious Knowledge Communicated: With an Illustration of twenty five Copper-Prints of Figures, for young Learners to practise by. Likewise, An Excellent Treatise of the Art of Limning, in the which the true Grounds, and the perfect Use of Water-Colours, with all their Properties, are clearly and perfectly taught. Formerly set out by that Excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge. And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations, teaching (besides Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours. Set forth at Middleburgh by W. GORE. Truly Translated into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke for the Lovers and Practitioners of this Noble and Admirable Art, London, Robert Pricke, 1674., p. 13
term translated by / in GOEREE, Willem, Anweisung zur algemeinen Reiss- und Zeichen-Kunst darinnen die Gründe und Eigenschafften die man einen unfehlbahren Vestand in der Zeichen-Kunst zu erlangen nothwendig wissen muß kürßlich und doch klärlich angewiesen werde. Nicht allein den anfahenden Zeichern Kupfferstechern Mahlern Glasschreibern Bildhauern und dergleichen Künstlern zur Anleitung sondern auch allen Liebhabern beydes dieser und anderer daraus entspriessenden Künste zur Lust und Erlangung so vieler Erkäntnüß als von dergleichen Künsten vernünfftig zu urtheilen erfordert wird dienstlich und nüßlich Durch Wilhelm Goeree. Zum andern Mahl gedruckt und fast umb die Helffte vermehret, trad. par LANGE, Johann, Hamburg, Johann Naumann und Georg Wolffen, 1677., p. 62-63 in GOEREE, Willem, An Introduction to the general Art of Drawing, Wherein is set forth The Grounds and Properties, which of this infallible and judicious Art are necessary to be known and understood. Being not only Profitable unto them that Practise Drawing; Picture-Drawers, Engravers, Carvers, Stone-Cutters, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, &c. But also to all Lovers and well-affected, as well to this as to other ARTS (flowing from thence) a commodious Knowledge Communicated: With an Illustration of twenty five Copper-Prints of Figures, for young Learners to practise by. Likewise, An Excellent Treatise of the Art of Limning, in the which the true Grounds, and the perfect Use of Water-Colours, with all their Properties, are clearly and perfectly taught. Formerly set out by that Excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge. And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations, teaching (besides Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours. Set forth at Middleburgh by W. GORE. Truly Translated into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke for the Lovers and Practitioners of this Noble and Admirable Art, London, Robert Pricke, 1674., p. 13

Conceptual field(s)