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PEACHAM, Henry, The Compleat Gentleman: Fashioning Him absolute in the most Necessary and Commendable Qualities, concerning Mind, or Body, that may be required in a Person of Honor. To which is added the Gentlemans Exercise or, An exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of Beasts, as for making Colours, to be used in Painting, Limning, &c. The Third Impression much inlarged, especially in the Art of Blazonry, by a very good Hand, London, E. Tyler, 1661.
EVELYN, John, Sculptura: Or, The History, And Art of Chalcography And Engraving in Copper. With an ample enumeration of the most renowned Masters, and their Works. To which is annexed A new manner of Engraving, or Mezzo Tinto, communicated by his Highness Prince Rupert, to the Authour of this Treatise, London, G. Beedle, 1662.
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BOSSE, Abraham, Tractaet in wat manieren men op root koper snijden ofte etzen zal : door de middel der stercke-wateren, ende harde- en zachte- vernissen, ofte gronde : als mede de manieren der zelve plaeten te drucken, de pars te maecken, ende andere dinghen, behelzende de zelve konsten, [trad. par P.H., 1646], trad. par P. H., Amsterdam, Jacob van Meurs, 1662.
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FÉLIBIEN, André, Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellens peintres anciens et modernes, Paris, Pierre Le Petit, 1666, 5 vol. , vol. I.
BOSSE, Abraham, Le Peintre converty aux precises et universelles regles de son art avec un raisonnement abregé au sujet des Tableaux, Bas-reliefs et autres ornemens que l'on peut faire sur les diverses superficies des Bastimens. Et quelques Advertissements contre les erreurs que des nouveaux écrivains veulent introduire dans la pratique de ces Arts, Paris, Abraham Bosse, 1667.
FRÉART de CHAMBRAY, Roland, An Idea of the Perfection of Painting: demonstrated from the Principles of Art, and by examples conformable to the observations , which Pliny and Quintilian have made upon the most celebrated pieces of Ancient painters parallel’d with some Works of the most Modern Painters, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Julio Romano and N. Poussin, trad. par EVELYN, John, London, Henry Herringman, 1668.