VAN MANDER, Carel, Het Schilder-Boeck waer in Voor eerst de leerlustighe Iueght den grondt der Edel Vry Schilderconst in Verscheyden deelen Wort Voorghedraghen. Daer nae in dry deelen t'Leuen der vermaerde doorluchtighe Schilders des ouden, en nieuwen tyds Eyntlyck d'wtlegghinghe op den Metamorphoseon pub. Ouidij Nasonis. Oock daerbeneffens wtbeeldinghe der figueren Alles dienstich en nut den schilders Constbeminders en dichters, oock allen Staten van menschen, Haarlem, Paschier van Wesbusch, 1604.
BINET, Étienne, Essay des merveilles de nature et des plus nobles artifices, piece tres-necessaire à tous ceux qui font profession d'éloquence. Seconde édition revuë, corrigée, & augmentée par l'Autheur, Rouen, Romain de Beauvais - Jean Osmont, 1622.
PEACHAM, Henry, The Gentlemans Exercise. Or, An exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of Beasts in their true Portraitures : as also the making of all kinds of colours, to be used in Limning, Painting, Tricking, and Blazon of Coates, and Armes, with divers other most delightfull and pleasurable observations, for all young Gentlemen and others. As also Serving for the necessary use and generall benefit of divers Trades-men and Artificers, as namely Painters, Ioners, Free-Masons, Cutters and Carvers, &c. for the farther gracing, beautifying, and garnishing of all their absolute and worthy pieces, either for Borders, Architects, or Columnes, &c., London, J. Legat, 1634.
BATE, John, The Mysteryes of Nature and Art : Conteined in foure severall Tretises, The first of water workes The second of Fyer workes. The third of Drawing, Colouring, Painting, and Engraving. The fourth of divers Experiments as wel serviceable as delightful: partly Collected, and partly of the Authors Peculiar Pratice, and Invention, London, Ralph Mab - Thomas Harper, 1634.
JUNIUS, Franciscus, De pictura veterum libri tres, Amsterdam, Joannes Blaeu, 1637.
JUNIUS, Franciscus, The Painting of the Ancients, in Three Bookes : declaring by Historicall Observations and Examples, the Beginning, Progresse, and Consummation of that most Noble Art. And how those Ancient Artificers attained to their still so much admired Excellencie. Written first in latine by Franciscus Junius, F. F. And now by him englished, with some Additions and Alterations, trad. par JUNIUS, Franciscus, London, Richard Hodgkinsonne, 1638.
JUNIUS, Franciscus, De Schilder-konst der Oude, Begrepen in drie Boecken, Middelburg, Zacharias Roman, 1641.
ANGEL, Philips, Lof der Schilder-Konst, Leiden, Willem Christiaensz van der Boxe, 1642.
DE PASSE, Crispijn van, La prima-[quinta] parte della luce del dipingere et disegnare, ... messa in luce diligentemente da Crispino del Passo, con molte belle stampe = Eerste-[vijfde] deel van't light der teken en schilder konst, ... / met grooten vlijt in 't licht gebracht door Crispijn van de Pas, ende met schoone koop're platen verciert = La premiere-[cincquiesme] partie de la lumière de la peinture & de la designature, ... / mis en lumière avec grande diligence & peine par Crispin de Pas, avec des belles figures = Der erste-[fuenffte] Theil vom Liecht der Reiss und Mahlkunst, Amsterdam, Jan Jansz, 1643 - 1644.
BOSSE, Abraham, Traicté des manières de graver en taille douce sur l'airin. Par le Moyen des Eaux Fortes, & des Vernix Durs & Mols. Ensemble de la façon d'en Imprimer les Planches & d'en Construire la Presse, & autres choses concernans lesdits Arts, Paris, Abraham Bosse, 1645.