1 sources
1 quotations


Ghelijck dan de voornaemste kracht der Schilderyen gheleghen is in de bequaeme naeboetsinghe der eyghenschappen diemen in d’onroerende dinghen verneemt, als oock in de levendighe afbeeldinghe der beroeringhen diemen in de roerende dinghen speurt; soo moeten wy het mede daer voor houden, dat de welstandigheyd des gantschen wercks gheoordeelt wordt allermeest in ’t ghebaer ende in ’t roersel der figuren te bestaen, wanneer deselvighe yet merckelicks doen of lijden. Dies plaght oock het levendighe roersel, nae d’eene of d’andere gheleghenheyd der figuren, somtijds Actie somtijds de Passie ghenaemt te worden: Want de Beelden die de kracht van eenig ernstigh bedrijf in haer uyterlick ghebaer uyt-wijsen, worden geseyt een goede Actie te hebben; d’andere daerenteghen die d’inwendige beroeringhen haeres ghemoeds door d’uytwendighe ontseltheyd te kennen geven, worden gheseyt vol van Passie te sijn. Dit vervult de wercken met eenen levendighen gheest, ’t is de rechte ziele der Konste.

[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Just like the main power of Paintings lies in the capable imitation of the characteristics that one perceives in the unmoving things, as well as in the lively depiction of the movements that one detects in the moving things; as such we have to consider as well, that the harmony of the whole work is thought to exist most of all in the gesture and the movement of the figures, when they do something remarkable or suffer. As such the living movement also tends to be called after one or the other situation of the figures, sometimes Action and sometimes Passion: Because the Images that show the power of a serious occupation in their outward gesture, are said to have a good Action; the other on the other hand who demonstrate the internal movements of their mind by means of an outward dismay, are said to be full of Passion. This fills the works with a lively spirit, it is the true soul of the Art.

Junius explains that there are different types of movement (beroering) in an art work, which he also calls movement (roersel) and gesture (gebaar). On the one hand, he uses the term action (actie), which refers to the outer movement of the figures. On the other hand, there is the passion (passie), which reflects the inner movements. The correct depiction of the different movements should lead to a well-composed whole (welstand). The rest of paragraph IV.2 describes the different emotions, not necessarily in direct relation to art. The phrasing of this paragraph is different in the Latin and English edition. [MO]

beroeringh · roersel · ghebaer · actie · bedrijf · passie

Conceptual field(s)

L’HISTOIRE ET LA FIGURE → action et attitude
L’HISTOIRE ET LA FIGURE → expression des passions