Soo namen dan d’oude Meesters dese vijf hoofd-stucken in haere Schilderyen op ’t aller nauste waer. I. Den Historischen inhoud, die veeltijds d’Inventie ofte oock ’t argument ghenaemt wordt. II. De ghelijck-maetigheyd, diemen doorgaens henen de Proportie, symmetrie, analogie, en harmonie noemt. III. De verwe ofte ’t Coleur; en daer in plaghten sy ’t licht en schaduwe, als oock ’t schijnsel en duysternisse naukeurighlick t’ onderscheyden. IV. Het leven; ’t welck in d’Actie en Passie bestaet, ofte (om duydelicker te spreken) in de bequame afbeeldinghe der eyghenschappen die men in de onroerende dingen verneemt, als oock in de levendighe uytdruckinghe der beweghinghen diemen in de roerende dinghen speurt, wanneer deselvighe yet merckelicks doen of lijden. V. De schickinghe, die men ghemeynlick de Dispositie ofte Ordinantie plaght te heeten.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] As such the old Masters observed these five chief principles very closely in their Paintings. I. The Historical content, that is often called the Invention or also the argument. II. The uniformity, which one commonly calls the Proportion, symmetry, analogy and harmony. III. The colour or the colouring; and in this they tend to carefully distinguish the light and shadow, as well as the sheen and darkness. IV. The life; which exists in the Action and Passion, or (to speak more clearly) in the skilled depiction of the characteristics that one discerns in the unmovable things, as well as in the lively expression of the movements that one perceives in the movable things, when these do or suffer something considerable. V. The arrangement, that one commonly tends to call the Disposition or Ordinance.
In the introduction to the third book, Junius introduces the five main principles (hoofdstukken) that the old masters followed in their work. The second of these principle is ‘gelijkmatigheid’ (uniformity), which can also be called by one of its synonyms: Proportion, Symmetry, Analogy and Harmony. In the second chapter of Book Three the differences between these synonyms are discussed at length in the following chapters. [MO]
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Wat nu de Konst-maetighen proportionele uytdruckinghe der ghevondener stoffe belanght, de selvighe wordt in verscheydene autheuren verscheydenlick ghenaemt; docht voornaemelick wordtse in Philostratus en vele andere schrijvers door de naemen Symmetrie, Analogie ofte Harmonie te verstaen ghegheven; dies heeft oock den jonghen Philostratus dese dry benaeminghen bequaemelick t’saemen ghevoeght. De oude wijse Mannen hebben mijnes dunckens, seght hy {in proemio Iconum}, vele gheschreven van de Symmetrie der Schilder-konste, mids ons eenighe sekere wetten ontrendt d’Analogie vanalle bysondere leden voorstellende, even als of het niet ghenoegh en waere dat de Konstenaers eenigh lichaemelicke beweghinghen bequaemelick nae haer begrijp souden uytdrucken, het en waer saecke dat sich de Harmonie haeres wercks binnen de naturelicke maete besloten hield, want de Nature (wanneerse ons naemelick een rechtsinnighe en welghestelde beweghinge vertoon) en wil gheenssins erkennen het ghene van sijnen eyghenen aard en maete beghint af te swerven. Ghelijck wy dan uyt dese woorden ghenoeghsaemlick verstaen dat de Griecksche naemen van Symmetrie, Analogie, Harmonie even het selvige beteyckenen, soo is het evenwel t’eenemael onseker ende onghewis wat Latijnschen naem dat men daer voor heeft. Het woordt Symmetrie heeft gheenen Latijnschen naem, seght Plinius Lib. XXXIV.nat.hist.Cap.8.. Nochtans schijnt den jonghen Plinius dit woordt uytghedruckt te hebben met den naem Congruentia ofte AEqualitas, dat is, medevoeghlickheyd ofte ghelijckvormigheyd. Indien nu het hoofd ofte eenigh ander deel, het welck van sijne statue afgheruckt is, voorghestelt wierd, seght hy {Lib. II. Epist.5.}, ghy en soudt misschien de medvoeghlickheydt ende ghelijckvormigheyd des gantschen wercks daer uyt soo lichtelick niet konnen afnemen, niet te min soudt ghy daer uyt konnen oordeelen of die ghedeelte in sich selven aerdigh ghenoeg is.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] What the Artificial proportional expression of the found material is concerned, it is called differently by different writers; but mainly it is described by the name Symmetry, Analogy or Harmony in Philostratus and many other writers; as such the young Philostratus has also capably connected these three terms. In my opinion the old wise Men, he says {…}, have written a lot about the Symmetrie of the Art of Painting, by proposing us some certain laws regarding the Analogy of the separate members, as if it were not enough that the Artists would express some movements of the body capably after their understanding, it was then necessary that the Harmony of their work would stay within the natural size, because Nature (namely when it shows us a rightful and well-composed movement) does not want to recognize at all that which is starting to stray from its own character and size. Just as we understand from these words that the Greek terms Symmetry, Analogy and Harmony more or less mean the same, as such it is likewise uncertain and unclear which Latin term is used for it. The word Symmetry, says Plinius Lib. XXXIV. nat.hist. cap. 8. Nevertheless the young Plinius appears to have expressed this word with the term Congruentia or AEqualitas, that is correspondence or uniformity. If the head or any other member, which is torn off a statue, is depicted, he says {…}, you would perhaps not easily deduct the correspondence or uniformity of the whole work, nevertheless you would be able to judge from it whether the part itself is good enough.
Junius extensively discusses the different terms that are used to describe the aspect of proportion in a painting. This paragraph serves as the introduction for further exploration of the different terms, although some of them are only mentioned in this citation. The terms that are mentioned are: symmetry (symmetrie), analogy (analogie), harmony (harmonie), Congruentia, Aequalitas, medevoeghlickheyd and uniformity (gelijkvormigheid). Junius mentions the Greek origins of the first three terms and suggests that Congruentia and Aequalitas might be their Latin equivalents, as suggested by Pliny jr. The two Dutch terms are Junius’ own invention. This citation is of interest, as it shows Junius’ search for and understanding of artistic terms. In the Latin edition, Junius uses the Greek term for symmetrry: συμμετρια. [MO]
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De schoonheyd van ’t lichaem bestaet in een sekere Symmetrie die de ghedeelten der lichaems met malckander en met het gheheele hebben, seght Stobeaus Ecolog. Ethic. Cap.5. Een lichaem, het welcke in alle sijne gedeelten schoon is, wordt voor veele schoonder ghehouden, dan de bysondere schoone leden die ’t geheele lichaem door een ordentelicke schickelickheyd opmaecken, seght St Augustinus Lib. III. Dulciloqu. Cap. 26. Want indien ’t eene of ’t andere onser lede-maeten van de rest afghesneden sijnde, alleen by sich selven besichtight wordt, seght Dionys. Longinus {De sublimi orat. 35.}, het en sal gantsch gheene aensienlickheyd hebben; vermids de rechte volmaecktheyd maer alleen in d’over-een-kominge van alle de leden bestaet; wanneerse naemelick door haere onderlinghe ghemeynschap een lichaem gheworden sijnde, met eenen oock daer in door den hand der Harmonie aen alle kanten worden opghesloten.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The beauty of the body exists in a certain Symmetry that the parts of the body have with each other and with the whole, says Stobeaus Ecolog. Ethic. Cap. 5. A body, which is beautiful in all its parts, is thought to be much more beautiful, than the separate beautiful parts that form the body by means of an orderly compliancy, says St Augustinus Lib. III. Dulciloqu. Cap. 26. Because if the one or the other of our bodyparts, being cut off from the rest, are looked at on their own, says Dionys. Longinus {…}, it will not have any importance; as the true perfection only exists in the correspondence of all the parts; namely, once they have become a body by means of their mutual resemblance, they are immediately from all sides captured in it by the hand of Harmony.
Junius connects the esthetical concept of beauty (schoonheid) to that of symmetry (symmetrie). He refers to the human body, in which all the different parts should be in harmony (harmonie) with each other. Junius does not refer directly to art in this extract. [MO]
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Dewijl het dan vast gaet dat de waere schoonheyd der naturelicker lichaemen maer alleen in de ghevoeghlicheydt deser Harmonie te vinden is, soo volght het oock daer uyt onwedersprekelick, dat de rechte naeboetsinghe deser lichamen voornamelick in het waernemen deser Harmonie gheleghen is. Alle ghedeelten van een stock-beeld behooren schoon te sijn seght Socrates apud Stobaeum Serm. I. wy en staen in de Colossische wercken niet soo seer op de aerdighe netticheyt van elck bysonder ghedeelte, of wy plaghten vele meer op de schoonheyd van ’t gheheele maecksel te letten, seght Strabo Lib. I. Geogr. Die naeboetsinghen worden voor d’allerspottlickste ghehouden, seght Galenus {Lib. i. de Usu partium corporis humani}, de welcke de ghelijckenisse diese in vele ghedeelten waernemen, in de voornaemste versuymen. Parrhasius, Polycletus, en Asclepiodorus sijn d’eerste en voornaemste grondleggers ende onderhouders deser Symmetrie gheweest. Parrhasius was den eersten die de Schilder-konst haere behoorlicke Symmetrie ghegheven heeft. Plin. XXXV.10. Polycletus nam de Symmetrie op het aller naerstighste waer. Plin XXXIV. 8. Asclepiodorus gingh soo meesterlick met sijne stucken te werck, seght den selvighen Plinius {Lib. XXXV. Cap. 10.}, dat sich Apelles grootlicks plaght te verwonderen over de Symmetrie die hy daer in ghebruyckte.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] While it is certain that the true beauty of the natural bodies can only be found in the propriety of this Harmony, as such it follows undeniably from this as well, that the true imitation of these bodies consists mainly in the observation of this Harmony. All parts of a statue have to be beautiful says Socrates apud Stobaeum Serm. I. we do not insist so much on the nice neatness of each separate part in the Colossal works, but we tend to pay much more attention to the beauty of the whole production, says Strabo Lib. I. Geogr. Those imitations are thought to be the most ridiculous, says Galenus {…, that generally neglect the resemblance that they observe in many parts. Parrhaisus, Polycletus and Asclepiodorus have been the first and principal founders and observers of this Symmetry. Parrhaisus was the first who gave the Art of Painting its appropriate Symmetry. Plin. XXXV.10. Polycletus observed the Symmetry very dilligently. Plin XXXIV.8. Asclepiodorus approached his work so masterfully, says the same Plinius {…}, that Apelles used to be greatly amazed about the Symmetry that he applied in it.
GALENUS, Claudius
PARRHASIUS (Parrhasios)
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d’Oude Konstenaers en lieten ’t evenwel daer by niet blijven, maer sy plaghten nae de voorghemelde afbeeldinghe van allerley bysondere schoone lichaemen, ontrent dewelcke sy haer selven eenen gantsch langhen tijd besigh hielden, tot een arbeydsaemer ende diep konstigher maniere van wercken voord te vaeren; wanneer sy naemelick d’Idea van de volmaeckte schoonheyd, die door de gheduersaemheyd der voorigher oeffeninghe in haer ghemoed was inghedruckt, in haere Schilderyen sochten uyt te drucken: Want gelijck sy den rechten grondslag van de waere Proportie voor een goede wijle tijds maer allen uyt de naevolghinghe van d’aller volmaeckste lichamen sochten te haelen, soo plaghten sy dese oeffeninghe met der tijd allenghskens over te gheven, sy en wilden haer selven niet langer met d’afbeeldinghe van ’t eene of ’t andere bysondere schoone lichaem bemoeyen, als het hun nu hoogh tijd scheen te wesen om uyt den schat-kelder haere fantasie een uytmuntende schoonheyd achtervolghens de waere wetten ende regulen van de lang-bearbeyde Symmetrie voord te brengen;
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The old Artists did not leave it to this, but they tended to proceed with a laborious and very artful manner of working after the aformentioned image of all sorts of especially beautiful bodies, regarding which they busied themselves for a rather long time; namely when they tried to express the Idea of the perfect beauty, that was imprinted in their mind through enduring previous practice, in their paintings: Because just like, for a long period, they can only distill the right principle of the true Proportion from the imitation of the most perfect bodies, as such they tend to surpass this practice in time, no longer wanting to occupy themselves with the depicition of one or another especially beautiful body, as it would appear them to be the right moment to produce an excellent beauty, based on the true laws and rules of the long-practised Symmetry, from the treasury of their fantasy;
Anciens (les)
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Ghelijck dan d’oude Konstenaers de ghelijckenisse niet t’eenemael en versuymden, soo plaghtense nochtans meer wercks van de Symmetrie te maecken; achtende dat de ghelijckenisse maer alleen uyt de Konst ontstaet, waer als de Symmetrie uyt een sekere volmaecktheyd, die de Konst verder te boven gaet, hervoord komt, siet Maximus Tyrius Dissertat. XVI. Want daer stelt hy ons een gantsch merckelick onderscheyd tussen dese twee hoofd-stucken voor ooghen.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Just like the old Artists did never neglect the resemblance, as such they tend to make even more work of Symmetry; believing that the resemblance only springs forth from the Art, whereas the Symmetry comes forth from a certain kind of perfection, that far surpasses the Art, see Maximus Tyrius (…). Because there he shows us a rather significant difference between these two chief principles
The paraphrasing of the citation is somewhat different in the Latin edition. [MO]
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Noch openbaert sich d’ongheloofelicke kracht deser Symmetrie allermeest in de Teycken-konst ofte in d’eerste afschetsinghe der ghevondener dinghen. Dies plaghten oock allerley Konst-vroede Mannen het schierlicke wel gheproportioneerde bewerp van een ghenoeghsaemlick door-kaude Inventie voor het voornaemste grond-werck deser Konsten te houden; wanneer naemelick d’arbeydsaeme Konstenaers haere eerste invallen, sonder ’t behulp van eenigh vermaeckelicke Coleuren, in enckele proportionele linien soo gheestighlick voor ooghen stellen, datmen allenthalven de levendighe kracht der dinghen selver in d’eenvoudigheyd haerer omtrecks en de slechtigheyd haerer eenverwigher binne-wercken verneemt.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Yet the unbelievable power of this Symmetry reveals itself most in the Art of Drawing or in the first sketch of the found things. Various Art-loving Men tended to keep this well-proportioned design of a sufficiently conceived Invention for the main groundwork of these Arts; namely when the diligent Artists envision their first ideas in a few proportional lines, without the help of any entertaining colours, that one learns everything about the lively power of things itself in the simplicity of its contour and the mediocrity of its one-coloured interior.
This section in the Dutch edition is different from the English and Latin edition. [MO]
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Tot noch toe hebben wy d’Ordinantie, die uyt d’Inventie oorspronckelick voordspruyt, aenghemerckt; volght dat wy nu een weynigh handelen van de Dispositie, die ’t werck is van een nauwluysterende Proportie. Daer om schijnt oock dese Dispositie, om de waerheyd te segghen, seer weynigh van de Proportie te verschillen: Want ghelijckse nerghens anders op uyt gaet, dan datse ’t rechte tusschenscheyd der figuren behoorlicker wijse waerneme ende onderhoudt; soo wordtse ten aensien vande groote ghemeynschap diese met de Proportie selver heeft, een Symmetrie in Plinius ghenaemt: Apelles, seght hy {Lib. xxxv. Cap. 10.}, plaght de Symmetrie van Asclepiodorus met groote verwondering t’aenschouwen; Want dit segghende, soo heeft hy daer mede anders niet te verstaen ghegeven, dan dat sich Apelles met den voornoemden Asclepiodorus niet en heeft dorven verghelijcken, Inde maeten, dat is, in ’t waernemen van de tusschen-wijdde diemen in verscheyden figuren behoort t’onderhouden, ghelijck den selvighen autheur in ’t selvighe Capittel is sprekende. Wat dese Dispositie belanght, men kanse aen gheen sekere ghesette regulen verbinden; ons ooge heeft daer in ’t meeste bedrijf:
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Until now we have discussed the Ordinance, which springs forth from the Invention; it now follows that we elaborate a bit on this Disposition, which is the work of a careful Proportion. To say the truth, this is also why this Disposition differs very little from the Proportion: Because like it aims for nothing else but that it observes and maintains the right difference between figures in an acceptable manner; as such it is called a Symmetry by Plinius with regard to the great resemblance that it has with the Proportion: Apelles, he says {…}, tended to observe the Symmetry of Asclepiodorus with great astonishment; By saying this, he has also expressed that Apelles did not dare to compare himself with the aforementioned Asclepiodorus, In the measurements, that is, in observing the space that one should maintain in different figures, as the same author says in the same chapter. What this Disposition is concerned, one cannot connect it to any certain fixed rules; our eye has the biggest role in it:
Junius returns to the distinction between two types of composition (ordonnantie, dispositie) that he introduced on page 300-301. This time, he distinguishes clearly between the two and focuses on disposition (dispositie), which he explains as being closely connected to proportion (proportie). Because of this connection, Pliny called this type of composition symmetry (symmetrie), according to Junius. There are no rules for the disposition of a painting, its quality depends on the able eye (oog) of the artist. This entire section is not included in the Latin edition of 1637. [MO]