Of painting in Oyle.
Here you must provide one thing more then you did before : that is, a Pallet (so called by Artists) whereupon you must put a small quantitie of every such colour you are to use, the forme whereof followeth [ndr : présence d’un dessin de palette au dessous de ce paragraphe].
Conceptual field(s)
Chap. XIII, Of Drawing, Limning, and Painting: with the lives of the famous Italian Painters, p. 131
Having all your colours ready ground, with your pallet on the thumb of your left hand, and pencils for every colour, in the same lay your colours upon your pallet thus : first, your white Lead, then Lake, Ivory black, Seacoale black (as you see the complexion) Lamp-black, Umber for the haire, red Lead, yellow Oaker, Verdigreece ; then your Blews, Masticot and Pink ; the rest at your pleasure, mixing them on the other side of the pallet, at your pleasure
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CHAP. I. Of Painting in Oyl, & the Materials thereof.
I. Painting in Oyl is nothing but the work or Art of Limning performed with colours made up or mixed with oyl.
II. The materials of Painting are chiefly seven, 1. The Easel, 2. The Pallet, 3. The Straining frame, 4. The Primed cloath, 5. Pensils, 6. The Stay, 7. Colours. [...] IV. The Pallet is a thin piece of wood, (Peartree or Walnut) a foot long, and about ten Inches broad, almost like an Egg, at the narrowest end of which is made an hole, to put in the thumb of the left hand, near to which is cut a notch, that so you may hold the pallet in your hand. Its use is to hold and temper the Colours upon.
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I Might here describe the form and fashion of your Easell and Pallat, but I think, I need not ; for he that ever saw a Painter at work must needs see these two Instruments ; but what they are, I shall here describe. [...] A Pallat is a thin piece of wood, and is necessary to be about twelve or fourteen inches long, and nine or ten inches broad, in form of an Egge, at the narrower end whereof is a hole made also of an Oval form, about an inch and a half in length, and an inch broad ; this hole is to put in your thumb of your left hand upon which you must always hold it when you are at work ; out of the side of your Pallat near unto the thumb hole is cut a notch, by the side of which the Pencils which you hold in your left hand also may come through, by which means you may take any of them out, or put another in at pleasure. These Pallats ought to be very thin and light, especially at the broad end, but toward the thumb-hole somewhat thick, yet not above half a quarter of an inch ; the best wood to make them of is Pear-tree, or Walnut-tree.
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Chap XXVII, The Instruments and Materials us’d in Painting and the preparing Colours to the Pallat.
[...]. [...] For you Pallat, you should give order to the Colour shops, [...].