The Practice of Drawing or Designing.
{The practice of Drawing and Designing.} I Would prepare you with Rule and Compasse, and other Instruments, necessary for you to lye by you at hand ; but advise you to practise without them ; It is your eye must judge, without artificiall Measuring. And when you have past my first directions, and are perfect to draw by the Life, you may afterwards, in large Proportions and dimensions, use your Instruments, both for perfection, ease, and speed.
Conceptual field(s)
Chap. XIII, Of Drawing, Limning, and Painting: with the lives of the famous Italian Painters, p. 128
For your first beginning and entrance in draught, make your hand as ready as you can (without the help of your compasses) in those generall figures of the Circle, ovall, square, triangle, cylinder, &c. for these are the foundation of all other proportions. As for example, your ovall directs you in giving a just proportion to the face. Your Square or Cube for all manner of ground plots, formes of fortification; wherein you have no use of the Circle at all. Your Circle again directs you in all orbicular forms whatsoever, and so forth to the rest.
Conceptual field(s)
CHAP. II. Of the Instrument of Drawing.
I. The Instruments of Drawing are sevenfold, viz. Charcoals, feathers of a Ducks-wing, black and red Lead pensils, pens made of Ravens quils, Rulers, Compasses, and Pastils. [...] VII. Compasses made of fine Brass with Steel-points, to take in and out, that you may use black or red Lead at pleasure.
Their use is first to measure (by help of a curious scale of equal parts upon the edge of your ruler) your proportions, and whether your work is exact which is done with the Charcoal. Secondly, to draw Circles, Ovals, and Arches withal.
Conceptual field(s)
5. A Rule and a pair of Compasses with three Points to take in and out ; one for Chalk, another for Black-lead, or red Chalk, or any other Paste. The use of the Compasses is required in most things you draw, which you are to use after your out-stroke is done, by trying how near your Draught and Pattern agree, and this being only toucht out in Charcoal, you may alter at pleasure.