


1 sources
1 quotations


Daer wert oock noch een tweede soort van stoffe in ’t Teyckenen gebruyckt, namentlijck tot de hooghsels, soo wanneermen op Gront-Papier Teyckent; en daer toe gebruycktmen gemeenlijck vande Kley daermen de Toebacks-Pijpen af backt; dese roltmen (weeck zijnde) in Pennekens, een Vinger lanck {Pijp-aerde.}: (…) Nu tot een stercker Hooghsel, soo neemtmen oock wel Wit-krijt {Wit-krijt.}; en is dienstigh, om by gheval hier en daer een sterck Hooghsel te maecken.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] There is also a second type of material that is used for Drawing, namely for the highlights, when one draws on Grounded Paper: one commonly uses of the Clay of which one bakes Tabacco Pipes; these are rolled (when soft) into Small pens of a finger long {Pipeclay.}: (…) For a stronger Highlight one also takes the White Chalk {White Chalk.}; and it is useful to randomly make a strong highlight here or there.

In this section Goeree explicitly discusses which choice of drawing material is best for each stage of the drawing process. [MO]

term translated by / in GOEREE, Willem, Anweisung zur algemeinen Reiss- und Zeichen-Kunst darinnen die Gründe und Eigenschafften die man einen unfehlbahren Vestand in der Zeichen-Kunst zu erlangen nothwendig wissen muß kürßlich und doch klärlich angewiesen werde. Nicht allein den anfahenden Zeichern Kupfferstechern Mahlern Glasschreibern Bildhauern und dergleichen Künstlern zur Anleitung sondern auch allen Liebhabern beydes dieser und anderer daraus entspriessenden Künste zur Lust und Erlangung so vieler Erkäntnüß als von dergleichen Künsten vernünfftig zu urtheilen erfordert wird dienstlich und nüßlich Durch Wilhelm Goeree. Zum andern Mahl gedruckt und fast umb die Helffte vermehret, trad. par LANGE, Johann, Hamburg, Johann Naumann und Georg Wolffen, 1677., p. 99-100 in GOEREE, Willem, An Introduction to the general Art of Drawing, Wherein is set forth The Grounds and Properties, which of this infallible and judicious Art are necessary to be known and understood. Being not only Profitable unto them that Practise Drawing; Picture-Drawers, Engravers, Carvers, Stone-Cutters, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, &c. But also to all Lovers and well-affected, as well to this as to other ARTS (flowing from thence) a commodious Knowledge Communicated: With an Illustration of twenty five Copper-Prints of Figures, for young Learners to practise by. Likewise, An Excellent Treatise of the Art of Limning, in the which the true Grounds, and the perfect Use of Water-Colours, with all their Properties, are clearly and perfectly taught. Formerly set out by that Excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge. And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations, teaching (besides Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours. Set forth at Middleburgh by W. GORE. Truly Translated into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke for the Lovers and Practitioners of this Noble and Admirable Art, London, Robert Pricke, 1674., p. 21
term translated by / in GOEREE, Willem, Anweisung zur algemeinen Reiss- und Zeichen-Kunst darinnen die Gründe und Eigenschafften die man einen unfehlbahren Vestand in der Zeichen-Kunst zu erlangen nothwendig wissen muß kürßlich und doch klärlich angewiesen werde. Nicht allein den anfahenden Zeichern Kupfferstechern Mahlern Glasschreibern Bildhauern und dergleichen Künstlern zur Anleitung sondern auch allen Liebhabern beydes dieser und anderer daraus entspriessenden Künste zur Lust und Erlangung so vieler Erkäntnüß als von dergleichen Künsten vernünfftig zu urtheilen erfordert wird dienstlich und nüßlich Durch Wilhelm Goeree. Zum andern Mahl gedruckt und fast umb die Helffte vermehret, trad. par LANGE, Johann, Hamburg, Johann Naumann und Georg Wolffen, 1677., p. 99-100 in GOEREE, Willem, An Introduction to the general Art of Drawing, Wherein is set forth The Grounds and Properties, which of this infallible and judicious Art are necessary to be known and understood. Being not only Profitable unto them that Practise Drawing; Picture-Drawers, Engravers, Carvers, Stone-Cutters, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, &c. But also to all Lovers and well-affected, as well to this as to other ARTS (flowing from thence) a commodious Knowledge Communicated: With an Illustration of twenty five Copper-Prints of Figures, for young Learners to practise by. Likewise, An Excellent Treatise of the Art of Limning, in the which the true Grounds, and the perfect Use of Water-Colours, with all their Properties, are clearly and perfectly taught. Formerly set out by that Excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge. And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations, teaching (besides Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours. Set forth at Middleburgh by W. GORE. Truly Translated into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke for the Lovers and Practitioners of this Noble and Admirable Art, London, Robert Pricke, 1674., p. 21

Conceptual field(s)

MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique du dessin