MISBRUIK (n. n.)




2 sources
2 quotations


d’Aenstokinge tot ondeughden, seght Plinius {in proemio Lib. 33} heeft de Konst oock vermeerdert. Want eenighe waeren daer seer wel mede ghepast dat haere drinck-vaten met het graveersel van allerley gheyle onkuysheyd verciert souden sijn; even als of hun den dranck door dese onvlatighe vuyligheden smaeckelicker soude worden ghemaeckt. Daedalus heeft een houte Koe konstighlick ghewrocht, om de beestelicke lusten van de raesende Pasiphae door dit middel te boeten, siet Hyginus, fabula 40. Het soude ons licht vallen meer andere exempelen van sulcken groven mis-bruyck der Konste byte brenghen, ’t en waer saecke dat wy voorghenomen hadden den voord-gangh deser Konsten maer alleen uyt het eerlicke of ten minsten uyt het onschadelicke ghebruyck der selvigher te haelen.

[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The instigation to vice, says Pliny {…} has also augmented the Art. Because some were very much content that their casks were embellished with the engraving of all sorts of randy indecency; just as if the booze would be made more tasteful by this obscene dirt. Daedalus has artfully made a wooden Cow, to satisfy the bestial appetites of the razing Pasiphae, (…). It would be easy for us to come up with more examples of such grave misuse of the Art, it is necessary that we have the intention to obtain the progress of these Arts only from the honest or at least the innocent use of it.

I have chosen to only cite the introductory paragraph of this Chapter (VIII). The rest of the chapter, as well as the following chapter (IX) consists of a listing of different uses of art. The formulation in this section is much different in the Latin and English edition. [MO]


Conceptual field(s)

PEINTURE, TABLEAU, IMAGE → définition de la peinture


Uyt dese ende diergelijcke Exempelen kan dan oock lichtelijck afgenomne worden, hoe gansch ongeoorlooft en schandelijck dat het is, de Achtbaerheyt van soodanighen heerlijcken Const, aen de dienstbaerheydt van allerley schadelijckheden te verhangen, ende alsoo de Const tot aenstoockingh van ondeughden te stellen; {Verachtingh van het misbruyck der Schilder-konst.} even als eertijts de ontuchtige Heydenen deden, die de Constenaers daerom alleen in aensien hielden, om datse hunne Drinck-vaten, en Bachus Kroesen, (daerse doch wonder veel mede op hadden ) met allerley geyle en onkuyssche Beelden wisten te graveren ende te beschilderen.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] From this and similar Examples it can easily be derived, how very unacceptable and shameful it is, to connect the Honorability of such a delightful Art to the servitude of all sorts of condemnable things, and as such aim to evoke the Art as a provocation of vices; {Despicability of the misuse of the Art of Painting.} just as was once done by the indecent heretics, who only esteemed the Artists, because they knew how to engrave and paint their Drink-vessels and Bacchus Mugs (as they had consumed unimaginable amounts of mead) with all sorts of horny and indecent Images.

Conceptual field(s)

PEINTURE, TABLEAU, IMAGE → définition de la peinture