STRONG (adj.)
Diligently observe what Colours bare a Sympathy or Antipathy to each other, and order your mixtures on your Pallate accordingly, as Blew and Yellow make a Green but Blew and Vermilion produce a Nigre Colour.
In the disposal of Colours on a Picture, consider the whitest Colours are not always the Stronger, but as they are Luminous or agreeing with the Light, as Vermilion is stronger then Green brought up to the same Height : and Yellow Masticot is stronger then White Masticot and will be seen at a greater Distance.
Those Colours must be laid near to one another, that are proper of their own nature to help one another, and give a mutual help to rayse up their Briskness, as the Red doth to the Green, and the Yellow to the Blew, &c.
Conceptual field(s)
However I will here make him [ndr : au lecteur] an Offer of an Abstract of what I take to be those by which a Painter, or Connoisseur, may safely conduct himself, [...] II. The Expression must be Proper to the Subject, and the Characters of the Persons ; It must be strong, so that the Dumb-shew may be perfectly Well, and Readily understood. Every Part of the Picture must contribute to This End ; Colours, Animals, Draperies, and especially the Actions of the Figures, and above all the Airs of the Heads.