PLEZANT (adj.)
En of schoon datter veel aen vast is, datmen de Teycken-Konst diende te verstaen, en deswegen veel Arbeydts en Hooft-breeckingh van nooden is, om de Verlichterie-Kunde te Leeren; soo moetmen hier op weten, dat alhoewel dese Konst sulcks al vereyst, ghelijckse dat oock doet; datter evenwel veel fraye dingen inde selve konnen ghemaeckt werden, sonder heel geleert inde Teycken-Kunde te wesen: gelijck als daer dan zijn de Freuytagien, Bancketten, Vogelkens, en alderhande Looven en Bloemen welcke insonderheyt playsant voor d’Ooge zijn, en stoffe genoegh geeft van veranderlijckheyt, oock om sijnen goeden Geest en Kennis diemen besit, daer in bekent te stellen, en een roemruchtigen naem van hem te laten uytgaen. De swaere dingen, als daer zijn Beelden, Ordinantien, Beesten, Lantschappen en diergelijcke mogen Jonge Borsten, ofte die na meerder Geleertheydt staen, of alreede hebben, aenvanghen, na dat yeder tot dese andere tot andere dingen van sijn ingenium geleyt wort; oock kan het ligt gebeuren dat sommige Geestige Ionckvrouwen door ’t Oeffenen vande gheringhste Werckstucken, inde Konst, door het wel gelucken van haren Arbeyt, lust souden krijghen om verder tot de algemeenheydt deser Konst in te booren, en alsoo uytnemende te werden.
[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] And although much depends on being able to understand the Art of Drawing, for which much Work and pondering is necessary, to learn the Art of Illumination; yet one should know that although this Art needs all this that she does; that still many beautiful things can be made in this art, without being very learned in the Art of Drawing: such as the Fruit pieces, Banquets, Birds, and all sorts of Foliage and Flowers which are especially pleasant to the Eye and offer enough material of changeability, also to make one’s good Mind and Knowledge – which one has – familiar with it and radiate an illustrious name. The difficult things, such as Figures, Compositions, Animals and Landscapes and the like, may be began by Young Men who either lean towards more Knowledge, or have it already, after everyone is led towards these other [ndr: things] by other elements of his ingenuity; it can moreover easily happen that some Spirited Young Ladies by practicing the small tasks of the Art, would get the desire – because of the success of their labour – to penetrate further into the general parts of this Art and thus become excellent.
The introduction to the English translation does not follow the text of the original. [MO]
Conceptual field(s)
Eyndelingh soo moetmen neffens alle ‘t gene voorseyt is, voornamentlijck tot het Schildern, arbeyden om grondigh den aert, kracht en vermogen der Verwen, Olyen en Vernissen, ontrent het Coloreeren te kennen, die oock wel ende veranderlijck te ordineeren, ende na vereys van saecken, aengenaem ende met modestie op sijn jyste plaets wel te schicken en natuerlijck aen yder dingh toe te eygenen; {Aert der Verwen moet verstaen worden.} ten eynde men niet en late blijcken, datmen sich opde schoone Coleuren verlaten, of de ware Deught van sijn Tafereel door een enckel Verwengepronck gesocht heeft. Van gelijcken moetmen weten, hoemen de Verwen, soo in het Doodt-Verwen als in ’t Op-Schilderen sal temperen, handelen en aenleggen, en hoedanigh deselve helder, gloeyent, ende schoon op den ander komen te decken, ende sich mackelijk Schilderen laten: {Handelingen der Verwen moet verstaen worden.} invoeghen sy verstandigh ghehandelt en playsant gecololeert [sic, ndr.] moghen schijnen.
[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] At last one should, besides all that has been said thus far, for Painting one should principally work to thoroughly know the nature, power and capacity of the Colors, Oils and Varnishes, with regard to coloring, also knowing how to compose these well and with variety, and pleasantly and modestly placing it on the right place and apply it to each thing in a natural way after the demand of the case; {The nature of the Colors should be understood.} so that one does not show that one has leaned on the beautiful colors or has based the Virtue of his Painting only by the splendor of colors. Similarly one should know, how to mix, treat and apply the colors, both in the dead-coloring and in finishing, and how they will cover the other [colors] in a clear, glowing and beautiful [way] and let them be applied with ease: { The handling of the colors should be understood.} so that they may appear wisely treated and pleasantly colored.