De Griecksche Schilders hebben dese vermenghinghe der verwen een verdervinghe ofte ontwordinghe ghenaemt, ghelijck ons Porphyrius Lib. IV. De Abstinentia het selvighe te verstaen gheeft. Soo segt oock Plutarchus in sijn boeck van de ruchtbaerheyd der Atheniensen, dat den Schilder Apollodorus, die de corruptie ofte ontwordinghe der verwen als oock de maniere van ’t schaduwen aller eerst ghevonden heeft, een Athenisch borger was. Hy stelt ons insgelijcks in een andere plaets {Sympos. problem. viii. 5.} de rechte reden voor ooghen die d’oude Konstenaers bewoghen heeft dese vermenghinghe der verwen een ontwordinghe te noemen. Immers is het kennelick dat de Schilder-konst door ’t toedoen van een welghemaetighde vermenghinghe ende verscheydenheyd der verwen te weghe brenght, dat men in haere Beelden de levende gelijckenisse van d’afghebeelde persoonen bescheydenlick bespeuren kan.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The Greek Painters have called this mixing of colours a destruction or dissolution, as Polyphyrius (…) explains the same to us. Likewise Plutarchus says in his book about the fame of the Athenians, that the Painter Apollodorus, who was the very first to find the corruption or dissolution of paints as well as the manner of shading, was an Athenian citizen. Likewise he explains us in another place {…} the true reason that moved the old Artists to call this mixing of paints a dissolution. For it is known that the Art of Painting achieves by means of the well-moderated mixing and the diversity of paints that one can modestly find the living similitude of the depicted persons in its Images.
École grecque
Junius lists the different terms that the Greek authors and painters have used to describe the mixing (vermenging) of different paints or colours. Porphyrius called it destruction (verderving) and dissolution (ontwording), whereas Plutarch used dissolution and corruption (corruptie). It is difficult to translate these terms to contemporary English and it appears that Junius struggled to translate these terms to Dutch as well. Plutarch wrote that it was Apollodorus to invent the mixing as well as the shadowing (schaduwen - noun). Junius includes the Greek term, φθορας, in the Latin editon of 1637. The reference to Lucian is only included in the English and Latin edition. [MO]