Ende in der waerheydt, de gantsche Schilder-Konst wordt in dapper weynighe leerstucken begrepen; de welcke, gelyck se heel en d'al nodigh sijn den ghenen die niet te vergeefsch willen arbeyden, so moeten se nochtans den aenkomelinghen op 't aller kortste ende op t'aller eenvoudichste voorghestelt worden. Wanneer men in 't teghendeel een groot ghebaer maeckt omtrent de grondslaeghen deser Konste, so ghebeurt het menigh werven dat de nieuwelinghen t'eenemael van de Konst vervreemden, afgheschrickt sijnde door de verdrietsaemheydt van sulck een veelvoudigh ende inghewickelt onderwijs: ook soo wordt altemts haer verstandt, 't welck in 't eerste op 't aller lieffelickste gekoestert moet worden, verduft ghemaeckt door de schraelheydt van allerley opghesochte voorslaeghen:
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] And in truth, the whole Art of Painting is understood in very few precepts; which, as they are totally necessary for those who do not want to work in vain, then they should be introduced to the beginners in the briefest and most simple [NDR: way]. When one, to the contrary, makes a grand gesture regarding the precepts of this Art, then it happens many times that the newcomers immediately alienate from the Art, frightened by the sadness of such a manifold and complicated education: similarly often their mind, which should first and most kindly be cherished, is sedated by the scarcity of all sorts of far-fetched advices:
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Den almoghenden God, als wesende den eenighen rijcken springh-ader alles goeds, word hier Godvruchtiglick in d’eerste plaetse gestelt; wiens oneyndelicke goedertierenheydt de herten der Ouders ghestaedighlick verweckt, om goede sorge over haere Kinderen te draeghen, ten eynde dat haere liefste panden ghetijdighlick in handen eenes goeden ende ghetrouwen Leer-meesters overghelevert sijnde, niet allen d’eerste grondslaeghen maer oock d’allerdiepste gheheymenissen der Konste van kinds beenen aen moghten indrinken. Indien het dan gheviel dat de Leerlingen haere leer-jaeren gheeyndight hebben ’t goede voorschrift der Meesters achter den rugghe bestonden te versmijten, ende haer eyghen hoofd tot naedeel van de konst te volghen, so plaght de vreese van strenghe wetten teghen de verdervers der konsten ghemaeckt dese haere onghebondenheyt krachtighlick te betoomen: indien sy daer en teghen van oprechtigheyd haerer eerster onderwijsinghe in het minste niet ghesint waeren af te wijcken, so wierden sy in desen standvastighen loop dapper ghestijft door eenen sekeren Naer-yver ofte Aemulatie, die de wackere verstanden gheen ruste liet ghenieten tot dat sy niet alleen haer Meester achterhaelden; maer ook de Meesters haerer Meesters te boven gingen.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The almighty God, being the only rich vein of all things good, is Devoutly placed here in first place; whose endless mercy steadily causes in the hearts of Parents to take good care of their Children, lest their dearest offspring are delivered timely to the hands of a good and loyal Master, may they not only drink in the first principles but also the deepest secrets of Art from childhood on. If it then happens that the Pupils, having finished their period of training, throw away the good instruction of the Master behind his back and follow their own mind to the disadvantage of the art, then the fear of strict laws made against the corruptors of the arts is apt to strongly bound this licentiousness: however, if out of honesty they never intended to deviate from their first instruction, then they are valiantly strengthened in this firm course through a certain envy or emulation, which would not allow the mind to enjoy any rest until they would not only overtake their Master; but also surpass the Masters of their Masters.
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d’Oude Konstenaers en lieten ’t evenwel daer by niet blijven, maer sy plaghten nae de voorghemelde afbeeldinghe van allerley bysondere schoone lichaemen, ontrent dewelcke sy haer selven eenen gantsch langhen tijd besigh hielden, tot een arbeydsaemer ende diep konstigher maniere van wercken voord te vaeren; wanneer sy naemelick d’Idea van de volmaeckte schoonheyd, die door de gheduersaemheyd der voorigher oeffeninghe in haer ghemoed was inghedruckt, in haere Schilderyen sochten uyt te drucken: Want gelijck sy den rechten grondslag van de waere Proportie voor een goede wijle tijds maer allen uyt de naevolghinghe van d’aller volmaeckste lichamen sochten te haelen, soo plaghten sy dese oeffeninghe met der tijd allenghskens over te gheven, sy en wilden haer selven niet langer met d’afbeeldinghe van ’t eene of ’t andere bysondere schoone lichaem bemoeyen, als het hun nu hoogh tijd scheen te wesen om uyt den schat-kelder haere fantasie een uytmuntende schoonheyd achtervolghens de waere wetten ende regulen van de lang-bearbeyde Symmetrie voord te brengen;
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The old Artists did not leave it to this, but they tended to proceed with a laborious and very artful manner of working after the aformentioned image of all sorts of especially beautiful bodies, regarding which they busied themselves for a rather long time; namely when they tried to express the Idea of the perfect beauty, that was imprinted in their mind through enduring previous practice, in their paintings: Because just like, for a long period, they can only distill the right principle of the true Proportion from the imitation of the most perfect bodies, as such they tend to surpass this practice in time, no longer wanting to occupy themselves with the depicition of one or another especially beautiful body, as it would appear them to be the right moment to produce an excellent beauty, based on the true laws and rules of the long-practised Symmetry, from the treasury of their fantasy;
Anciens (les)