TOUCHED (adj.)
The Face, and Hands, are a Model for a Pencil in Portrait-Painting [ndr : il s’agit du portrait de la comtesse Dowager of Exeter, par Van Dyck] ; ‘tis not V. Dyck’s first Labour’d Flemish Manner, nor in the least Careless, or Slight ; the Colours are well wrought, and Touch’d in his best Style ; that is, the Best that ever Man had for Portraits ; nor is the Curtain in the least inferiour in this Particular, tho’ the Manner is vary’d as it ought to be, the Pencil is There more seen than in the Flesh ; the Hair, Veil, Chair, and indeed throughout except the Black Gown is finely Handled.
Conceptual field(s)
Flesh in Pictures to be seen at a common distance, and especially Portraits, should (generally speaking) be well wrought up, and then touch d upon every where in the Principal Lights, and Shadows, and to pronounce the Features ; and this more, or less, according to the Sex, Age, or Character of the Person, avoiding Narrow, or long continued Strokes, as in the Eye-lids, Mouth, &c. and too many Sharp ones : This being done by a Light Hand, Judiciously, gives a Spirit, and retains the Softness of Flesh.