But in works finish’d to be seen near at Hand, you must apply each Colour properly in its place, sweetning with a light Hand all their Extremitys, without Tormenting or Fretting them, that their Purity may be preserv’d.
Conceptual field(s)
The Composition is unexceptionable [ndr : dans Poussin, Tancrède et Herminie] : There are innumerable Instances of Beautiful Contrasts ; Of this kind are the several Characters of the Persons, (all which are Excellent in their several kinds) and the several Habits : Tancred is half Naked : Erminia’s Sex distinguishes Her from all the rest ; as Vafrino’s Armour, and Helmet shews Him to be Inferiour to Tancred, (His lying by him) and Argante’s Armour differs from both of them. The various positions of the Limbs in all the Figures are also finely Contrasted, and altogether have a lovely effect ; Nor did I ever see a greater Harmony, nor more Art to produce it in any Picture of what Master soever, whether as to the Easy Gradation from the Principal, to the Subordinate Parts, the Connection of one with another, by the degrees of the Lights, and Shadows, and the Tincts of the Colours.
And These too are Good throughout ; They are not Glaring, as the Subject, and the Time of the Story (which was after Sun-set) requires : Nor is the Colouring like that of Titian, Corregio, Rubens, or those fine Colourists, But ‘tis Warm, and Mellow, ‘tis Agreeable, and of a Taste which none but a Great Man could fall into : And without considering it as a Story, or the Imitation of any thing in Nature the Tout-ensemble of the Colours is a Beautiful, and Delightful Object.
You know (Sir) [ndr : ce passage est la retranscription d’une lettre de Richardson, père et fils, à un « gentleman at Rotterdam] the Drawing of Poussin who have several Admirable Pictures of his hand, This we believe is not Inferiour to any to be seen of him. But there is an Oversight, or two in the Perspective ; the Sword Erminia holds appears by the Pommel of it to incline with the point going off, but by the Blade it seems to be upright ; the other is not worth mentioning.
The Picture is highly finish’d, even in the parts the most inconsiderable, but in once, or two places there is a little heaviness of Hand ; The Drawing is firmly pronounc’d, and Sometimes, chiefly in the Faces, Hands and Feet ‘tis mark’d more than ordinary with the point of the Pencil.