PEN (n.)



4 sources
4 quotations


But it would haply be objected, that these accurate Designes of the pen, were never esteemed among the nobler parts of Drawing, as for the most part appearing to finnicall, stiff and contrain’d : To this, we reply ; that the remark is not impertinent, as commonly we find by experience : But it has not proceeded from the least defect in the Instrument, but from that of the Artist, whose aptitude is not yet arriv’d to that perfection which is requisite, and does infaillibly confirme, and dispose the hand to whatever it addresses ; affording so great a delight and satisfaction to some excellent Workmen, as that they never derir’d to advance further, then this Triumph of the pen, which has celebrated their names, and equaliz’d their renown with that of the most famous Painters  (...)

Conceptual field(s)

L’ARTISTE → qualités
EFFET PICTURAL → qualité du dessin


The Thoughts, and Finishings are in a great Measure seen in the Prints of such Works of which Prints are made, nor is a Drawing destitute of Colouring absolutely ; on the contrary, one frequently sees beautiful Tints in the Paper, Washes, Ink, and Chalks of Drawings ; But what is wanting in some respects is abundantly recompenc’d in Others, for in These Works the Masters not being embarrass’d with Colours have had a full Scope, and perfect Liberty, which is a very considerable Advantage, especially to some of them. There is a Spirit, a Fire, a Freedom, and Delicacy in the Drawings of Giulio Romano, Polydoro, Parmeggiano, Battista Franco, &c. which are not to be seen in their Paintings : A Pen, or Chalk will perform what cannot possibly be done with a Pencil ; and a Pencil with a thin Liquid only what cannot be done when one has a Variety of Colours to manage, especially in Oil.

Conceptual field(s)

MATERIALITE DE L’ŒUVRE → technique du dessin
EFFET PICTURAL → qualité du dessin