Of Drawing the Face or countenance of a Man.
The visage or countenance is (for the most part) drawn but three manner of wayes, the first is full faced, […] {The full face.}
The second is three quarter faced, as our Flanders and ordinary pictures are, that is when one part of the face is hid by a quarter as thus : [ndr : insertion d’un dessin explicatif].
{Halfe face.} The third is onely halfe faced, […] as this Cæsars head [ndr : présence d’un dessin accôlé au texte illustrant le propos de Peacham].
Conceptual field(s)
A smiling countenance is discerned by the Mouth, when the corners of the Mouth turn up a little.
A frowning countenance is discerned in the Fore-head, Eye-brows, bending and somewhat wrinkling about the top of the Nose, &c.