Those who have most refined, and criticiz’d upon Technical notions, seem to distinguish what we commonly name Sculpture into three several Arts ; and, to attribute specifical differences to them all ; For there is, besides Sculptura (as it relates to Chalcography) Scalptura (so Diomedes) and Cælatura ; both which, according to Quintilian, differ from the first ratione materiæ.
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But to treat Methodically of this, or as we have already enlarged in the History and Progresse of Chalcography, and the surviving labours of the most renowned Masters, would require no lesse time and pains : It were indeed a noble, curious, and useful work, but almost impossible to accomplish ; because the Original Drawings of the great Masters, being dispersed amongst the hands of the greatest Princes, and men of Science only, are preserved with jealousie, and esteem’d, as so many Jewels of greater value, then those of Pearles and Diamonds : For some of them being the very last workes, though but imperfect draughts of so Excellent Artists ; they have for the most part been in greater esteem, then even those of larger bulke and more finished ; as Pliny instances in the Iris of Aristides, the Medea of Timomachus, and some others ; because (as he there speaks) such touches did even expresse the very thoughts and prime conception of the Workman, as well as the Lineaments which he presents us ; and that there is a certain compassion in our Natures, which indears them to us, so as we cannot but love, and desire the hands which perished in the midst of such famous pieces […]
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These difficulties therefore consider’d, it will not be required of us in this Chapter, which pretend to celebrate and promote the Art of Drawing, and Design, only as it has relation, and is an absolute requisite to that of Chalcography, and to prescribe some directions and encouragements, which may prepare and fit the hand with a competent address therein.
Whether Design, and Drawing, were the production of Chance or Excogitation, we determine not ; certain it is that practise and experience was its Nurse and perficient ; by some thus defin’d to be A visible expression of the Hand resembling the conception of the mind : By which Definition there are who distinguish it from Drawing both as its Original, and Formality ; For Design (say they) is of things not yet appearing ; being but the pictures of Ideas only ; whereas Drawing, relates more to Copies, and things already extant
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And here we should have put a period to this Essay, and the present chapter, as having abundantly vindicated the necessity and worthiness of Designe and Drawing, as it is praevious, and introductory to the Art of Chalcography ; had not one curiosity more prevented us ; which because it so much concernes the conducting of Hatches and stroaks, whether with pen, point, or Graver ; pretending (at least very ingeniously hinting) to a method, how by a constant, and regular certitude, one may express to the eye, the Sensation of the Relievo, or extancie of objects, be it by one, or more hatches, cross and counter, we think not impertinent here to recite, as briefly as the demonstration will permit.