BIANCO (adj.)
Of White.
This word white in English commenth from the low Dutch word wit, in high Dutch Weif, which is derived from Wasser, that is, water which by nature is white, yea thickned or condensate, […] : in Italian it is called Bianco, in French Blanc, if we may beleeve Scaliger, from the Greeke βλάξ, which as hee takes it, signifies faint or weake : wherein happily he agreeth with Theophrastus who affirmeth omnia candida esse imbecilliora, that all white things are faint and weake, hence I beleeve it is called in Latine Candidus, from the Greeke χαίνω because whitenesse confoundeth or dazeleth the sight as wee finde when we ride forth in a snow in Winter. Il is called also albus of that old Greeke word λφος the same, […] : the principal whites in painting and limning are these. viz.
White Lead.
Spanish White.