Chap. XIII, Of Drawing, Limning, and Painting: with the lives of the famous Italian Painters, p. 136
To expresse Gold and Silver.
To expresse Gold upon Armour, or the hilt of a Sword or Rapier, take Umber, Red Lead, and Masticote ; lat your ground only Red Lead, if you please mixed with a little Pinke, and where you will have the shadow dar, use Umber ; where the light, Masticote.
For Silver, take Charcoale, black and white Lead ; where you will have it dark, use more Charcoale, and for the light, give it a bold and sudden stroke with your white. And thus you make your Pearle. Note that you must grinde your Sea-coale and Char-coale (of a Sallow if you can get it) in fair water first, and when it is dry, grinde it in Oyl.
Conceptual field(s)
Of Limning in Water-Colours, The Third Book, Chap. I, Of the necessaries belonging to Limning, p. 85
You may with Liquid Gold or Silver Draw or Write any thing with the Pen or Pencil, as with any other liquid colour ; I could shew you how to make it ; but to make a small quantity it is not worth the while, neither will it quit the cost ; therefore I would advise you to buy it ready prepared, which you may do where you buy your Colours, or of some Gold-beaters, who make it of their cuttings of the ragged edges of their Gold.
When you use it, do only thus, put into your Shell a drop or two of fair water, and with a clean Pencil-temper up so much Gold as will serve your occasion at that time, with which Write or Draw what you will ; then about two or three hours after, the longer the better, burnish it by rubbing hard upon it with a Dogs-tooth, and it will be pure Gold ; this is the best and easiest way of laying Gold that I know of.