WASH (TO) (v.)
Observe (in each particular) what is directed in this Colour of washing, grinding, tempering. A Rule for all the other Colours, that are to be ground.
{Colours to be washt and ground.} Some Colours are to be washt and ground, and they are these. […].
{To be washt only.} Other to be washt only, are these. […].
{But five perfect Colours.} There are but five perfect Colours (white and black being none) like the five precious stones perfect and transparent severall Colours.
The hard Topas for Yellow, the Amethyst orient for Murray, the Rubie for Red, Saphire for Blew, Emrauld for Green. All which Colours are perfect different from mixture of white […].
Colours, to be grinded.
Colours to be washed, and not to be ground.
Conceptual field(s)
SECT. III. Of those Colours that are to be Washed, and how to Wash them.
As in the Grinding of Colours I gave you an instance but in one for all the rest, the like I shall do for those Colours which are to be Washed ; I will make my instance in Red-Lead, which you are to Wash in this manner […].