PLI (fra.)
REINEKE, Anika, RÔHL, Anne, KAPUSTKA, Mateusz et WEDDIGEN, Tristan, Textile Terms: A Glossary, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 2017.



1 sources
1 quotations


Tis very true, tis one of the most difficult parts of Painting [ndr : le traitement de la draperie]; and the best Rule is, that your Drapery be in large Foldings, Noble and Simple, not repeated too often, but following the Order of the Parts ; and let them be of Stuffs and Silks that are commonly worn, of beautiful Colours, but sweet, and such as do not trench upon the Naked too harshly, and by that means they will be of great Use for the Union of the Whole ; either by reflecting the Light, or giving such a Fund as is wanting for the other Colours to appear better. They serve also to fill up any empty place in the Picture.
            There is also a Judicious Choice to be made of Draperies, according to the Quality of the Persons : Magistrates and Grave People must have Ample and Long Robes ; Countrey People and Souldiers must have Close, Short Draperies ; Young Maids and Women must have them Light, Thin, and Tender. They that follow the Drapery of the Antients in Statues, will always be Stiff, as Raphael was at first, because that they used little Foldings, often repeated ; which do best in Marble or Brass. But Painters who have the Command of Colours, Lights and Shadows, may extend their Draperies, and let them fly as they please. Titian, Paul Veronese, Tintoret, Rubens, and Vandike, have painted Drapery admirably ; and indeed the Lombard School have excell’d in that and Colouring, as the Roman and Florentine
in Design and Nudity.

Conceptual field(s)

L’HISTOIRE ET LA FIGURE → vêtements et plis