KANTIGKEIT (deu.) · SCHÄRFE (deu.) · SHARPNESS (eng.)
/ · KANTIGKEIT (deu.) · SHARPNESS (eng.)



1 sources
3 quotations


{Leerlingen hebben een afkeer vande vlackigheydt.} Want dit leert ons de ondervindinge dat meest alle Leerlinghen in ’t begin van hare Oeffeninge, een schroom hebben vande vlackigheydt en kantigheydt, en schijnen meerder lust tot dommeligheyt en sachtigheydt te hebben, en doorgaens de vlacke parthyen door kleyne Lichten en Schaduwen te bederven: meenende door de kantigheyt in hardigheyt te sullen vervallen, en door de vlackigheyt te veroorsaecken dat hun dinghen naeckt en onvolmaeckt souden schijnen, niet tegenstaende sy het in hun Principael voor goet keuren, kruypende daerom uyt vreese van te vallen altijt liever op Handen en Voeten, een Kinderlijcken wegh.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] {Pupils resent flatness.} Because this teaches us the notion that almost all Pupils have hesitation about the flatness and angularity at the beginning of their practice, and appear to are more inclined towards dimness and softness, and frequently ruin the flat parts with small lights and shadows: believing they would lapse into hardness from angularity, and through flatness would cause their things to appear naked and imperfect, notwithstanding that they judge it right in the Original, therefore – out of fear to fall – rather crawling on Hands and Feet, in a childlike manner.

It appears that the translator who worked on the English translation, misunderstood Goeree. He mixed up what, according to Goeree, had the preference of pupils (i.e. dommeligheyt and sachtigheydt) and instead that they prefer vlackigheydt and kantigheydt. Goeree, on the other hand, stated that pupils were hesitant to produce vlackigheydt and kantigheydt and instead stick to dommeligheyt and sachtigheydt. For this reason, the corresponding translations are not provided here. [MO]

Conceptual field(s)

EFFET PICTURAL → qualité de la lumière


{Wat snel en kantigh Teyckenen sy.} Snel of Kantigh Teyckenen, is, datmen sijn schaduwen vlack of eenparigh, het sy door Artseeringh of Reuselen, aenleyt; alsoo dat de kanten rontsom haere bepalinghe van afteyckeningh teghen het licht behouden, en datmen klaerlijck sien kan, wat voor een ongeschrevene Figuere ofte gedaente soodanigen schaduwe in sijn generael heeft; Maer niet dat hare zijden verdwijnen in een dommelighe roock, of onbepaelde voosigheyt, in welck de kantigheyt van haren form niet en kan gesien worden. {Hoemen dese kantigheyt sal bekomen.} Om dit dan rechts te bekomen, soo moeten acht geven datmen de schaduwen in den begin niet te hart en maeckt. Ten anderen datmen de eene schaduwe niet te doncker noch te sterck, of te seer gevaselt en gefirtelt op de andere en set; maer telckens snel besneden, doch weynigh van Coleur verschillende, soo sult ghy te ghelijck een gaeve kantigheydt en een aengename quickachtighe sachtigheydt hebben:

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] {What quick and edgy Drawing is.} Quick and Edgy drawing is, that one makes his shadows flat or even, either by Hatching or Rouseling; meaning that all the edges keep their definition of design against the light, and that one may clearly see what type of indeterminate Figure or shape such as shadow has in its Generality; However, not that its edges disappear in a dim smoke or undefined fuzziness, in which the angularity of its shape cannot be seen. {How to obtain this angularity.} To achieve this well, one should pay attention not to make the shadows too hard in the beginning. Moreover, not to place a shadow to darkly or strongly, or too vaguely [ndr: difficult terms to translate]; but always quickly cut yet little different in Color, to simultaneously have a perfect angularity and a pleasant softness:

Please consider that the different adjectives used by Goeree were difficult to translate into contemporary English. [MO]

Conceptual field(s)

EFFET PICTURAL → qualité de la lumière


{Hoemen de vlackheyt moet bekomen.} Daer-en-boven soo sal u dese manniere een seer goede wegh banen tot de vlackigheyt, en observatie van schoone dagen en eenparige groote schaduwen. Dese wort door de manniere van kantigheydt verkregen, soo wanneer datmen groote en generale donckerheden en lichten maeckt, sonder die door eenige andere dingen die daer in komen mochten, ofte door de snelligheyt te verbreecken, en te bederven; (…) en dit moetmen generaelijck soo in Naeckten, Kleedingen als andere Lichamen observeeren, die sonder daer op acht te geven lichtelijck konnen bedorven worden.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] {How to achieve flatness.} In addition this manner will lead you the way towards the flatness, and the observation of beautiful lights and evenly large shadows. These are obtained through the manner of angularity, when one makes large and general darkness and lights, without interrupting or spoiling it by any other things that may occur in it or by the quickness [ndr: problematic translation]; (…) and this should generally be observed both in the Nudes, Drapery and other bodies, which could easily be spoiled if one fails to pay attention to it.

Conceptual field(s)

EFFET PICTURAL → qualité de la lumière