1 sources
1 quotations


Daer nae, ghelijck alle d’andere Konstenaers eenighe bysondere ghedeelten haerer Beelden, om deselvighe beter te doen afsteken, met licht verwen verhooghen en door een naebuyrighe bruynigheyd verdiepen, soo heeft hy [NDR: Pausias] den gheheelen Osse swart ghemaeckt, het wesen sijner schaduwe maer alleen uyt de kracht der gheweldigher verdiepinghe uytwerckende, en door een sonderlinghe verkortens Konst meteenen oock te weghe brenghende datmen sijne platte Schilderije voor een verheven de half rond beeld soude hebben aenghesien, en dat eenighe dinge daer in afbreukigh en puttigh stonden, die nochtans gheheel ende effen waeren, Plin. XXXV.II.

[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Afterwards, like all the other Artists heighten some specific parts of their Images with light colours and deepen them by means of a adjacent brownness to make them stand out better, as such he [NDR: Pausias] has made the whole Ox black, only expressing the nature of its shadow from the power of the marvelous depth, and by a remarkable Art of foreshortening simultaneously achieving that one would take his flat Painting for an elevated semi-round statue, and that some things stood damaged and pitted in it, that were nevertheless whole and smooth, Plin. (…)

In the English edition, this term is described as 'a most wonderful art'. [MO]

Conceptual field(s)

EFFET PICTURAL → perspective