De voornoemde waerheyd plaght sich altijd nae de teghenwoordighe gheleghenheyd van de voorghestelde materie te richten; Soo bestaet oock ’t waernemen van de opportuniteyt ofte occasie allermeest daer in, dat wy onse wercken nae den eysch der voorvallende omstandigheden marcksaemlick soecken aen te leggen. (…) Derhalven heeft oock Philostratus {Iconum LIB. I. in Paludib.} de wijsheyd ende d’occasie op eenen seer goeden grond de voornaemste hoofd-stucken der Konste ghenaemt.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The aforementioned truth always tends to direct itself after the present situation of the proposed matter; As such the observation of the opportunity or the occasion exists mostly in that we attempt to noticeably conceive our works after the demand of the existing circumstances. (…) Likewise Philostratus {…} has also called wisdom and occasion for a very good reason the most important chief principles of the Art.
In the Latin edition, Junius uses the Greek term καιρος. [MO]
Conceptual field(s)
[...] nochtans en laet sich d’occasie der omstandigheden, die ment in ’t schilderen moet waernemen, aen sulcke onveranderlicke Konst-regulen niet verbinden, dat men de selvige allen Konstenaeren voor een sekere vaste wet haerer Konste soude moghen opdringhen: Want ghelijck het in vele andere dinghen plaght te gheschieden, soo siet men ’t selvighe oock menighmael in d’aenmerckinghe van dese oportuniteyt ofte occasie ghebeuren, dat de gantsche gheleghenheyd der omstandigheden sich anders en anders opdoet, dus of so verandert sijnde nae den eysch van tijd, plaetse, en andere eyghenschappen die men in ’t werck noodsaeckelick moet uytdrucken, ’t blijckt dan dat het den Konstenaeren immers doch hoog-noodigh is altijd met d’occasie haerer teghenwoordigher materie te raede te gaen.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] … nonetheless the occasion of the circumstances, which one should observe in painting, does not let itself be attached to such unchangeable Art-rules, that one could force them upon all Artists as a certain fixed law of their art: Because just like it tends to happen in many other things, as such one often sees the same happen in the observation of this opportunity or occasion, that the whole situation of circumstances poses itself in different ways, that is, as if changed after the demand of time, place and the other characteristics that one should necessarily express in the work, it then becomes clear that it is always very necessary that the Artists always question the occasion of their present matter.
This excerpt does not occur in the Latin edition. [MO]