JUNIUS, Franciscus, The Painting of the Ancients, in Three Bookes : declaring by Historicall Observations and Examples, the Beginning, Progresse, and Consummation of that most Noble Art. And how those Ancient Artificers attained to their still so much admired Excellencie. Written first in latine by Franciscus Junius, F. F. And now by him englished, with some Additions and Alterations, trad. par JUNIUS, Franciscus, London, Richard Hodgkinsonne, 1638.
Dies worden oock d'eerste beginselen deser Konsten seer lichtelick an dieghene ghevat, dewelcke haeren wille ongheveynsdelick daer toe gheneyght vinden: ende soo wanneer yemant langhsaemlick daer in voordtvaert, deselvighe magh het sijn eyghene weder-strevigheydt danck weten: want wy sullen het eerste onderwijs kort ghenoeg vinden, indien wy maer alleen ons selven en andere niet en soecken moedt-willighlick wijs te maecken dat het eenen verdrietiglick langhen wegh is: Behalven dat oock een bequame maniere van onderwijsinghe alle dinghen noch al korter sal maecken. Nu daerenteghen soo is de eerste ende de meeste schuld in de Leer-Meesters, die 't fuselboeck soeckende haere Leer-jonghers wonderlick geerne ophouden,…
Het Eerste Boek, Dat Eerste Capittel.7, p. 11GOEREE, Willem, An Introduction to the general Art of Drawing, Wherein is set forth The Grounds and Properties, which of this infallible and judicious Art are necessary to be known and understood. Being not only Profitable unto them that Practise Drawing; Picture-Drawers, Engravers, Carvers, Stone-Cutters, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, &c. But also to all Lovers and well-affected, as well to this as to other ARTS (flowing from thence) a commodious Knowledge Communicated: With an Illustration of twenty five Copper-Prints of Figures, for young Learners to practise by. Likewise, An Excellent Treatise of the Art of Limning, in the which the true Grounds, and the perfect Use of Water-Colours, with all their Properties, are clearly and perfectly taught. Formerly set out by that Excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge. And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations, teaching (besides Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours. Set forth at Middleburgh by W. GORE. Truly Translated into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke for the Lovers and Practitioners of this Noble and Admirable Art, London, Robert Pricke, 1674.
{’t Verstandigh onderwijs voor de Leerlingen best.} ’t Verstandigh onderwijs, sal de leerlinck het voordeelighste zijn; wat de groote Meesterschap aengaet, die moet eyndelingh na het oeffenen van soodanige goede onderwijsinge uyt de aengeboorne natuer komen.
Eerste begintselen der Teycken-kunst, p.26