GUM (n.)
Chap. XXI, Of the severall Gummes that are used in grinding of water colours.
Gumme Arabicke.
The first and principal is Gumme Arabicke, choose it by the whitenesse, cleerenesse, and the brittlenesse of it being broken betweene your teenth ; […].
2. Gumme Hedera, […]
3. Gumme lake. […].
4. Gumme Armoniacke. […].
Conceptual field(s)
To make Gum water to temper your Colours with.
Take cleane water, and put into it of gum Arabicke a little, and let it stand untill the gumme be dissolued. Now you must have a care that it be neither too thicke, by reason of the Gumme, nor yet too thin : for with the one you cannot worke well, and the other will not binde the colour fast.
Conceptual field(s)
CHAP. XVI. Of the Gumms and their Use.
I. The chief of all is Gum-Arabick, that which is white, clear and brittle ; the Gum-water of it is made thus :
Take Gum Arabick, bruise it and tie it up in a fine clean linnen cloath, and put it into a convenient quantity of pure spring water, in a glass or earthen vessel ; [...].
II. Gum-lake ; it is made of whites of Eggs beaten and strained, [...].
This gum will resolve in water like gum Arabick, of which gum water is made in like manner ; it is a good ordinary varnish for pictures.
III. Gum Hedera, or gum of Ivy ; it is gotten out of Ivy, [...].
IV. Gum Armoniacum, It is a forrein gum, and ought to be bought strained. [...].
Conceptual field(s)
SECT. I. Of Gums and Gum waters used in Limning.
The principal Gum is Gum-Arabick ; get the best that may be, which you shall know by the whiteness and clearness ; if it be yellowish, of an Amber colour, it is naught.
To make Gum-water hereof, do thus […].
Gum-Lake is a compounded Gum made of many ingredients, as of whites of Eggs beaten and strained, of Honey, Gum of Ivy, strong Wort ; these ingredients mingled together will at last run like an Oyl, which at last will congeal and be hard. Trouble not your self to make it, but buy it ready made ; chuse it as you do the Gum-Arabick by the clearness, and then you need not fear it. […].
Of this Gum you may make a Water, that whatsoever you write therewith you may lay in Gold.
The manner of making the Water is thus […].