GROUP (n.)
Precepts about Ordonnance and Design. As Likewise for Drawing by the Life.
In Designing a Peice of History we must have greatest Regard to the Principal Group, that the Lights fall strongest on it, and more especially on the Cheif Figure that it be of the first Character and most Finish’d, being the Eye of the work.
That the Group be sustain’d by something that seems loose about it, which serves to extend and continue it to some other Group by, otherwise the Diminution will be too apparent, and break to much into Heaps, and the Eye not descend naturally from one to another, which must, begining at the Principall, fall according to the Mind of the Story.
Conceptual field(s)
There are Pictures representing not one particular Story, but the History of Philosophy, of Poetry, of Divinity, the Redemption of Mankind, and the like : Such is the School of Athens, the Parnassus, the Picture in the Vatican commonly call’d the Dispute of the Sacrament, all of Rafaelle ; and the large one of Frederico Zuccaro of the Annunciation, and God the Father, with a Heaven, the Prophets, &c. Such Compositions as These being of a different nature are not subject to the same Rules with Common Historical Pictures ; but Here must be Principal, and Subordonate Figures, and Actions ; As the Plato and Aristotle in the School of Athens, the Apollo in the Parnassus, &c.
Now I have mention’d this Design, I cannot pass it over without going a little out of my way to observe some Particulars of that Admirable Group of the three Poets, Homer, Virgil, and Dante ; […].
The Figure of Homer is an admirably one, and manag’d with great propriety ; He is Group’d with others, but is nevertheless alone :
Conceptual field(s)
Ananias is the Principal Figure in the Carton which gives the History of his Death ; as the Apostle that pronounces his Sentence is of the Subordinate Group, which consists of Apostles. (Which therefore is Subordinate Group, because the Principal Action relates to the Criminal, and thither the Eye is directed by almost all the Figures in the Picture.) S. Paul is the chief Figure in that Carton where he is Preaching, and amongst his Auditors One is eminently distinguish’d, who is Principal of that Group ; and is apparently a Believer, and More so than any of them, or he had not had that Second Place in a Picture conducted by so great a Judgment as that of Rafaëlle’s. These Principal, and Subordinate Groupes, and Figures, are so apparent, that the Eye will naturally fix first upon one, then upon the other, and consider each in Order, and with Delight.