GROUP (eng.) · GROUPE (fra.) · GRUPPO (ita.)



2 sources
2 quotations


{Begin van stellingh.} Gist dan voor een begin, het midden van u Principael, dat hebbende, wijst dat met een stipken Kôôl op U Papier aen, dan neemt acht op de grootste Beelden (soo daer meer als een is) en merckt hoe hoogh, ofte wat ghedeelte sy van het Tafereel komen te beslaen; in welck speculeeren gy sult gewaer worden, dat het lange beschouwen dat ghy te vooren gedaen hebt, een wonder groot behulp komt te gheven, om hier door de juyste verdeelinge op u Papier te konnen gissen; {Waernemingh om sijn Ordineeringh wel te gissen.} tot welcken eynde het mede niet ondienstigh is, datmen sijn Papier, ofte daermen op Teyckenen wilt, ten naesten by deselve forme geve die het Tafereel, Print, of Teyckeningh heeft, wel te verstaen na proportie, daer of daer ontrent, langwerpigh of inde hooghte of vierkant, en dierghelijcke, maer is onnoodigh datmense juyst-vormigh af-line, ten sy by voorval, endat alles om beter de ordineringe volgens ’t Principael te konnen schicken, dat meest plaets neemt wanneermen kleyne dingen vergroot, of groote dingen verkleent. {Hoe sommige haer Principael met ruyten beslaen.} Hier toe soo gebruycken sommighe ruyten, daerse hun Principael mede overslaen, ende verdeelen van gelijcken haer Papier met gelijck getal van tralyen, om alsoo van ruyt tot ruyt alle dinghen op sijn behoorlijcke plaets te brengen; dat seer gemackelijck, maer als een Ezels-brugh, met kleen voordeel voor de Jonckheydt gebruyckt wort: {Misslagh daer van.} Want dewijle sy haer op dese Bies-bossen, of Swem-dobbers komen te verlaten, soo en krijgense nimmermeer geleerde Oogen in ’t hooft om selfs te konnen sien waer in de geheele kennis, en proportioneele aen een-bindingh van een schoon Beeldt, of Koppelinghe van een gansche ordinantie bestaet dewijl sy altijt (om met een woort de sake uyt te drucken) maer stucken en brocken leeren maecken, om dieswille datse door de tralyen en ruyt-lynien verhinderd worden, en de Oogen laten beguychelen,

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] {Start of the composition.} To start, guess the center of your original, once you have it, mark it with a dot of charcoal on your paper, then pay attention to the greatest Figures (if there is more than one) and notice how high, or which part of the Scene the cover; in which speculation you will become aware, that the long observation that you have done beforehand, will provide great assistance, to be able to guess the right distribution on your paper; {Observation to guess one’s composition well.} to which end it is also useful, that one gives the paper – or that on which one wants to draw – almost the same shape as the Painting, Print, or Drawing, of course in proportion, more or less oblong or high [ndr.: literally: in height] or square, and such, but it is unnecessary to copy it exactly, unless coincidentally, and all of this to be able to order the composition according to the Original, which takes most time when one enlarges small things or reduce big things. {How some cover the Original with a grid.} Some use a grid for this, with which they cover their Original, and similarly divide their Paper with an equal number of lines, to bring all things in the right place from field to field; that is used very easily, but like a mnemonic, with little advantage for the Youth: {Mistake of this.} Because while they come to depend on these tricks and floating devices, they will never get learned Eyes in their heads to see for themselves in which the complete knowledge and proportional connection of a beautiful Figure, or Coupling of a whole composition exists, while they always learn (to describe the situation with a word) to make parts and pieces, as they are obstructed by the grille and lines of the grid, and let their Eyes be deceived,

In the English translation, the section about the grid as a tool to transfer the composition from the original is not included. As a consequence, most selected terms are not present in the English text. [MO]

term translated by / in GOEREE, Willem, Anweisung zur algemeinen Reiss- und Zeichen-Kunst darinnen die Gründe und Eigenschafften die man einen unfehlbahren Vestand in der Zeichen-Kunst zu erlangen nothwendig wissen muß kürßlich und doch klärlich angewiesen werde. Nicht allein den anfahenden Zeichern Kupfferstechern Mahlern Glasschreibern Bildhauern und dergleichen Künstlern zur Anleitung sondern auch allen Liebhabern beydes dieser und anderer daraus entspriessenden Künste zur Lust und Erlangung so vieler Erkäntnüß als von dergleichen Künsten vernünfftig zu urtheilen erfordert wird dienstlich und nüßlich Durch Wilhelm Goeree. Zum andern Mahl gedruckt und fast umb die Helffte vermehret, trad. par LANGE, Johann, Hamburg, Johann Naumann und Georg Wolffen, 1677., p. 55-56 in GOEREE, Willem, An Introduction to the general Art of Drawing, Wherein is set forth The Grounds and Properties, which of this infallible and judicious Art are necessary to be known and understood. Being not only Profitable unto them that Practise Drawing; Picture-Drawers, Engravers, Carvers, Stone-Cutters, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, &c. But also to all Lovers and well-affected, as well to this as to other ARTS (flowing from thence) a commodious Knowledge Communicated: With an Illustration of twenty five Copper-Prints of Figures, for young Learners to practise by. Likewise, An Excellent Treatise of the Art of Limning, in the which the true Grounds, and the perfect Use of Water-Colours, with all their Properties, are clearly and perfectly taught. Formerly set out by that Excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge. And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations, teaching (besides Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours. Set forth at Middleburgh by W. GORE. Truly Translated into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke for the Lovers and Practitioners of this Noble and Admirable Art, London, Robert Pricke, 1674., p. 12
term translated by / in GOEREE, Willem, Anweisung zur algemeinen Reiss- und Zeichen-Kunst darinnen die Gründe und Eigenschafften die man einen unfehlbahren Vestand in der Zeichen-Kunst zu erlangen nothwendig wissen muß kürßlich und doch klärlich angewiesen werde. Nicht allein den anfahenden Zeichern Kupfferstechern Mahlern Glasschreibern Bildhauern und dergleichen Künstlern zur Anleitung sondern auch allen Liebhabern beydes dieser und anderer daraus entspriessenden Künste zur Lust und Erlangung so vieler Erkäntnüß als von dergleichen Künsten vernünfftig zu urtheilen erfordert wird dienstlich und nüßlich Durch Wilhelm Goeree. Zum andern Mahl gedruckt und fast umb die Helffte vermehret, trad. par LANGE, Johann, Hamburg, Johann Naumann und Georg Wolffen, 1677., p. 55-56 in GOEREE, Willem, An Introduction to the general Art of Drawing, Wherein is set forth The Grounds and Properties, which of this infallible and judicious Art are necessary to be known and understood. Being not only Profitable unto them that Practise Drawing; Picture-Drawers, Engravers, Carvers, Stone-Cutters, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Silversmiths, &c. But also to all Lovers and well-affected, as well to this as to other ARTS (flowing from thence) a commodious Knowledge Communicated: With an Illustration of twenty five Copper-Prints of Figures, for young Learners to practise by. Likewise, An Excellent Treatise of the Art of Limning, in the which the true Grounds, and the perfect Use of Water-Colours, with all their Properties, are clearly and perfectly taught. Formerly set out by that Excellent Limner Mr. Gerhard of Brugge. And now much Augmented and Amended, with some Observations, teaching (besides Illumination) the Colouring and Painting with Water-Colours. Set forth at Middleburgh by W. GORE. Truly Translated into English by J.L. Published by Robert Pricke for the Lovers and Practitioners of this Noble and Admirable Art, London, Robert Pricke, 1674., p. 12

Conceptual field(s)



En gelijkwe tot hier toe de Menschkunde met soodanigen breedweydendheyd meenen verhandeld te hebben; als tot het welstellen der Beelden in de Teyken en Schilderkonst behoord; egter weten wy dat onsen Arbeyd aan sommige nog sal te bekrompen aangeleyd schijnen, en dat wel voornamelijk om dat meest alle onse Lessen alleen schijnen toepasselijk sijn, tot het stellen van Enkele Beelden, sonder eenige Koppeling: sulx datse niet doorgaans aangeleyd zijn om die wel tot de Troeping, of samenschikking van Actien en voorvallen, daar veel Beelden te gelijk zijn, en die tot en met malkanderen alle te samen, of in verscheyden Koppeling en Samenhooping te doen werken. Gelijk dan ook in desen, sommige Meesters haar van verscheyde Hulpmiddelen hebben weten te bedienen, seer wel siende dat de Beelden veelsints geheel andere Actien in een Koppeling of Troeping, dan in d’enkele stellinge van nooden hadden. Waar op wy antwoorden; dat alhoewel die begeerde dingen, seer wesentlijke deelen van de Schilderkonst zijn, wy nochtans om vele reden hebben geoordeeld, dat sulx veel eygentlijk tot d’Ordinering en samen-roeping der Historien dan tot de Menschkunde behoord; en dewijl wy voornemens zijn, ook dat Deel te gelegener tijd te laten volgen, soo sal onsen bescheyden Leeser de goedheyd believen te hebben, om het geen wy aangaande de Actien der gekoppelde Beelden, hier en daar, daar ’t pas gaf, hebben aangewesen op Reekening te ontfangen; en met het resteerende ons soo lang te borgen, alsser sal van nooden sijn, omde betalinge onser belofte op een voegsame wijse op te brengen.

[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] And as we believe to have discussed the Anatomy here with such exhaustion; as is necessary to properly compose the Figures in the Art of Drawing and Painting; however, we know that our Work might still seem too narrow, and mainly because almost all of our Lessons appear to be applicable to the posing of Single Figures, without any Coupling: such that they are often not adjustable to make them work well for the Bundle or assembly of Actions and occurrences, in which many Figures appear at once, and to each other and all together, or in different Couples and Accumulations. Likewise in this some Masters have also managed to make use of different Aids, observing well that the Figures often needed very different Actions in a Couple or Bundle, than in a single posing. To which we answer, that although these desired things are very important parts of the Art of Painting, we nevertheless have decided for many different reasons, that such a thing belongs more to the Composition and Collection of Histories than to the Anatomy; and as we have the intention, to also address that Part in due time, our modest Reader is asked to have the kindness, to have received that which we have pointed out here and there – where it was appropriate - with regard to the Actions of connected Figures on Credit; and to bear the rest long enough, as is necessary, to fulfill the payment of our promise in an appropriate manner.

troeping · samenhooping · samenschikking

Conceptual field(s)