Voor eerst is er dan het Bergh-Groen (…) Engels-Groen (…) Sever-Groen komt met desen in allen over een. De Groene Aerde ofte Terreverd, wort inde Verlichterie om sijn onplaysant Coleur niet gebruyckt, soo dat wy achten niet noodigh te zijn yets meer vande Groenen te seggen, ghemerckt die d’een uyt d’ander, daer-en-boven uyt Blaeuw en Geel te samen gemenght, in ontelbare verschillige Coleuren konnen getempert en door Wit, of Geel na begeeren ge-aert werden.
[suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Of the green colours: their preparation, mixing and use, according to the different types. Different greens. Firstly there is bergh green […] verditor […] seder green is similar to these in all ways. Green Earth or Terraverde, is not used in the Illumination because of its unpleasant Colour, which is why we do not think it is necessary to say anything more about the Greens, seen that they are mixed the one from the other and moreover mixed together from Blue and Yellow in innumerable different Colours and adjusted with White or Yellow as desired.
For the translation of the names of the different types of green, I have used the translation from the English translation (1674). [MO]