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Waer uyt het dan blijckt dat den Konstenaer maer alleen duydelick ende uytdruckelick wercken kan, de welcke de dinghen die hy ter handt treckt als teghenwoordigh aenschouwt. 't Welck meest van allen in de herts-tochten of te in de inwendighe beweginghen onses ghemoedts plaetse heeft;
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Which then makes it evident that the Artist can only clearly and expressively work out those things which he traces by hand when he beholds them presently. Which most of all takes place in the passions or the inner movements of our mind;
term translated by EFFICAX
JUNIUS, Franciscus, De pictura veterum libri tres, Amsterdam, Joannes Blaeu, 1637., p.36
term translated by POWERFUL
JUNIUS, Franciscus, The Painting of the Ancients, in Three Bookes : declaring by Historicall Observations and Examples, the Beginning, Progresse, and Consummation of that most Noble Art. And how those Ancient Artificers attained to their still so much admired Excellencie. Written first in latine by Franciscus Junius, F. F. And now by him englished, with some Additions and Alterations, trad. par JUNIUS, Franciscus, London, Richard Hodgkinsonne, 1638., p.62
Conceptual field(s)
nature, imitation et vrai