CHAP. XIX. Of Washing, and the Materials thereof.
I. By washing, here we intend nothing else, but either to set out Maps or Printed Pictures in proper Colours, or else to vernish them.
II. The Instruments and Materials of washing are chiefly six, to wit, 1. Alom-water, 2. Size, 3. Liquid Gold, 4. Pensils, 5. Colours, 6. Vernish. [...] VII. The colours are the same with those which we mentioned in Chap. 17. lib. 2. to which add, I. Of Black, Printers black, Franckford black, 2. Of Red, Vermilion, Rosset, 3. Of Blew, Verditure, Litmos, Flory, 4. Of Yellow, Cambogia, Yellow berries, Orpiment, 5. Brazil, Logwood (ground) and Turnsole, Cochenele, Madder.
CHAP. XX. Of Colours simple for Washing
I. Printers black, Vermilion, Rosset, Verditure, and Orpiment are to be ground, [...].
II. Brazil. [...].
III. Logwood. [...].
IV. Cochenele [...].
CHAP. XXI. Of Compouned Colours for Washing
I. Orange Colour. Red Lead and Yellow berries make a good Orange colour : or thus, take Arnotto half an ounce, Pot ashes one Drachm, water one pound, boil it half away, then strain it, and use it hot.
It is good for white leather, paper, vellom, quills, parchment, &c.
II. Green. [...].
CHAP. XXII. Of Mixing Colours and shadowing.
I. In mixing be careful not to make the colour too sad, nor take the pensils out of one colour and put them into another.
II. In mixing colours, stir them well about the water severally till they are well about the water severally till they are well mixed ; [...].
III. Green is shadowed with Indico and yellow berries.
IV. Blew is shadowed with Indico, Litmose and flory ; [...].
CHAP. XX. Of Colours for Landskips.
I. Green mixed with white, pink, bice, masticot, smalt, indico, or ceruse : or blew verditure mixt with a few yellow berries makes a good green for Landskips.
II. For the saddest hills use umber burnt ; for the lightest places, put yellow to the burnt umber : [...].