FRAME (n.)
CHAP. I. Of Painting in Oyl, & the Materials thereof.
I. Painting in Oyl is nothing but the work or Art of Limning performed with colours made up or mixed with oyl.
II. The materials of Painting are chiefly seven, 1. The Easel, 2. The Pallet, 3. The Straining frame, 4. The Primed cloath, 5. Pensils, 6. The Stay, 7. Colours. [...] V. The Streining frame is made of wood, to which with nails is fastned, the primed cloath, which is to be painted upon.
These ought to be of several sizes according to the bigness of the cloath.
Conceptual field(s)
A Straining-frame is nothing else but a frame made of wood, to which with nails you must fasten your Cloth that you are to paint upon ; of these Frames you should have of several sizes, according to the bigness of your Cloths.