EASEL (n.)
Of Painting,
The principall end and subject of this Art, is to set out things both in proportion of parts, and livelinesse of colour.
For the former, the proportion of parts, I have given sufficient information for the meanest capacitie in the precedent part of this tractat : now therefore I will speake of the other, the colouring or setting out in colours. But first provide a frame or Easel called by Artists, which is very necessary to worke upon, especially in greater pieces of worke : the forme whereof followeth [ndr : présence d’un dessin de chevalet].
Conceptual field(s)
CHAP. I. Of Painting in Oyl, & the Materials thereof.
I. Painting in Oyl is nothing but the work or Art of Limning performed with colours made up or mixed with oyl.
II. The materials of Painting are chiefly seven, 1. The Easel, 2. The Pallet, 3. The Straining frame, 4. The Primed cloath, 5. Pensils, 6. The Stay, 7. Colours.
III. The Easel is a frame made of wood (much like a ladder) with sides flat, and full of holes, to put in two pins to set your work upon higher or lower at pleasure ; something broader at bottom than at the top ; on the backside whereof is a stay, by which you may set the Easel more upright or floping.
Conceptual field(s)
I Might here describe the form and fashion of your Easell and Pallat, but I think, I need not ; for he that ever saw a Painter at work must needs see these two Instruments ; but what they are, I shall here describe.
An Easell is a frame made of wood, not much unlike a Ladder, only the sides are flat, and full of holes on either side, to put in two pins to set your Work upon higher or lower at pleasure ; it is broader at the bottom than at the top, and on the back-side there is a Stay, by the help of which you may set in the middle of any room, more upright or sloping at pleasure ; […].
Conceptual field(s)
Chap XXVII, The Instruments and Materials us’d in Painting and the preparing Colours to the Pallat.
[...]. [...] Your Easel must be of a convenient Sise according to your work ; [...].