1 sources
1 quotations


Doch hier moeten wy eerst een onderscheyd maecken tussen de Dispositie die uyt d’Inventie plaght te vloeyen, en d’andere Dispositie die ’t werck is van een nauluysterende Proportie. Dese eerste Dispositie ofte Ordinantie, die haeren oorsprongh uyt d’Inventie selver treckt, en is anders niet dan een levendighe afbeeldinghe van de naturelicke orden diemen in ’t vervolgh der voorvallender Inventie plaght te speuren: Oversulcks behoeftmen hier niet te verwachten, dat dese Ordinantie yet nieus soude voord-brenghen; want haer anders niet te doen staet, dan datse ’t gunt alreede ghevonden is soo bequaemelick aen een soecke te hechten, dat het d’eenvoudigheyd der naturelicker gheschiedenisse door een effene ende eenpaerighe vloeyenheyd nae ’t leven uytdrucke. Ghelijck dit een gheweldigh punt is, soo vereyst het een sonderlinghe sorgvuldigheyd: Want indien het d’oude Meesters moghelick hadde gheweest een sekere Ordinantie te beraemen die tot allerley voorvallende ghelegenheden toeghepast konde worden, veele souden seer uytnemende in ’t by eenvoeghen haerer figuren gheweest sijn,…

[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] Yet here we should first make the distinction between the Disposition that tends to spring forth from the Invention, and the other Disposition that is the work of a careful Proportion. This first Disposition or Ordinance, which has its origin in the Invention itself, is nothing else but a lively depiction of the natural order that one tends to recognize in the sequence of the occurring Invention: As such one should not expect here, that this Ordinance would bring forth something new; because it has nothing else to do, than that it attempts to competently bring together that which has already been found, that it expresses the simplicity of the natural history after life by means of an even and singular fluency. As this is a great point, as such it demands an extraordinary carefulness: Because if it had been possible for the old Masters to come up with a certain Ordinance that could be applied to all sorts of occurring situations, many would have been very excellent in grouping their figures,…

Junius distinguishes between two types of composition, although he calls them both disposition (dispositie) and ordinance (ordonnantie) interchangeably. The first type is connected to the artistic invention (inventie) and basically expresses that which is already seen in nature. It requires that the artist works with care (zorgvuldigheid) after life (naar het leven). The other type, on which Junius does not elaborate here, is related to proportion (proportie), thus suggesting the necessity of the artist’s knowledge of proportion. This paragraph is very different in the Latin edition, the explanation of the distinction between the different terms does not occur in the Latin edition and only partially in the English edition. The part after 'Oversulcks behoeft men...' is not included in the English edition. [MO]

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