CHAP. I. Of Painting in Oyl, & the Materials thereof.
I. Painting in Oyl is nothing but the work or Art of Limning performed with colours made up or mixed with oyl.
II. The materials of Painting are chiefly seven, 1. The Easel, 2. The Pallet, 3. The Straining frame, 4. The Primed cloath, 5. Pensils, 6. The Stay, 7. Colours. [...] VIII. The Stay or Mol-stick, is a Brazil stick (or the like) of a yard-long ; having at the one end thereof, a little ball of Cotton, fixed hard in a piece of leather, of the bigness of a chestnut ; which when you are at work you must hold in your left hand ; and laying the end which hath the leather ball upon the cloath or frame, you may rest your right arm upon it, whilst you are at work.
Conceptual field(s)
Your Stay or Mol-Stick is nothing else but a stick of Brazeel or such like wood that will not easily bend, about a yard in length, at one end whereof tie a little ball of Cotton hard in a piece of Leather about the bigness of a Chesnut ; this stick when you are at work, you must hold also in your left hand, and laying the end which hath the leather ball, upon your cloth or frame, you may rest your right arm upon it all the while you are at work.
Conceptual field(s)
Chap XXVII, The Instruments and Materials us’d in Painting and the preparing Colours to the Pallat.
[...]. [...] Your Mostick is best of a Bamboo, or some other stick that is light and yielding to the Hand, [...].