FORTUIN (n. n.)
De bysondere fortuyne der Konstenaeren dient eyndelick tot besluyt van het ghene wy tot noch toe geseyt hebben; aengesien de vaerdighe toegheneyghtheyd onser Konst-lievende nature, de sorghvuldigheyt van goede Ouders en trouwe Meesters, de vreese van strenghe wetten, des naeryverslust, de eenvoudigheyt en soetigheyd deser Konsten, als oock alle d’andere voorgaende middelen sonder de bysondere fruyne der Konstenaeren seer weynich vermoghen. Dient ondertusschen aenghemerckt, dat wy alhier niet en spreken van dat blindt gheval ’t welck den Hond van Protogenes en ’t Paerd van Nealces door ’t behulp van een onverduldighe korselheyd volmaeckt heeft; maer van die fortuyne, de welcke den Konstenaer als haer eenigh dierbaer troetel-kind gunstighlick omhelst en by der hand neemt, om hem in de kennisse van groote Koninghen en maghtighe Princen te brenghen. (…) Alhoewel het dan blijckelick is dat de bysondere Fortuyne der Konstenaeren een sonderlingher ghewight heeft, nochtans moghen wy niet dencken dat de gantsche Fame der Konstenaeren maer alleen aen de Fortuyne hangt; want het immers vereyscht wordt dat sich den Konstenaer door ’t eene of ’t andere werck soude bekent maecken, eer hy de goede gunste van d’allergheringhste Liefhebbers kan verwerven.
[Suggested translation, Marije Osnabrugge:] The special fortune of Artists then serves as a conclusion of that which we have said until now; as the able inclination of our Art-loving nature, the carefulness of good Parents and loyal Masters, the fear of strict laws, the desire to emulate, the simplicity and sweetness of these Arts, just like the other aforementioned means are capable of very little without the special fortune of Artists. In the meantime we should mention, that we do not speak here of that blind case in which the Dog of Protogenes and the Horse of Nealces have been completed by means of an impatient moodiness; but of that fortune, which embraces the Artist as her only precious darling and takes him by the hand, to introduce him to great Kings and powerful Princes. (…) Although it is then clear that the special Fortune of Artist has a remarkable weight, yet we should not think that the entire fame of Artists only depends on Fortune; because it is necessary that an artist makes himself known by means of one or another work, before they can obtain the good favor of the most humble Amateurs.
Junius discusses the different factors for an artist to be successful. After repeating the factors which he has already mentioned in other parts of the text (upbringing, education, talent, following the principles, competition and the nature of art), he introduces the factor ‘fortuin’ (fortune). This fortune, which could perhaps be translated as ‘luck’, gives the artist just a little bit of extra chance to make it. However, Junius makes haste to add that ‘fortuin’ alone is not enough to obtain the favor of patrons. [MO]