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{Pirrichus.} PIRRICHUS was one that busied himself about little Things, and all mean and inferior Subjects, as of Herbs, Flowers, Beasts, Insects, Tradesmens Shops, and other such like, as have no Gust of any noble Idea, for which he was Surnam’d Rhyparographus.
{Serapion.} SERAPION, on the other hand, was for Picture of a Colosean Stature, such as their Shops and Stalls, were not big enough to contain ; his Excellencies were seen in Painting mighty Tents, Stages, Theaters and Pageants, but for a Face, or the Figure of a Man, or Woman, he durst never attempt to make an Essay. {Dionysius.} On the other side Dionysius was good for nothing else, and therefore was commonly call’d Anthropographus.
{Pirrichus.} PIRRICHUS was one that busied himself about little Things, and all mean and inferior Subjects, as of Herbs, Flowers, Beasts, Insects, Tradesmens Shops, and other such like, as have no Gust of any noble Idea, for which he was Surnam’d Rhyparographus.
{Serapion.} SERAPION, on the other hand, was for Picture of a Colosean Stature, such as their Shops and Stalls, were not big enough to contain ; his Excellencies were seen in Painting mighty Tents, Stages, Theaters and Pageants, but for a Face, or the Figure of a Man, or Woman, he durst never attempt to make an Essay. {Dionysius.} On the other side Dionysius was good for nothing else, and therefore was commonly call’d Anthropographus.
Pyreicus (as Volaterane saith) was onely famous for counterfeiting all base things as earthen pitchers, a scullery, Rogues together by the eares, swine tumbling in the mire, &c. whereupon he was sirnamed Rupographus. {That is Painter of base things.}
{Pirrichus.} PIRRICHUS was one that busied himself about little Things, and all mean and inferior Subjects, as of Herbs, Flowers, Beasts, Insects, Tradesmens Shops, and other such like, as have no Gust of any noble Idea, for which he was Surnam’d Rhyparographus.
{Serapion.} SERAPION, on the other hand, was for Picture of a Colosean Stature, such as their Shops and Stalls, were not big enough to contain ; his Excellencies were seen in Painting mighty Tents, Stages, Theaters and Pageants, but for a Face, or the Figure of a Man, or Woman, he durst never attempt to make an Essay. {Dionysius.} On the other side Dionysius was good for nothing else, and therefore was commonly call’d Anthropographus.