Chap. VI, Of Garments of several colours, and of their proper Colouring.
The next thing I shall speak of, shall be of Drapery or Garments, and the true and proper manner of Colouring of them.
1. For a Red Garment.
For a light-red Garment, first dead-colour it with Vermilion, and when you would finish it, glaze it over with Lake, and heighten it with White.
For a Scarlet.
For a Crimson Velvet.
For a sad Red.
2. For Green Garments.
The best Green for holding, is Bise and Pink, heighten it with Masticote, and deepen it with Indico and Pink.
For Green Velvet.
3. For Blew Garments.
Take Indico and White, first lay the White in its due places, and then your mean colour, namely Indico and White mixed in their due places, then deepen it with Indico only, […].
4. For Yellow Garments.
For a Yellow Garment, Masticote, yellow Oker, and Umber ; lay the dead colour of Masticote and White in the lightest places, Oker and White in the mean places, and Umber in the darkest places ; when it is dry glaze it with Pink. […].
5. For Black Garments.
Let the dead colour be Lamp-black, and some Verdigrease ; when that is dry, go over it with Ivory-black and Verdigrease ; before you go over it the second time, heighten it with White.
6. For Purple Garments.
Oyl Smalt, tempered with Lake and White-Lead, heighten it with White Lead.
7. Orange Colour.
Red-Lead and Lake, lay the lightest parts of all with Red-Lead and White, the mean parts with Red-Lead alone, the deeper parts with Lake, if need require heighten it with White.
8. Hair Colour.
Umber and White for the ground, Umber and Black for the deeper shadows, Umber and English Oker for mean shadows, for heightning White with a little English Oker.
Conceptual field(s)
11. How to make an Orange-colour.
Red-Lead is the nearest to an Orange, put a few Yellow-berries into it, makes a good Orange.